UA 0013 - Bowling Green State University, Firelands College records
MLA Citation
“UA 0013 - Bowling Green State University, Firelands College records.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 21 June 2019, Accessed 9 Dec. 2024.
Title | UA 0013 - Bowling Green State University, Firelands College records |
Introduction | Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. No restrictions exist on the use of this collection. As described in the Visiting Researcher Application Form, researchers using this collection assume full responsibility for conforming to the laws of libel, privacy, and copyright. |
Scope and Content | This collection is only partially processed and was received in several additions. It is subject to further review, reappraisal and weeding. The box and folder inventory below is only preliminary. |
Inventory | Box 1: 1. Medical Record Technology Program Self-Study 1982 2. Medical Records Technology Program Accreditation Site Visit 1983 3. NCA Accreditation Report 1980 4. NCA Accreditation Report 1982 5. NCA Basic Institutional Data 1982 6. NCA Accreditation Report: Natural & Social Sciences 1982 7. NCA Accreditation Report: Faculty/Administrative Resumes 1982 8. NCA Accreditation Report: Administration 1982 9. NCA Accreditation Report: Applied Sciences 1982 10. NCA Accreditation Report: Humanities 1982 11. NCA Accreditation Report: Attachment Informational Brochures 1982 12. Five-Year Review of Technical Degree Programs 1983 13. Firelands Mission Task Force Report 1983 14. Governance Document 1976 15. College Council Minutes 1982-1983 16. Faculty Minutes 1979-1983 17. Firelands College Board By-Laws 1979 18. Firelands College Board Executive Committee Minutes 1981-1983 19. OBOR Operating Manual for Two Year Campus Programs 1979-1983 20. Classes and Class Size Information 1980-1983 21. Student Credit Hours Generated 1981-1983 22. Academic Affairs Committee 1981-1984 23. Articulation (High School to College) Correspondence 1980-1985 24. Chair Elections: Applied Sciences Department 1976-1983 25. Chair Elections: Humanities Department 1976-1984 26. Chair Elections: Natural and Social Sciences Department 1976-1984 27. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 28. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 29. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 30. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 Box 2: 1. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 2. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 3. Semester Conversion Materials 1981-1982 4. MBA Program 1977-1980 5. MBA Program 1981-1986 6. MBA Program Staffing & Cost 1979 7. Review of 300/400 level courses 1982-1983 8. Review of 300/400 level courses: Humanities 1982-1983 9. Review of 300/400 level courses: Applied Sciences 1982-1983 10. Review of 300/400 level courses: Natural & Social 1982-1983 Sciences 11. Upper Level Courses at Firelands 1972-1975 12. Upper Level Courses at Firelands 1976-1983 13. Review of 300/400 Level Courses at Firelands 1983 14. Review of 300/400 Level Courses at Firelands 1983 15. Applied Sciences – Minutes 1976-1977 16. Applied Sciences – Memos 1976-1977 17. Applied Sciences – PTRC 1976-1977 18. Applied Sciences – Minutes, Memos, PTRC 1977-1978 19. Applied Sciences – Minutes 1978-1981 20. Applied Sciences – Memos 1978-1980 21. Applied Sciences – PTRC 1980 22. Applied Sciences – Memos 1981-1982 23. Applied Sciences – Minutes, Other Committees 1981-1982 24. Applied Sciences – Minutes 1981-1982 Box 3: Vocational/Technical Education Funding Correspondence Program Reviews Correspondence, Misc. 1971-1988 Course Outlines and Program Description Operating Manual – Two-Year Colleges Five-Year Planner Technical Education Standards VE-21, 22, 23, 23S, 26 Reporting Forms OBOR Review of Technical Education 1977 State Department of Education Five-Year Review 1981 New Program Proposals 1967 Technical Education Survey 1969 Technical Education OBOR Master Plan Technical Education Steering Committees Technical Education Placement Reports Box 4: Fund Raising COED 1968-1982 Founding Fellows 1978-1986 75th Anniversary 1985 Instructional TV Correspondence 1983-1985 Instructional TV Donors 1982-1986 Industry Training Assistance Programs 1977-1986 Chrysler Ford General Electric Lotus 1-2-3 GMC-New Departure SPC Training Water and Wastewater Management Word Processing Box 5: Job Training partnership Act Files 1983-1986 Opera – Friends of Music Activities 1978-1985 Opera Activities 1976-1985 Box 6: American Medical Records Association Accreditation 1979 NCA Accreditation Material 1982 Medical Record Technician Program Self-Study March 1978 Health Information Technology Survey Progress Report 1986 Medical Records Technician Accreditation 1977 Medical Records Technician Accreditation 1982 Box 7: Applied Sciences Department 1982-1983 Applied Sciences Department 1983-1984 Faculty Committee Minutes 1969-1980 Box 8: Faculty Committee Minutes 1976-1984 Humanities Department 1976-1984 Natural and Social Sciences Department 1976-1982 Box 9: Academic Advising 1977-1978 Advising Committee 1986 Applied Sciences Department - Historical Info 1976-1984 Applied Sciences Department – Minutes 1984-1987 Awards 1977-1978 Budget Committee 1984-1987 Computer Committee 1981-1987 College Council Minutes 1983-1984 College Council Minutes 1984-1985 College Council Minutes 1985-1986 College Council Minutes 1986-1987 Department Chair Meetings 1987-1988 Enterprise Ohio Meeting 1988 Faculty Minutes 1984-1987 Firelands Campus Board Meetings 1977-1978 Humanities Department - Historical Info 1976-1985 Humanities Department – Minutes 1984-1985 Humanities Department – Minutes 1985-1986 Humanities Department – Minutes 1986-1987 Natural and Social Sciences Department – Minutes 1982-1984 Natural and Social Sciences Department – Minutes 1984-1987 Minority Faculty/Staff Recruitment/Retention 1987-1988 Strategic Planning Committee Minutes 1983-1986 “Administrative Problems Encountered in Planning and n.d. Implementing Technical Education Programs at the Firelands Branch,” by Darlene Newman “BGSU: A Study of Semi-Professional and Technical 1966 Education for the Sandusky Branch Campus,” by George Bowers Branch Campus Promotional Speeches 1961-1962 Fact Book 1982 Goals 1970-1983 Mission Statement 1976-1979 Policies and Procedures 1976-1979 Programming Reports (Student Activities) 1977-1978 Research and Development Committee 1985-1986 Research and Development Committee 1987-1988 Research and Development Committee 1988-1989 Research and Development Committee 1989-1990 Student Activities Advisory Committee – Memos 1977-1978 Student Activities Budgets 1976-1977 Student Advisory Board 1971-1974 Student Development Program 1971-1973 5/92 Addition - Box 1: Employment/Salary Info: Full/PT Faculty 1974-1978 Employment/Salary Info summer 1976, AY76-77 Faculty Salary Data 1977-1978 Employment/Salary Info summer 78, AY78-79 Employment/Salary Info summer 79, AY79-80 Employment/Salary Info summer 80, AY80-81 Employment/Salary Info summer 81, AY81-82 Employment/Salary Info summer 82, AY82-83 Employment/Salary Info summer 83, AY83-84 Employment/Salary Info summer 84, AY84-85 Employment/Salary Info 1988-1989 E-HOVE Joint Vocational School 1966-1980 1993 Addition - Box 1 AMRA Accreditation 1989-1991 NCA Accreditation 1980-1984 NCA Accreditation 1985-1991 Respiratory Care 1986-1991 Discretionary Entertainment Budget 1984-1992 Arboretum Correspondence 1984-1985 McBride Arboretum 1986-1991 Television, Instructional – Contracts 1986-1987 Television, Instructional – Permits 1981-1984 1993 Addition - Box 2: Grants: Academic Challenge 1990-1991 Grants: Academic Challenge 1989-1990 Grants: EDWA 1989-1991 Ohio Network for Information Exchange 1987-1989 OBOR – Firelands Curriculum Changes 1983-1985 Applied Sciences Chair Election 1985-1987 Humanities Chair Election 1988 Natural & Social Sciences Chair Election 1986-1991 Governance Document 1981-1987 Governance Document 1976-1980 Governance Document 1975 Mission Task Force 1974-1989 1993 Addition - Box 3: Role and Mission 1983-1987 Applied Sciences 1976-1983 Natural & Social Sciences Promotion & Tenure 1976-1986 Promotion and Tenure 1970-1976 Promotion and Tenure 1977-1985 Promotion and Tenure 1986-1989 Research & Development Committee 1984 Research & Development Committee 1987 Research & Development Committee 1990-1991 Schedule of Classes 1988-1991 1993 Addition - Box 4: Scholarship Awards 1972-1985 Co-op Agreements: Firelands and AIB 1980-1985 Co-op Agreements: Firelands and Elyria Memorial Hospital 1986 Co-op Agreements: Fine Arts Chamber Orchestra 1986-1989 Grants: Academic Challenge 1985-1986 Productivity Improvement Challenge Grant 1988 Productivity Improvement Challenge Grant 1987 Productivity Improvement Challenge Grant 1985-1986 Enterprise Ohio 1987 Enterprise Ohio 1986 Enterprise Ohio 1984-1985 Industry Training Assistance Misc 1987-1990 JPTA/PIC Council 1987-1990 OBOR Inventory of Approved Programs 1979-1987 OBOR Off-Campus Programs 1980-1987 Minority Faculty/Staff hiring Statistics 1988-1990 9/1993 Addition - Box 1: Natural and Social Sciences Department Miscellaneous 1984-1985 Correspondence 1984-1985 Evaluation -- Merit -- Recommendations 1984-1985 Memorandums 1984-1985 Minutes 1984-1985 Correspondence 1985-1986 Evaluation -- Merit -- Recommendations 1985-1986 Memorandums 1985-1986 Merit Committee 1985-1986 Minutes 1985-1986 Miscellaneous 1986-1987 Correspondence 1986-1987 Evaluations 1986-1987 Memorandums 1986-1987 Merit Committee 1986-1987 Minutes 1986-1987 Evaluation -- Merit -- Recommendations 1987-1988 Memorandums 1987-1988 Merit Committee 1987-1988 Minutes 1987-1988 Firelands -- Humanities Department Correspondence 1984-1985 Evaluations -- Merit --Recommendations 1984-1985 Memorandums 1984-1985 Merit Committee 1984-1985 Minutes 1984-1985 Miscellaneous 1985-1986 Correspondence 1985-1986 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1985-1986 Memorandums 1985-1986 Merit Committee 1985-1986 Minutes 1985-1986 Miscellaneous 1986-1987 Correspondence 1986-1987 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1986-1987 Memorandums 1986-1987 Merit Committee 1986-1987 Minutes 1986-1987 Correspondence 1987-1988 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1987-1988 Memorandums 1987-1988 Merit Committee 1987-1988 Minutes 1987-1988 Firelands -- Applied Science Department Business Management Technology 1984-1985 Computer Science Advisory Board 1984-1985 General Engineering Technologies Advisory Board 1983-1985 Occupational Health and Safety Analysis Advisory Board 1985 Public Health Advisory Board 1984-1985 Respiratory Therapy Advisory Board 1984-1985 Secretarial Administrative Board 1984-1985 Water and Wastewater Treatment Advisory Board 1984-1985 Computing Council (Subgroup) 1985 Correspondence 1984 Department Minutes 1984-1985 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1984-1985 Merit Committee 1984 Proposals (Courses and Instructors) 1984-1985 Search Screening Committee 1984-1985 Application for Technical Study 1985-1986 Business Management Technology Advisory Board 1985-1986 Computer Science Advisory Board 1985 General Technology Advisory Board 1986 Medical Records Advisory Board 1985-1986 Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board 1985 Public Health Advisory Board 1985 Respiratory Therapy Advisory Board 1985 Water and Wastewater Treatment Advisory Board 1985 Correspondence 1985-1986 Department Minutes 1985-1987 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1985-1986 Merit Committee 1985-1986 Proposals (Courses and Instructors) 1985 Search and Screening Committee 1987 Miscellaneous 1985-1986 9/1993 Addition - Box 2: Applied Sciences Department (Continued from Box 1) Miscellaneous 1986-1987 Business Management Technology 1986-1987 CIM Development Consortium Committee 1986-1987 Computer Science Advisory Board 1986-1987 General Engineering Technology 1986-1987 Respiratory Therapy Advisory Board 1986-1987 Business Subgroup 1986-1987 Correspondence 1986-1987 Department Minutes 1986-1987 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1986-1987 Merit Committee 1986-1987 Search and Screening Committee 1986-1987 General Engineering Technology Advisory Board 1987-1988 Respiratory Therapy Advisory Board 1987-1988 Correspondence 1987-1988 Department Minutes 1987-1988 Evaluations -- Merit -- Recommendations 1987-1988 Faculty Committees of Firelands Academic Affairs Committee 1984-1985 Budget Committee 1984-1985 College Council Minutes and Memorandums 1984-1985 C-PTRC Committee 1984-1985 Elections 1984-1985 Faculty Minutes and Memorandums 1984-1985 Faculty Senate Executive Committee 1984-1985 Dean Search Committee 1984-1985 Social Committee 1984-1985 Tenured Faculty Committee 1984-1985 Welfare Committee 1984-1985 Miscellaneous Committee 1984-1985 Academic Affairs Committee 1985-1986 Advisory Committee 1985-1986 Budget Committee 1985-1986 College Council Minutes/Memos 1985-1986 C-PTRC Committee 1985-1986 Elections Committee 1985-1986 Faculty Minutes and Memorandums 1985-1986 Faculty Senate Executive Committee 1985-1986 Goals and Priorities Task Force 1985-1986 I.T.F.S. Committee 1985-1986 Social Committee 1985-1986 Tenured Faculty Committee 1985-1986 Welfare Committee 1985-1986 Miscellaneous Committee 1985-1986 Academic Affairs Committee 1986-1987 Advising Committee 1986-1987 Budget Committee 1986-1987 College Council Minutes/Memos 1986-1987 Computer Council Committee 1986-1987 C-PTRC Committee 1986-1987 Elections Committee 1986-1987 Faculty Development Committee 1986-1987 Faculty Display Case Committee 1986-1987 Faculty minutes/memorandum 1986-1987 Social Committee 1986-1987 Tenured Faculty Committee 1986-1987 University Business Symposium Committee 1986-1987 Welfare Committee 1986-1987 Committees-miscellaneous 1986-1987 Academic Affairs Committee 1987-1988 Advising Committee 1987-1988 Budget Committee 1987-1988 College Council minutes/memos 1987-1988 Computer Council Committee 1987-1988 C-PTRC Committee 1987-1988 Elections Committee 1987-1988 Faculty Minutes/memorandum 1987-1988 Faculty Senate Executive Committee 1987-1988 Instructional Television Committee 1987-1988 Liaison Committee 1987-1988 Lake Erie Institute 1987-1988 Lecture Series 1987-1988 Minority Committee 1987-1988 Dean, Search Committee 1987-1988 Social Committee 1987-1988 Social Science Club 1987-1988 Speed Grant Committee 1987-1988 University Business Symposium Committee 1987-1988 Committees - misc 1987-1988 1995 Addition - Box 1: Syllabi 1980’s Accounting AMS A & S Art Astronomy Business BAT Biology Business Education CAO CDIS CEO Chemistry Computer Science CST DESN Economics EDCI English 1995 Addition - Box 2: English ENVT ET FIN French Geography Geology Gero HED History Home Economics HM MANG Humanities Industrial Education & Technology INFO Interpersonal Communication Journalism LEGS Math 1995 Addition - Box 3: Management Manufacturing MIS Marketing Medical Records Technology MUCH Music Education PEG Philosophy Physics Political Science Popular Culture Psychology RT Sociology 1995 Addition - Box 4: SOSC Social Work Spanish Speech Statistics TDJ & F Technology Theater UD VCT 1997 Addition - Box 1: 1. Humanities Department – Minutes 1988-1989 2. Humanities Department – Minutes 1989-1990 3. Humanities Department – Minutes 1990-1992 4. Natural & Social Sciences 1988-1990 5. Natural & Social Sciences 1990-1991 6. Applied Sciences 1990-1991 7. Applied Sciences 1988-1989 8. Applied Sciences 1989-1990 9. Academic Affairs Committee 1988-1991 10. Budget Committee 1988-1991 11. College Council 1988-1991 12. Faculty Meetings 1988-1991 13. SAO Meetings 1988-1991 14. Misc. Committees 1988-1991 2000 Addition - Box 1: 1. Humanities Department 1993-1995 2. Natural and Social Sciences Department 1993-1995 3. Applied Sciences Department 1993-1995 4. Academic Affairs Committee 1993-1995 5. Budget Committee 1993-1995 6. Classified Staff Council 1993-1995 7. College Council 1993-1995 8. Faculty meetings 1993-1995 9. Computer Services Committee 1994-1995 10. SAO 1993-1995 2005 Addition - Box 1: 1. Applied Sciences Department 1995-1996 2. Humanities Department 1995-1996 3. Natural & Social Sciences Department 1995-1996 4. Academic Affairs Committee 1995-1996 5. Budget Committee 1995-1996 6. Classified Staff Meetings 1995-1996 7. College Council 1995-1996 8. Computer Committee/Information Technology Committee 1995-1996 9. Election Committee 1995-1996 10. Faculty Committee 1995-1996 11. Institutional Effectiveness Council 1995-1996 12. Applied Sciences Department 1996-1997 13. Humanities Department 1996-1997 14. Natural & Social Sciences Department 1996-1997 15. Academic Affairs Committee 1996-1997 16. ARUCO Conference 1997 17. Budget Committee 1996-1997 18. Business Club/Symposium 1996-1997 19. College Council 1996-1997 20. College Teaching Committee 1996-1997 21. Distinguished Teacher Award Committee 1996-1997 22. Faculty Meetings 1996-1997 23. Information Technology Committee 1996-1997 24. Library Advisory Committee 1996-1997 25. Misc. 1996-1997 26. Safety/Security Committee 1996-1997 27. Social Committee 1996-1997 28. Welfare Committee 1996-1997 29. Applied Sciences Department 1997-1998 30. Humanities Department 1997-1998 31. Natural & Social Sciences Department 1997-1998 32. Academic Affairs Committee 1997-1998 33. Budget Committee 1997-1998 34. College Council 1997-1998 35. Election Committee 1997-1998 36. Faculty Minutes 1997-1998 37. Faculty Chair Correspondence 1997-1998 38. Faculty Senate 1997-1998 39. Information Technology Committee 1997-1998 40. Library Advisory Committee 1997-1998 41. Misc. 1997-1998 42. Search Committee: Director of Teaching & Learning Tech 1997-1998 43. Applied Sciences Department 1998-1999 44. Humanities Department 1998-1999 45. Natural & Social Sciences 1998-1999 46. Academic Affairs Committee 1998-1999 47. Budget Committee 1998-1999 48. College Council 1998-1999 49. Dean Search 1998-1999 50. Election Committee 1998-1999 51. Faculty meetings 1998-1999 52. Faculty Senate 1998-1999 53. Library Advisory Committee 1998-1999 54. Misc. 1998-1999 2006 Addition - Box 1: 1. Humanities Department 1999-2000 2. Humanities Department – Minutes 1999-2000 3. Applied Sciences – Correspondence 1999-2000 4. Applied Sciences – Minutes 1999-2000 5. Respiratory Care Advisory Committee 1999-2000 6. University Business Symposium 1999-2000 7. Natural & Social Sciences – Correspondence 1999-2000 8. Natural & Social Sciences – Minutes 1999-2000 9. Faculty Minutes 1999-2000 10. Faculty Chair Correspondence 1999-2000 11. Enrollment Management Team 1999-2000 12. Elections Committee 1999-2000 13. Distinguished Teacher 1999-2000 14. Promotion, Tenure & Review Committee 1999-2000 15. College Council 1999-2000 16. Budget Committee 1999-2000 17. Chair Meeting Agendas 1999-2000 18. Academic Affairs Committee 1999-2000 19. Allied Health Club 1999-2000 20. Information Technology Committee 1999-2000 21. Social Committee 1999-2000 22. Misc. Committees 1999-2000 23. Humanities Department – Correspondence 2000-2001 24. Humanities Department – Merit Committee 2000-2001 25. Humanities Department – Minutes 2000-2001 26. Applied Sciences Department – Correspondence 2000-2001 27. Applied Sciences Department – Minutes 2000-2001 28. Health Information Technology Board 2000-2001 29. Respiratory Care Advisory Committee 2000-2001 30. Business Management Technology 2000-2001 31. Natural & Social Sciences – Correspondence 2000-2001 32. Natural & Social Sciences – Minutes 2000-2001 33. Academic Affairs Committee 2000-2001 34. Budget Committee 2000-2001 35. College Council 2000-2001 36. Elections Committee 2000-2001 37. Faculty Minutes 2000-2001 38. Information Technology Committee 2000-2001 39. Promotion, Tenure & Review Committee 2000-2001 40. Chair Meeting Correspondence 2000-2001 41. University Business Symposium 2000-2001 42. Misc. 2000-2001 43. Humanities Department 2001-2002 44. Natural & Social Sciences Department 2001-2002 45. Natural & Social Sciences Department – Minutes 2001-2002 46. Applied Sciences Department – Minutes 2001-2002 47. Respiratory Care Advisory Committee 2001-2002 48. Applied Sciences Department – Correspondence 2001-2002 49. Business Management Technology 2001-2002 50. Academic Affairs Committee – Minutes 2001-2002 51. Administrator Director Minutes 2000-2001 52. Associate Dean Correspondence 2000-2001 53. Budget Committee Minutes 2000-2001 54. Capital Improvement Committee 2000-2001 55. College Council Minutes 2000-2001 56. Promotion, Tenure & Review Committee 2000-2001 57. Elections Committee 2000-2001 58. Faculty and College Council 2000-2001 59. Information Technology Committee 2000-2001 60. SAO Minutes 2000-2001 61. Misc. 2000 |