UA 0007 - Bowling Green State University, Vice President for Student Affairs records
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“UA 0007 - Bowling Green State University, Vice President for Student Affairs records.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 21 June 2019, Accessed 20 Sep. 2024.
Title | UA 0007 - Bowling Green State University, Vice President for Student Affairs records |
Introduction | Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. No restrictions exist on the use of this collection. As described in the Visiting Researcher Application Form, researchers using this collection assume full responsibility for conforming to the laws of libel, privacy, and copyright. |
Scope and Content | This collection is only partially processed and was received in several additions. It is subject to further review, reappraisal and weeding. The box and folder inventory below is only preliminary. |
Inventory | Box 1 1. AAUP 1956-1967 2. Admissions Office 1962-1968 3. Admissions Policy, Advisory Council on 1965-1967 4. Buildings and Facilities 1965-1968 5. Code Revision Committee 1969-1970 6. College Student Personnel, M.A. Program in 1962-1966 7. College Student Personnel Program 1963-1967 8. Convocation Address-James Bond 10-5, 1967 9. Correspondence - Edward Ward 1970-1971 10. Correspondence - Otto Bauer 1970-1971 11. Correspondence - Ward to Bond 1968-1970 12. Correspondence - Vice President McFall 1963-1968 13. Counseling Center 1958 Box 2 1. Dean of Men KRA Report 1963-1966 2. Enrollment Statistics 1960-1965 3. Fraternities 1955-1965 4. Fraternities/Sororities 1958 5. Freedom of Expression/Campus Disturbances Committee 1968-1969 6. General Staff Minutes 1963 7. Graduate College 8. Housing - On-Campus 1962 9. Housing - On-Campus Jan-June 1963 10. Housing - On-Campus July-Dec 1963 11. Housing - On-Campus Jan-June 1964 12. Housing - On-Campus July-Dec 1964 Box 3 1. Housing - On-Campus Jan-June 1965 2. Housing - On-Campus July-Dec 1965 3. Housing - On-Campus Jan-June 1966 4. Interfraternity Council 1958-1959 5. Job Descriptions: Dean of Students 1965, 1967 6. Leadership Conference 1963 7. Long-Range Planning Committee 1964 8. Long-Range Planning Committee 1965-1968 9. Newsclippings 1963, 1967-1969 10. Orientation 1958 11. Orientation 1959-1963 12. Orientation 1963 13. Orientation 1965-1966 Box 4: 1. Panhellenic Council Report 1961-1963 2. Panhellenic Council Report 1969-1970 3. Panhellenic Council Report 1971-1972 4. Parking Committee 1964 5. Placement 1963-1966 6. Policy Issues 1958-1968 7. Pre-Registration 1962-1966 8. President's Office 1956, 1960 9. President's Office 1961-1963 10. President's Office 1964-1965 11. President's Office 1966-67 12. Provost 1961-1963 13. Provost 1964-1968 Box 5: 1. Psychiatrist 1965 2. Psychiatrist Clinic 1963 3. Recreational Facilities in Men’s Residential Areas 1961-1963 4. Religious Activities Committee 1960-1967 5. Residence Hall Directors Meetings 1967 6. Residence Halls Building Improvements 1961-1966 7. Residence Services 1962-1965 8. Rogers Quadrangle 1963 9. R.O.T.C. Vitalization Act of 1964 1964 10. Sanitarian 1963-1968 11. Scholarships and Financial Aid 1958-1968 12. Sorority Scholarship Report 1955-1965 13. Student Activities Funds 1956 14. Student Conduct, Protest, Rights 1967 15. Student Court 1960-1962 16. Student Court 1963-1967 17. Student Court - Appeals 1962-1964 18. Student Court - Manual [1956] Box 6: 1. Student Court - Manual 1967 2. Student Discipline at State Universities by Ohio Attorney General William Saxbe 1967 3. Student Health Center - New Building 1963-1966 4. Student Health Services 1963-1965 5. Student Protest, Rights 1968 6. Student Rights, articles on 1968 7. Student Union 1962 8. A Study of the Attitudinal Gap Between Students and 1968 Administrators at BGSU by Ashley Brown, Alienation Seminar POLS 490 9. Summer (1962) Extended Session 1962-1966 10. Summer Sessions-Senate Committee to Study 1963-1964 11. Survey: Role of Faculty/Administrators in Total 1968 Development of Student at BGSU 12. University Code n.d. 13. University Code 1969 14. Values and Motives of Students 1963-1964 Box 7 1. American College Testing Program 1968-1969 2. ACT Program-Profiles 1968 3. ACT Program-Profiles 1969, 1970 4. ACT Program-Profiles (Firelands) 1970 5. Academic Advising 1969-1971 (sc.) 6. Academic Honesty Committee-Minutes/Files 1966-1968 7. Academic Honesty Committee-Minutes/Files 1969 8. Academic Honesty Committee-Minutes/Files 1970 9. Academic Honesty Committee 1971 10. Academic Honesty Committee 1972-1974 11. Academic Information Systems Committee-Minutes/Files 1970-1973 (sc.) 12. Academic Life-Report (Judgments of Importance of 1969-1970 Aspects of Academic Life at a Midwestern University) 13. Administration Building-Blueprint Revisions 1966 14. Admissions 1963-1970 15. Advisory Committee on Admissions-Minutes 1969-1970 16. Admissions Office Organization Chart 1968 17. Admissions office organization chart 1972 Box 8 1. Affirmative Action Status Reports 1972-1973 2. Alcoholic Beverage Policy 1968-1971 3. Alpha Phi Omega 1973-1974 4. Alumni Inter-Fraternity Council Constitution n.d. 5. Alumni Views-Alumni for Responsible Progress 1971 6. AAUP (BG Chapter) Report on Discriminatory Practices 1967-1969 7. ACLU-Statement on Corporation/Government Recruiters 1968 8. A Preliminary Survey of Interest: Research, Activities, 1967, 1968 and Programs Among Universities and Foundations Related to Behavioral Attitude Change and Moral and Ethical Development by James Bond, T. J. Jenson, Don Leventhal, William Reynolds 9. Anderson Center for Personal Development 1968-1970 10. Antioch Ecumenical Community Program 1969-1970 11. Personnel 1967-1969 12. Architect 1973-1974 (sc.) 13. Associate Dean of Students-Annual Report 1968-1969 14. Associate Dean of Students-Worklist/Correspondence 1969 15. Association of Student Employees-Request List 1967 16. Sailing Club 1967-1968 17. Athletics 1967-1972 18. Athletics Committee 1968 19. Athletics Committee 1969 20. Athletics Committee 1970 21. Athletics Committee 1971 22. Athletes Rules of Conduct 1969-1970 23. Athletics Grant-in-Aid 1969-1971 24. Auxiliary Services 1968-1971 25. Auxiliary Services-Student Affairs-Interface 1973, n.d. 26. BG News 1968-1971 27. Bauer, Otto F (Assistant VP) 1970-1971 Box 9: 1. Black Cultural Activities Board 1973 2. Black Student, Faculty, Staff Recruitment 1968-1971 3. Black Student Union-Admissions Visitation Program 1969 4. Blue Cross/Blue Shield-Correspondence/Reports 1970-1972 (sc.) 5. Board of Trustees 1969-1971 6. Bowling Green, City of 1969-1972 7. Budget Requests 1968-1970 8. Budgets-Ice Arena 1971-1972 9. Budgets-Kreischer Billiard 1971-1972 10. Budgets-Laundry 1971-1972 11. Sex, Drugs and Moral Responsibility 1971-1972 12. Budgets-Liberal Arts 100 1970-1971 13. Budgets-Mid-American Room 1971-1972 14. Budgets, Snack Bar 1971-1972 15. Budgets, residence counseling 1971-1972 16. Budgets-Rathskeller, Proposed 1971-1972 17. Budgets-Residence Programs and Counseling 1967-1972 18. Budgets-Snack Bar, Proposed 1971-1972 19. Campus Graphics Meeting 1971 20. Budgets-Student Services 1970 21. Buildings and Facilities-memos 1968-1971 (sc.) 22. Campus Freedoms and Disturbances-Policy 1968 23. Campus Planning-Dorm Room Study/Carpeting Estimate 1972 24. Campus Planning-Hayes Hall Rifle Range 1970 25. Campus Planning-McDonald Annex (Offenhauer) 1970 26. Campus Safety 1972-1974 27. Campus Safety-"Campus Security: An Emerging 1973 Specialization" (report) 28. Campus Unrest 1970 29. Canvassing Policies 1973-1975 (sc.) 30. Career Planning and Placement-Annual Report 1968-1969 31. Carillon Bells 1967-1968 32. Christmas Tree Lighting Remarks 1969 33. Cluster College Study/Proposal 1968-1971 34. Cluster College Housing in Prout Hall 1975 Box 10: 1. Civil Rights Act-1964 Compliance-Correspondence/Files 1968-1972 (sc.) 2. College of Business Administration 1968-1970 3. College of Education 1967-1968 4. College Student Personnel, Department of 1967-1971 5. College Student Personnel Conference Papers 1973 6. Commuter Center 1967-1972 7. Conference and Space Assignments 1967, 1971 8. Correspondence 1966-1967 9. Correspondence Jan-June 1968 10. Correspondence July-Dec 1968 11. Correspondence Jan-Apr 1969 12. Correspondence May-Sept 1969 Box 11: 1. Correspondence Oct 1969-Feb 1970 2. Correspondence March-June 1970 3. Correspondence July-Oct 1970 4. Correspondence Nov 1970-Nov 1971 5. Correspondence 1972-1974 6. Correspondence - Personnel 1967-1970 7. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements Sept 1967-June 1968 Box 12: 1. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements July-Oct 1968 2. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements Nov 1968-Feb 1969 3. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements March-Apr 1969 4. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements May-Sept 1969 5. Correspondence-Bond Speaking Engagements Oct 1969- May 1970 6. Correspondence-Ward Speaking Engagements 1969-1970 7. Counseling Center-Annual Report 1967-1973 8. Counseling Center 1967-June 1970 9. Counseling Center July 1970-June 1974 Box 13: 1. Cultural Activities (Events) Committee 1972-1974 2. Course Proposals: Sex Education, Human Sexuality, Drug Use 1970-1971 3. Day Care Committee 1972-1973, 1977 4. Day Care Committee Report 1972-1973 5. Day Care Committee Report 1972-1973 6. Dean of Men 1967-1968 7. Dean of Men-Organizational Chart 1967-1968 8. Dean of Students 1963, 1972-1974 9. Dean of Women-Organizational Chart 1967-1968 10. Development Office 1970-1974 11. Dining Halls 1972-1974 12. Disadvantaged Students, Special Services for 1970 13. Disaster Committee-Minutes/Reports/Memos 1966-1968 14. Discriminatory Practices Committee 1968-1969 15. Distinguished Service Awards 1976 16. Dress Standards 1967 17. 18, Age of Majority, Ramifications 1973 18. Emergency Spending Committee 1971 19. Enrollments 1968, 1973 Box 14: 1. Environment: Conservation, Davis-Besse Protests 1970 2. Environmental Teach-In 1969-1970 3. Faculty Senate 1970-1971 4. Falcon Mascot Program 1969-1972 5. Financial Aid-Grants and Scholarships 1968-1973 6. Financial Aid-Student Employment 1967-1968 7. Firelands Campus 1968-1974 8. Floodtide and Inkstone 1968-1969 9. Fraternities 1967-1969 10. Fraternities 1970-1974 11. Fraternity Officers-List 1968 12. Freedom of Expression, Committee on 1968 13. French House 1970-1971 14. Freshmen Orientation 1968-1970 15. Freshmen Perceptions of Bowling Green University June 1967 16. Graduate School 1968-1970 17. Graduate Student Senate 1970-1971 18. Grants-in-Aid 1967 19. Grants-in-Aid 1968 Box 15: 1. Grants-in-Aid 1969-1971, n.d. 2. Grant of Powers for Student Participation in University 1958 Government 3. Greek Housing 1973-1974 4. Greek Village Development Corporation 1968-1970 5. Green Sheet Survey 1972 6. Health Center: Gynecological Services 1972-1973 7. Codified Handbook of Policies and Regulations of BGSU 1966 8. Health Center: Income Recap 1971-1975 9. Health Center 1969-1972 10. Health Center 1972-1973 11. Health Service Advisory Committee 1968-1969 12. Health and Physical Education 1970-1971 13. Historical Research Center-Proposal to Create…for NW Ohio 1967 14. Honors, Awards, Scholarships 1971-1974 Box 16 1. Honors Program 1968-1970 2. Housing 1968-1972 3. Housing 1972-1974 4. Housing Appeals Board 1972-1973 5. Housing: Damage Reports 1967-1973 6. Housing-McDonald Addition Plans 1969 7. Housing, Position Paper on Proposed University 1968 8. Housing-Residential Center Specifications 1966-1967 9. Hueston Woods Conference: Mission of the University 1969-1970 10. Human Awareness Symposium 1974 11. Human Sexuality Colloquium and Symposium 1971 12. Identification Cards 1968-1971 13. Information Booth 1973 14. Information Intermix 1974 15. Inner City Business Project 1968 16. Institutional Studies and Planning 1968 17. Institutional Studies and Planning 1969-1970 Box 17: 1. Institutional Studies and Planning-Voluntary 1968 Terminations-a Study of Factors Accounting for Decision of Freshmen to Leave Bowling Green University 2. International Programs 1968-1970 3. International Programs 1971-1973 4. International Programs 1974 5. International Programs: Newsletter 1968-1973 6. International Programs: Orientation Schedule 1969-1973 7. International Student Directory 1969-1973 8. IUC 1970-1973 9. Intramural Sports Committee 1965-1970 10. Key Result Area Reports-Dean of Students 1965 11. Key Result Area Reports-Student Affairs 1966-1968 12. Key Result Area Reports-University 1967-1969 13. King, Martin Luther Scholarship 1968 14. Learn-In Experience-Proposal 1971 Box 18: 1. Legal Assistance: Student Housing Issues 1969-1971 2. Legal Assistance: Miscellaneous 1969-1971 3. Legal Matters 1968-1970 4. Management Improvement Programs: Personnel 1973 5. May 1970 Campus Events: Kent State/New University 1970 6. Meadville Theological School-Board of Trustees 1971 7. Mid-American Room 1968-1969 8. Minority Aid Program 1972-1973 9. Minority Student Enrollment 1967-1972 1973 10. Modular Achievement Program (MAP) 1972-1973 11. Mortar Board 1968-1969 12. Motor Vehicle Regulations 1967-1972 13. Narcotics-Drumright and Nye 1969 14. NASPA 1970-1972 15. NCAA Regulations Committee 1969 16. National Student Exchange Program 1974-1975 17. New University 1970 18. Noble Foundation Leadership Grant 1967-1968 19. Noise Policy for Inner Campus 1969-1970 20. OASPA 1968, 1972-1973 21. Ohio Constitutional Revision Committee 1969 22. Ohio Student Loan Commission-Correspondence/Reports 1974 23. Ohio Student Personnel Conferences 1954-1969 24. Omicron Delta Kappa-Constitution/Membership 1970-1971 25. Open Visitation in Residence Halls 1968-1974 26. Operating Committee 1969-1971 Box 19 1. Orientation Evaluation 1968 2. Outstanding Senior Man and Woman Award 1954-1976 (sc.) 3. Panhellenic Council 1966-1974 4. Parents/Alumni Response to "Newsletter" on Visitation/Beer 1967-1969 5. Parking Committee 1968 6. Parking Committee Jan-June 1969 7. Parking Committee July-Dec 1969 8. Parking Committee 1970 9. Parking Committee 1971 10. Personnel 1968-1975 11. Personnel List-Student Affairs 1970-1971, 1973-1974 12. Pets in On-Campus Residences 1973 13. Placement Office: Annual Report 1967 Box 20: 1. Placement Office: Appreciation Files 1968 2. Placement Office: Appreciation Files 1969 3. Placement Office 1967 4. Police Blotter, 24-Hour 1969 5. Police Blotter, 24-Hour Jan-March 1970 6. Police Blotter, 24-Hour April 1970 7. Police Blotter, 24-Hour May-June, Nov 1970 8. Policies 1967-1971 9. Policy Statement on Freedom of Political Expression 1965, 1968 10. Postal Committee, Ad Hoc University 1968-1971 11. Post Office Advisory Committee 1974 12. Pre-Registration 1968-1969, 1972 13. President's Club 1973 14. President 1970-1971 Box 21: 1. President 1971-1972 2. President 1973 3. President 1974 4. President's Review-R.O.T.C. Awards Ceremony Nov 1970 5. Professor Emeritus Status-Donnal V. Smith 1967-1968 6. Prout Hall 1971 7. Provost 1966-1968 8. Provost - Project Status Sheets 1974-1976 9. Psychology Department 1970-1971 10. Psychology Department Survey: Judgments of Importance 1970-1971 of Aspects of Academic Life at a Midwestern University Box 22: 1. Publications Department 1967-1970 (sc.) 2. Quarter System, Conversion to 1967-1968 3. Questionnaires 1970-1972 4. Questionnaires: Administrative Position Description 1970 5. Regional Medical Program, Northwest Ohio 1970 6. Registrar 1967-1973 7. Religious Activities Committee 1967, 1970-1972 8. Republican Mock Convention 1968 9. Residence Counseling Budgets 1973/74-1974/75 10. Residence Hall Committee-Minutes 1967 11. Residence Hall of the Year Award, Outstanding Men’s 1967 12. Residence Halls-Accommodations/Occupancy 1968-1972 Box 23: 1. Residence Halls-Accommodations/Occupancy 1973-1974 2. Residence Halls Annual Reports 1966-1971 3. Residence Halls-Budgetary 1967-1974 4. Residence Halls-Coed Housing 1973-1974 5. Residence Halls-General 1967-1969 6. Residence Halls-General 1970-1974 7. Residence Halls-Housing: Past, Present, Future 1969 8. Residence Halls-OBOR Ad Hoc Committee 1973-1974 9. Residence Halls-Programs 1970-1974 Box 24: 1. Residence Halls-Renovation/Repair 1966-1970 2. Residence Halls-Renovation/Repair 1971-1974 3. Residence Halls-Safety/Security 1963-1974 4. Residence Halls-Staffing 1967-1974 5. Residence Halls-Women’s 1966-1969 6. Residence Halls, An Evaluation of Student Contributions 1968 to Meeting Objectives of the 7. Residence Programs-Coordination of Greek System 1971-1972 8. Residence Programs-RA Training 1968-1974 9. Residence Programs-Residence Educational Program 1972-1973 Advisory Committee 10. Residence Programs-Small Group Living Renovations 1973-1974 11. Residence Services: Organizational Chart n.d. 12. Residential College Committee-Recommendation 1966 13. ROTC Review-Fact Finding Commission Report 1968 14. ROTC 1970-1971 Box 25: 1. Sanitarian 1972-1973 2. “The Scholarly Community in the University” by A.H. Jones 1966 3. School of Musical Arts 1969-1974 4. Security, Campus Safety and 1969-1971 5. Selective Service System - The Draft 1967-1971 6. Senate Bill 468-Enforcement of Campus Laws/Regulations 1965-1969 7. Sex Symposium 1970-1971 8. Small Group Facilities Committee 1973-1974 9. Social Functions/Invitations 1967-1971 10. Social Policy Committee 1967-1969 11. Social Issues 1969-1970 12. Social Work, Establishment of School of 1967-1969 13. Sororities 1967-1974 14. Sorority Statements of Membership Criteria 1968 15. Space Assignment Policy 1970 16. Space Committee Requests Involving Student Affairs 1972-1974 17. Spencer Canary Award 1969-1970 18. Special Admissions-Correspondence 1967-1971 Box 26: 1. Standards and Procedures 1968-1974 2. Student Activities and Organizations 1969-1974 3. Black Student Union 1972-1973 4. Student Activities-Budget 1970-1974 5. Graduate Student Senate 1972-1973 6. Homecoming 1972-1973 7. Latino Student Union 1972 8. Orientation 1972-1973 9. Annual Reports 1969 10. Student Personnel Vice-Presidents’ Group 1969-1971 11. Student Personnel Vice-Presidents’ Group Newsletter 1969 12. Student Affairs Council 1971 13. Student Affairs Newsletter 1972-1974 14. Student Affairs Research and Development Committee 1973 15. Student Affairs-Staff Meetings 1972-1974 16. Student Affairs-Staff Memos 1972 17. Student Body Organization [1970] 18. Student Code-Correspondence 1970-1971 19. Student Code Revision 1969-1970 Box 27: 1. Student Council 1967-1969 2. Student Court-Correspondence 1966, 1968-1970, 1973 (sc.) 3. Student Court-Manual 1967-1968 4. Student Court-Manual (revised) 1969 5. Student Court-Petition Charging Student Council 1969 6. Student Court-Precedent n.d. 7. Student Court-Witjas Case 1967 8. Student Development Program 1970-1974 9. Student Discipline at State Universities-William B. Saxbe 1967 10. Student Employment 1972-1974 11. Student Financial Aid 1967-1973 12. Student Financial Aid 1973 13. Student Financial Aid 1974 Box 28: 1. Student Governance-SEC Report 1967-1968 2. Student Government Association 1973-1974 3. Student Government Association 1975 4. Student Government Association 1976-1978 5. Student Handbook-Drafts 1970 6. Student Handbook-Correspondence 1973-1974 7. Student Housing Association Survey 1973-1974 8. Student Health Service 1967-1971 9. Student Ombudsman 1973 10. Student Organizations 1970-1973 11. Student Participation in the Governance of the University 1969 (Michael Mulholland) 12. Student Personnel Services-Brochure Drafts 1966-1968, n.d. 13. Student Renovation Board 1973-1974 14. Student Services Building-Dedication 1969 Box 29: 1. Student Services Building-Planning 1966-1969 2. Student Services-Reorganization Plan 1968 3. Students for a Democratic Society: BG Student Press 1966-1967 4. SDS Brochures - Chicago, Madison, Wisc. 1966 5. SDS Flyers/Memos 1966-1969 6. Telephone Services 1974 7. Town and Student Roundtable 1968-1969 8. Union Activities Organization 1972-1973 9. United Christian Fellowship 1969, 1972-1973 10. United Crusade of Mercy 1968-1969 11. University Code 1968-1969 12. University Governance 1965-1969 13. University Library 1966-1968 14. University Union 1966-1970 15. Upward Bound 1969-1971 16. Veterans' Affairs Coordinator 1974 17. Vice-President-Financial Affairs 1968-1972 18. Vice-President-Operations 1972-1974 Box 30: 1. Vice-President-Public Services 1974 2. Vice-President-Resource Planning 1973-1974 3. Vice-Presidents-Meeting on Student Unrest 1970 4. Volunteers in Progress 1968, 1972-1973 5. Voter Awareness Office 1972-1974 6. Ward, Edward (Assistant VP) 1968-1971 7. White Panther Party 1970 8. Wittenburg University: Report of the Commission to 1968 Study the Campus Climate 9. Women's Intramurals Field-Lighting 1973 10. Wood County Health Department Family Planning 1973-1974 11. Youth International Party 1974-1978 12. Academic Liaison 1974-1978 13. ACGFA 1974-1978 14. Admissions 1975 15. Alcoholic Beverage Policy 1975-1978 16. Board of Trustees 1975-1977 17. Budget 1974-1977 18. Campus Safety 1974-1978 19. Counseling Center 1974-1979 Box 31: 1. Disabilities Services 1974-1978 2. Eakin, Richard R. 1974-1978 3. FERPA 1974-1978 4. Food Service 1974-1976 5. General June 1974-May 1976 6. General June 1976-Apr 1978 7. Graduate Student Senate 1974-1978 8. Greek Life 1974-1978 9. Honors and Awards 1974-1977 10. Human Resources/Personnel 1974-1977 11. Intercollegiate Athletics 1974-1976 12. International Student Programs 1974-1978 13. IUC Student Affairs Committee 1974-1977 14. Ohio Student Loan Commission 1974-1975 15. Orientation 1975-1977 16. Outstanding Senior Man and Woman 1975-1977 17. Placement Office 1974-1978 18. Pre-Registration 1974-1978 19. President 1974-1978 20. President’s Cabinet Meeting Agendas 1974-1975 21. Professional Development 1975 22. Provost 1974-1978 23. Recycling 1974 Box 32: 1. Residence Programs 1974-1975 2. Residence Programs 1976-1978 3. Scholarships 1974-1976 4. Smoking Policy 1976-1977 5. Standards and Procedures 1975-1978 6. Student Activities 1974-1978 7. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1974-1978 8. Student Affairs Staff 1974-1978 9. Student Affairs Staff Meeting Agendas 1974-1976 10. Student Appeals Board 1974-1978 11. Student Arbitration Board 1975 12. Student Development Program 1974-1977 13. Student Employment 1974-1978 14. Student Financial Aid 1974-1978 15. Student Government Association 1974-1978 16. Student Health Center 1974-1975 17. Student Health Center 1976-1977 18. Student Recreation Center 1974-1978 19. Swine Flu 1976 20. Treasurer 1974-1977 Box 33: 1. Veterans 1975-1979 2. Vice President for Operations 1974-1977 3. Visitation 1974-1977 4. Volunteers in Progress 1974-1976 5. Firelands Campus-Student Development Seminar: GROW 1977 6. Student Health Center 1973 7. Student Health Center 1974 8. Student Health Center 1975-July 1976 9. Student Health Center Aug-Dec 1976 10. Placement Office 1969-1971 11. Safety Committee 1978-1979 12. Space Committee 1975-1977 13. Student Recreation Center-"Faculty/Staff Wellness 1986 Programs and Trends," by Terry Parsons Box 34: 1. Student Recreation Center Program Committee 1975-1978 2. Student Recreation Center Council 1977-1983 3. Student Recreation Center Building/Dedication 1978-1979 4. Student Recreation Center 1982-1984 5. Student Recreation Center 1985-1987 6. Student Recreation Center 1988-1990 7. Minority Programming 1986-1987 8. Off-Campus Housing 1984 9. Hazel Smith Off-Campus Student Center 1975-1992 Box 35: 1. Pre-Registration/Orientation 1984-1991 2. Prevention Center 1989-1994 3. Paulsen Lecture Series 1990-1993 4. Saddlemire Lecture Series 1990-1994 5. Springfest 1985-1987 6. Sponsored Events Policy 1984 7. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1995-1996 8. Sports Arena (Rossford) March 1996-July 1997 Box 36: 1. Pouring Rights March-December 1998 2. Pouring Rights January-May 1999 3. Pouring Rights July 1999-January 2001 4. NCAA Athletics Certification 1997-1998 (Self-Study, Site Visit, reports, files) Box 37: NCAA Athletics Certification 1997-1998 NCAA Self-Study 1996-1997 Box 38: 1. IUC Student Health Services Survey 1973-1974 2. Student Health Service 1973-1975 3. Student Health Service Annual Report 1975/1976-1978/1979, 1980 1981 4. Student Health Service 1975-1976 5. “BGSU Health Center: Public Relations” [1976] 6. Student Health Service 1976-1977 7. Student Health Service 1977-1978 8. Ad Hoc Committee on the Quality Health Care Services to 1976-1978 Students Box 39: 1. Student Health Service 1978-1979 2. Student Health Service 1979-1980 3. Student Health Service 1980-1981 4. Student Health Service 1981-1982 5. Student Health Service 1982-1983 6. Student Health Service 1983-1984 7. Residence Life Annual Report 1983 8. Residence Life 1974-1975 9. Residence Life 1975-1976 Box 40: 1. Residence Life 1976-1977 2. Residence Life 1977-1978 3. Residence Life 1978-1979 4. Residence Life 1979-1980 5. Residence Life 1980-1981 6. Residence Life 1981-1982 7. Small Group Housing/Greek Life 1978-1981 8. Small Group Housing/Greek Life 1981-1982 Box 41: 1. Small Group Housing/Greek Life 1982-1984 2. Greek Life 1977-1979 3. Greek Life 1979-1980 4. Black Greek Leadership Conference 1982 5. Tutorial Program 1982-1984 6. Financial Aid 1968-1975 7. Financial Aid & Student Employment 1976 8. FASE 1977 9. FASE 1978 Box 42: 1. FASE 1979 2. Student Employment 1976-1977 3. FASE 1979-1980 4. FASE 1980-1981 5. FASE 1981-1982 Box 43: 1. Student Recreation Center 1975-1977 2. Student Recreation Center Jan-June 1978 3. Student Recreation Center July-Dec 1978 4. Student Recreation Center Jan-Jun 1979 5. Student Recreation Center July-Dec 1979 6. Student Recreation Center Jan-June 1980 7. Student Recreation Center July-Dec 1980 Box 44: 1. Student Recreation Center 1981 2. Student Recreation Center 1982 3. SRC Programming Committee Minutes 1975 4. SRC Staff Minutes 1981-1982 5. Career Planning & Placement 1972-1974 6. Placement Office Annual Report 1978/1979-1979/1980 7. Career Planning & Placement 1975-1976 8. Career Planning & Placement 1979-1981 9. Placement 1981-1982 Box 45: 1. Student Activities and Orientation 1988-1989 2. Student Activities and Orientation Jan-May 1989 3. Student Activities and Orientation June-Dec 1989 4. Student Activities and Orientation Jan-June 1990 5. Student Activities and Orientation July-Dec 1990 6. Student Activities and Orientation Jan-June 1991 7. Student Activities and Orientation July-Dec 1991 8. Correspondence - Gregg DeCrane to/from Mary Edmonds 1984-1987 9. Correspondence - Gregg DeCrane to/from Mary Edmonds 1988-1991 10. President’s Committee on Recruitment and Retention of 1983 Minority and Nontraditional Students Report 11. Report on the Quality of Programs and Services for 1980 Latino Students at Bowling Green State University 12. Commuter Students: The Survey and Some Results 1973 Box 46: 1. Student Affairs Computing Committee 1984-1985 2. FASE – Financial Aid Student Employment 1985-1986 3. FASE 1986-1987 4. FASE 1987-1988 5. FASE 1988-1989 6. FASE 1989-1990 7. FASE 1990-1991 8. FASE 1991-1992 9. FASE 1992-1993 10. FASE Handbooks (Student and Supervisor) 1993 Box 47: 1. FASE 1993-1994 2. FASE Mission Statement, Goals, Policies 1977-1985 3. FASE 1994-1995 4. FASE 1995-1996 5. FASE: A Guide to Scholarships at BGSU 1996-1996 6. FASE: Satisfactory Progress Policy 1983-1989 7. FASE-SAM System and Sigma 1983, 1986 8. FASE-SAM System and Sigma 1994-1995 9. FASE-Management Intervention Services Project 1994-1995 10. FASE-Federal Cutbacks 1994-1995 Box 48: 1. FASE-Federal Direct Loan Program 1994-1995 2. Student Health Service - The Well 1978-1986 3. On-Campus Housing 1985-1986 4. On-Campus Housing 1986-1987 5. On-Campus Housing 1987-1988 6. On-Campus Housing 1988-1989 7. On-Campus Housing 1989-1990 8. On-Campus Housing 1990-1991 9. Admissions: Recruitment Aug 1978-Sept 1979 10. Admissions: Recruitment Oct-Dec 1979 Box 49: 1. Senior Interview Program 1976 2. The Study 1976 3. Voluntary Student Withdrawal Survey Phase 1 and 2 1977 4. Implications of Attrition and Predicting Students Who 1978 Will Drop Out As Well As Reasons Students Drop Out 5. Observations and Recommendations to the Cabinet of [1979] BGSU Based on the Retention Task Force Study 6. Upward Bound 1980 7. Admissions: Recruitment 1980 8. Admissions: Recruitment Jan-Apr 1981 9. Admissions: Recruitment May-Dec 1981 10. Retention Task Force/Retention Focus Group 1978/79-1980/81 Box 50: 1. 7 Reasons Most Cited for Leaving BGSU and Explanations n.d. for this Response to Item D on Questionnaire 2. Admissions: Recruitment n.d 3. Admissions: Recruitment 1982-1984 4. University Retention Committee 1982-1984 5. Report on Student Attrition 1984-1985 6. Ad Hoc Committee on Student Retention 1985-1987 7. The College Student Experience: A Pilot Survey of 1987 Graduating Seniors, 1986 8. University Retention Committee 1988-1989 9. BGSU Visitation: Retention; Reaching Out to Make a 1987 Difference: Enhancing Organizational Success Through Internal Marketing; Service Strategy; Action Planning: Becoming a Successful Change Manager Developing an Plan; Institutional Referent Analysis; by Laurence N. Smith 10. The Effects of BGSU’s Continuing Orientation Course 1989 on Participants’ GPA, Retention, Involvement, and Satisfaction with the University, by Beth Adler Box 51: 1. Recruitment and Retention, Ad Hoc Committee on Apr-Aug 1990 2. Recruitment and Retention, Ad Hoc Committee on Sept-Dec 1990 3. Recruitment and Retention - Preliminary Report 1990 4. Recruitment and Retention, Ad Hoc Committee on 1991 5. Image Subcommittee 1990 6. Recruitment Subcommittee 1990 7. Retention Subcommittee 1990 8. Findings and Conclusions: BGSU Survey of Current 1991-1992 Students - Funk/Luetke Inc. 9. Geodemographic Analysis for BGSU, by Consultants for 1991 Educational Resources and Research, Inc. 10. Results of Not Coming Freshmen and Transfer Students Survey 1991 Box 52 (Field House): 1. Guarantee/Warranty Index - The Collaborative, Inc. 1993 2. HPE 531 Final Paper: The Project-From Idea to Reality Spring 1991 3. University Field House - Policy and Operations Manual 4. Field House - Newsclippings 1991-1993 5. Equipment files 1992-1994 6. Program Statement 1990 7. Correspondence 1991-1992 Box 53: (Field House) 1. Conceptual Design Program 1990-1991 2. Building Committee 1990 3. Building Committee 1991 4. Architect Selection 1990 5. Weekly Progress Meeting Report Sept-Dec 1991 6. Weekly Progress Meeting Report Jan-July 1992 7. Weekly Progress Meeting Report Aug-Dec 1992 Box 54: 1. Academic Honesty Committee 1995 2. Admissions 1988-1990 3. Affirmative Action 1984-1994 4. AGAPE 1983 5. AIDS Memorial Quilt 1996 6. AIDS Policy 1989 7. Annual Report 1986-1987 8. Annual Report 1987-1988 9. Annual Report 1988-1989 10. Annual Report 1990-1991 11. Annual Report 1991-1992 12. Annual Report 1992-1993 13. Annual Report - Career Planning and Placement 1992-1993 14. Annual Report - Counseling Center 1992-1993 15. Annual Report - Financial Aid and Student Employment 1992-1993 16. Annual Report - UAO, Organizations, Orientation, Off- 1992-1993 Campus Student Center 17. Annual Report - Recreational Sports 1992-1993 18. Residential Services 1992-1993 19. Multicultural Affairs 1992-1993 20. Student Health Services 1992-1993 Box 55: 1. Annual Report 1993-1994 2. Annual Report 1994-1995 3. Annual Report 1994-1995 4. Annual Report 1995-1996 5. Annual Report 1996-1997 6. Anti-Racist Action 1996-1997 7. Auxiliary Improvement Funding 1992-1994 8. Brochures 1989 9. Cable-TV 1985-1992 10. Campus Contact 1993 11. Campus Crusade for Christ 1989, 1993 12. Campus Security Act 1994 13. Code of Conduct Task Force 1994-1995 14. Community Living Standards 1997-1999 15. Cooperative Activities with UT and MCO 1995 16. Correspondence-Ron Zwierlein 1993 Box 56: 1. Correspondence-Ron Zwierlein 1994 2 Counseling and Career Development 1980-1984 3. Counseling and Career Development Center, “Use, 1988 Knowledge and Concerns” 4. Crisis Intervention 1994 5. “The Crystal Ball Theory” by Ron Zwierlein 1993 5. Day by Day Calendar 1994-1995 6. Directory of Student Organizations 1989-1997 7. Division of Student Affairs Directory 1994-1999 8. Drug Free Workplace 1989 9. Economic Impact Study 1992 10. Educational Opportunity Center Proposal 1997 11. Educational Talent Search Proposal 1993 12. Electronic Information Environment 1994 13. Employee Relations Review Committee 1980 14. Fayetta M. Paulsen Lecture 1994 15. Field house 1990-1993 16. FERPA 1994 17. Financial Aid and Student Employment 1994 18. FIPSE Proposal 1996-1997 19. Freshman Survey 1994 20. Gerald Saddlemire Lecture Series 1993 21. Graduate Assistantship Evaluation 1996-1997 Box 57: 1. Graduate Student Orientation 1987 2. Grant of Powers for Student Participation in University 1977-1993 Government 3. A Guide to Residence and Dining Halls 1993-1994 4. Handbook 1995-1999 5. Handbook for Sport Clubs 1993-1994 6. Hazing Cases 1989-1994 7. International Student Recruitment 1980 8. Leadership Positions held by Administrative Staff in 1995 Professional Organizations 9. Legal Counsel 1994 10. Loas, Kerrianne Memorial 1996-1997 11. MAC General Fee Survey 1996-1997 12. Minority Affairs 1984-1990 13. Minority Enrollment 1987-1988 14. Mission Statement 1991, 1993 Box 58: 1. Multicultural Affairs 1990-1994 2. Music License Information 1977-1993 3. NACUBO Benchmarking 1992-1994 4. National Testing Program 1991-1993 5. NCAA Athletics Certification Self-Study 1996-1997 6. Non-Academic Functions Committee 1994 7. North Central Accreditation 1991 8. Off-Campus Bus Service Feasibility Study 1996 9. On Call Staff Task Force 1994 Box 59: 1. Open House 1994 2. Organizational Charts 1989, 1995 3. Organizational Questionnaire 1994 4. Recreational Sports 1990-1994 5. Rec Sports Communicator 1997 6. Reorganization 1994-1995 7. Residence Hall Dining Services 1979-1994 8. Residential Services 1994 9. Safety Task Force 1995 10. Seeley, Stephen Memorial 1996 11. Social Events Task Force 1994 Box 60: 1. Status of Handicapped Students 1984-1989 2. Status of Women and Minorities 1981-1989 3. Strategic Plan for the Prevention of and Response to 1994 Sexual Offenses 4. Student Activities Building 1980 5. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1995-1997 6. Student Affairs Council 1995-1997 7. Student Affairs is here to serve you - the student n.d. 8. Student Affairs Newsletter 1995-1998 9. Student Affairs Service Awards 1995 10. Student Court 1992 11. Student Employment 1994 12. Student Employment Transition 1993-1995 13. Student Health Service 1993-1998 Box 61: 1. Student Organization Disciplinary Records 1994 2. Student Organizations News Letter 1994 3. Student Petitions for Improved Computing Facilities 1994 4. Student Recreation Center, “Fitness, Use and Recreation” 1988 5. Student Recreation Center Reorganization 1990-1992 6. Student Services Task Force 1994 7. Student Union Fundraising brochure n.d. 8. “Sustaining Excellence into the Year 2000 and Beyond: A Vision and Strategies for Bowling Green State University Division of Student Affairs” By Ron Zwierlein 1993 9. Taliaferro, Craig 1989 10. USG, “Recycling” 1992 11. University Architect 1990-1991 12. University Space Task Force 1996 13. Upward Bound 1985-1994 14. Upward Bound Program Multi-Year Proposal, 1995-1999 15. USG 1996-1997 16. VP for Academic Affairs 1990-1992 17. VP’s Tour of University Living Units 1994 18. Wellness Box 62: 1. Ad Hoc Committee on Student Services 1997 2. Apple Computer Proposal 1995 3. Benchmarking Reports FY 92 1995 4. Broad Vision 1996 5. Budget 94/95 1994 6. Budget 95/96 1994 7. Budget 96/97 1995-1996 8. Building Community - Benedictine Values 1996-1997 9. Cable TV 1996 10. Campus Adopt-a-Block 1996 11. Campus Crusade for Christ 1997 12. Career Services 1995-1999 13. College Access Programs 1988-1997 14. College Student Personnel 630 1997 15. CORE Alcohol & Drug Survey 1997 16. Core Values Poster Competition 1996 17. Correspondence - Whipple Jan 1995 18. Correspondence - Whipple Feb 1995 19. Correspondence - Whipple Mar 1995 Box 63: 1. Counseling Center Annual Report 1995-1996 2. Department Questionnaires 1994 3. Division Goals 1994/95-1995/96 4. Division Goals 1996-1997 5. Division Goals 1997-1998 6. Enrollment Action Committee 1995-1996 7. Field House 1995 8. FIPSE Proposal 1997 9. Fire Safety Policy 1996 10. First Day of Classes Calendar Change 1999 11. Five Year Plan 1997 12. General Fee Escrow Account 1995 13. Graduate Student Orientation 1996-1997 14. Graduate Student Utilization Review 1996-1997 15. Greek Affairs 1997 16. Hiring Procedures 1996 17. Letters of Recommendation 1995 18. Mercer Study 1995-1996 19. Miss BGSU Pageant 1996 20. Multicultural Affairs 1995 21. Multicultural Mentoring Program 1996 Box 64: 1. News Clippings 1996-1997 2. Performance Evaluations 1995-1997 3. Placement 1994-1996 4. PLUS - Promoting Leadership in a Unified System 1997 5. Public Safety 1996-1998 6. Recreational Sports 1994-1995 7. Recreational Sports 1995-1996 8. Recreational Sports 1996-1997 9. Recreational Sports Annual Report 1995-1996 10. Recruitment/Retention of Students 1995-1996 Box 65: 1. Reorganization 1995 2. Reorganization Budget 1995 3. Reorganization - Position Descriptions 1995 4. Reorganization - Organizational Charts 1993, 1995 5. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1996-1997 6. Student Affairs Staff Development Committee 1996-1997 7. Student Budget Committee 1994-1996 8. Student Employment 1996-1997 9. Student Opinion Survey 1996 10. Task Force on Orientation/Registration 1996-1997 11. University Discipline Committee 1995-1996 12. Agenda-Student Affairs Senators Staff 1996 Box 66: 1. Student Affairs Committee Minutes 2001-2002 2. Student Affairs Committee Minutes 1999-2001 3. Student Affairs Executive Committee 2001-2002 4. Student Affairs Executive Committee 1999-2001 5. NCA Accreditation - General Information 2001-2003 6. NCA Accreditation - Student Affairs Reports 2001-2003 7. NCA Accreditation – Student Handbook 2002 8. NCA Accreditation – Student Affairs draft Reports 2001 Box 67: Dining Services Task Force vol. I 2002 Dining Services Task Force vol. II 2002 Dining Services Task Force vol. III 2002 Final Report Program Review/Master Plan 2001-2003 Box 68: 1. Union Coordination Meeting 2001 2. Union Coordination Meeting 2001 3. Union Coordination Meeting 2001 4. Union Coordination Meeting 2001 5. Legions 2001-2002 6. Legions 1995-2000 Box 69: 1. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 2. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 3. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 4. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 5. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 6. Student Union Core Meeting 1999-2001 Box 70: 1. Student Union Core Meeting 2001 2. Student Union Core Meeting 2002-2003 3. Union Construction Meetings 2000-2002 4. Union Construction Meetings 2001-2002 5. Union Construction Meetings 2001-2002 6. Union Construction Meetings 2001-2002 Box 71: 1. Administrative Staff Compensation Plan (Mercer) 1996-1998 2. ACPA/NASPA Alumni Reception 1997 3. ACGFA 1997-1998 4. Alcohol Education and Programming, Subcommittee on 2000 Alcohol Education Grant (Ohio Dept. of Alcohol & Drug 1998 Addiction Services) BGSU Binge Drinking Prevention 5. Alcohol Education Grant (U.S. Dept. of Education) 1999-2000 6. Alcohol Policy Review 1997-1998 7. Annual Report 1999-2000 8. Assessment 1995, 1998 9. Auxiliary Improvement Projects 1994-1995 10. Auxiliary Improvement Projects 1996-2000 11. Awards: Applauding Excellence Program, Gregg 1996 DeCrane, Outstanding Service, Student Life, and President’s Award for Distinguished Service 12. Awards 1997 13. Awards 1998 14. Awards 1999 15. Awards 2000 16. Back To School Coffee 1997, 1999 17. Berkowitz , Alan – Presidential Lecture Series 1999 18. Black Greek Housing 1995-1996 19. Blade Athletics Marketing Program 2000 20. Board of Trustees Presentation on Student Affairs 2000 21. Buckeye Boys and Girls State 1995 22. Campus Confidentiality on Trial – Teleconference 1997 23. Campus Crime Statistics 1999-2000 24. Campus Involvement 2000-2001 25. Capital Requests 1994-1999 26. Career Services Annual Report 1995-1999 27. Career Services 1997-2004 28. Center for Wellness & Prevention Advisory Board 1995-1997 29. Cheerleaders 1997-2000 30. Coalition Against Sexual Offenses 1995-2000 31. College Access Programs 1997-2000 32. College Student Personnel 1997-1999 33. Community Living Standards 1995-1999 34. Cooperative Education/Internships 2004 35. Coordinator of Personal Emergency Services – COPES 1996-2000 36. Counseling Center 1994-2000 37. Counseling Center Annual Reports 1996/97-1998/99 38. Crisis Intervention Team 1998-2000 39. Cultural Arts Programming Task Force 1996-1999 40. Disability Services 1997-2000 41. Campus Security Act 1998 42. Campus Security Act 1999-2000 Box 72: 1. Enrollment 1997-1999 2. Ex-Officio (Student Leaders) Breakfasts 1998-2000 3. FIPSE Grant – Victimization in Residence Halls 1994-1995 5. First Year Experience 1996-2000 6. First Year Experience – Self-Study 2000 7. Five Year Comprehensive Plan 1999-2000 8. Freedom of Speech in the Cyberspace University 1996 Teleconference 9. Freshman Survey 1995-1999 10. Funding Requests – New Initiatives 1998-1999 11. General Counsel 1997-1999 12. General Fee Contingency 1992-1994 13. Goals, Priorities, Mission Statements 1997-1998 14. Goals, Priorities, Mission Statements 1998-1999 15. Goals, Priorities, Mission Statement 1999-2000 16. Graduate Stipend Allocation Committee Report 1999 17. Graduation Connections 1998 18. Greek Life 1995-1996 19. Greek Life 1996-1997 20. Greek Life 1997-1998 21. Greek Life 1998-1999 22. Greek Summit – Dallas NASPA 1997 23. Greek Summit 1998 24. Greek Summit – Dallas NASPA 1999 25. Homecoming Executive Committee 1999-2000 26. Housing Charter Team Reports 1997-1998 27. Housing Contract Information 1996-1997 28. Image Committee 1998 29. Institutionally Funded Student Financial Aid Programs, 1999 Task Force on 30. Intercollegiate Athletics 1995-2000 31. Intercollegiate Athletics Annual Report 1998-1999 32. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee 1995-2002, sc. 33. Intercollegiate Athletics - Marketing Plan 1996 34. Intercollegiate Athletics – NCAA 1999-2000 35. Intercollegiate Athletic – Reorganization into Student 1999 Affairs 36. Intercollegiate Athletics – Schedules 1999-2000 37. Intercollegiate Athletics – Fall GPAs 1999 38. IUC Retention Issues 1996-1997 39. Judicial Affairs Policy Review 1997-1998 40. Judicial Statistics 1997-2000 41. Kreischer-Harshman Renovation 1995 42. LeaderShape Institute 1998-1999 43. Leadership Academy 2000 44. MAC Chief Student Affairs Officer Meetings 1997-2000 Box 73: 1. Marketing Committee 1999-2000 2. Miss America BGSU Visit 1997 3. Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives 1999-2000 4. Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives Annual 1995/96, 1997/98 Report 5. Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives 1998 Reorganization 6. New Faculty Reception 1998 7. Newsclippings 1997-1998 8. Newsletter 1998-1999 9. Noe/Mason Lawsuit Newsclippings 1996 10. Off-Campus Student Center 1995-1999 11. OReg 1993-1998 12. Policy Review 1997 13. Policy Challenges and Implications for Student Affairs- 1997 OASPA Presentation 14. Pre-Reg 1996 15. President’s Office 1995-1998 16. President, Student Meetings with 1996 17. President’s Panel 1998-2000 18. Provost 1995-1998 19. Recreation Center Improvements 1996 20. Recreation Center Maintenance 1995-1996 21. Recreational Sports 1996-1997 22. Recreational Sports 1997-1998 23. Recreational Sports 1999-2000 24. Recreational Sports 2000-2001 25. Recreational Sports Advisory Board 1997-1998 26. Recreational Sports – Annual Report 1996-1999 27. Recreational Sports Self-Study 1998 28. Residence Life 1998-2001 29. Residence Life Annual Report 1998 30. Residential Academic Programming Committee 1996-1997 31. Residential Computing Connection 1995-1999 32. Residential Learner-Centered Environment Task Force 1995 33. Residential Services 1994-1995 34. Resident Student Association 1995-1997 35. Resource 25 (Space Assignment-Union construction) 1999 36. Retention of Students 1995-1998 37. Rodgers Fire 1996 38. Saddlemire Lecture Series 1995-1997 39. Safety Task Force/University Safety Committee 1994-1998 40. Safety Task Force/University Safety Committee Annual 1997-2000 Report 41. Safety Task Force/University Safety Committee Minutes 1995-1999 42. Same Sex Domestic Partners 1992-1993 43. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1997-1998 44. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1998-1999 45. Student Affairs Advisory Board 1999-2000 46. NASULGC 1999-2000 Box 74: 1. Student Affairs Administrative Retreat Jan 1995 2. Student Affairs Administrative Retreat Sept 1995 3. Student Affairs Administrative Retreat 1997 4. Student Affairs Administrative Retreat 1998 5. Student Affairs Administrative Retreat June 1999 6. Student Affairs Annual Report 1998/99-1999/00 7. Student Affairs Council Minutes 1998-2000 8. Student Affairs Council Planning Session 1997 9. Student Affairs Council Retreat 1999-2000 10. Student Affairs Executive Council 1998-1999 11. Student Affairs Executive Committee Minutes 1999-2000 12. Student Affairs Executive Committee Distribution 1998-1999 13. Student Affairs Staff Development 1997-2000 14. Student Affairs Staff Development Committee 1997-1998 15. Student Affairs Staff Development Minutes 1997-1998 16. Student Affairs Staff Directory 1998, 1999 17. Student Health Service 1994-1995 18. Student Health Service 1996-1997 19. Student Health Service 1997-1998 20. Student Health Service 1999-2000 21. Student Health Service Annual Report 1994/95-1998/99 22. SHARP (Student Housing and Residence Programs) 1994-1996 23. SHARP 1996-1997 24. SHARP Budget Proposals 1997-1998 25. SHARP Student Housing 1996 26. SHARP Diversity Education Plan 1996 27. SHARP External Review Report 1996 28. SHARP Facilities 1995-1996 29. SHARP Judicial Affairs 1995-1997 30. SHARP Offenhauer Inspection Report 1997 31. Student Housing Reorganization 1997-1998 32. SHARP Transition 1995-1996 Box 75: 1. Student Life 1996-1997 2. Student Life 1999-2000 3. Student Life Annual Report 1995/96-1996/97 4. Student Life Research 1995-1997 5. Student Life Transition 1995 6. Student Organization Funding Allocations 1998-1999 7. Student Organization Funding Board 1996-1999 8. Student Organizations End of Year Report 1995-1996 9. Student Publications 1996-2000 10. Student Publications Annual Reports 1997-1999 11. Student Code Revisions 1993-2000 12. Student Handbook 1995-1996 13. Student Handbook Changes 1996-1997 14. Student Handbook Changes 1997-1999 15. Technology 1996-1999 16. Undergraduate Experience Questionnaire 1997, 1999 17. USG 1994-1996 18. USG 1996-1997 19. USG 1997-1998 20. USG 1998-1999 21. USG 1999-2001 22. USG Election April 1997 23. United Way 1999-2000 24. University Advancement 1995-1999 25. UAO 1996-1997, 1999 26. University Committee on Alcohol Issues 1999-2002 27. University Dining Services 1996-2000 28. University Discipline Committee 1995-2000 29. UNIV 100 1996-1998 30. University Spirit and Traditions Advisory Board 1999-2000 31. University Union 1997-2000 32. University Union Annual Reports 1996-1999 33. University Union Core Committee 1999-2000 34. University Union Feasibility Study 1996 Box 76: 1. University Union Feasibility Study 1997 2. University Union Newsclippings 1995-1997 3. University Union Presentation to Board of Trustees 1997 4. University Union Project Committee 1999-2000 5. University Union Prout Issue 1997 6. University Union Task Force 1995-1996 7. University Union Transition Team 1996 8. Upward Bound 1997-1998 9. Use of University Space, Facilities, and Amplification 1996 Equipment 10. Violence Against Women Grant 1999 Box 77: 1. Academic Honesty 2000-2001 2. ACPA Annual Conference 2000 3. ACPA Reception 2000 4. ACPA Reception 2001 5. ACPA 2001 6. AIP Requests 2000-2001 7. Alcohol Issues Forum 2000 8. Applauding Excellence 2001 9. Boschiri Inauguration 1999 10. Buckeye Boys State 2001 11. Budget Issues 2000-2001 12. CISS Workshop 2000 13. Cabinet 2000-2002 14. CSP Interviews 2000 15. Conferences 2001 16. Crime Statistics 2000-2001 17. Crisis Line Logs 1999-2000 18. Customer Service Follow-up 1997 19. DACOR Contract 2000 20. Diversity Task Force 2000-2001 21. Ex-Officio 2000-2001 22. Facilities Audit 2000 23. Family Weekend 2000 24. Friends of the Libraries Board 1999-2001 25. General Counsel 2000 26. Grant Proposal Violence 2000 27. Greek Leadership 2000 28. Greek Summit 1999-2001 29. Greek Summit 1999-2001 30. Greek Summit 1999-2000 31. Greek Summit 1999-2000 32. Greek Summit 1999-2000 33. HIED Candidate 2001 34. Hiring Freeze 2001-2002 35. Homecoming 2000 36. Hiring 2000 37. Classified Staff Recruitment 2000 38. Rec Sports Position 2000 39. Salary Reduction 2000 40. ’99 Authors and Artists 1999 41. The Friends Reception 1999 42. Posvic Reception 2000 43. FJB/UBC 2000 44. Personal Approvals 2000 45. Positions On Hold 2000 46. Student Union Positions 2000 Box 78: 1. IUC 2000-2001 2. ICU Retreat 2000 3. ICU 2000-2001 4. Latino Student Union (LSU) 2000-2001 5. LSU Recommendations 2000 6. LSU 2004 7. Leadershape 2000-2001 8. Leadershape 2001 9. Greek Leadership Academy 2000 10. Leadership BG 2000 11. Leadership BG 2001 12. Learning Community 2000 13. The Learning Communities 2001 14. The Legions Retreat 2000 15. Legions 2000-2001 16. MAC CSAO meeting 2000 17. MAC VP Conference 2000 18. VP’s Ball State 2000 19. Student Affairs MidYear Priorities 2000-2001 20. Disability Services Mid Year Report 2001 21. Rec Sports Mid Year Report 2001 22. Rec Sports Mid Year Report 2001 23. Department of Athletics Mid Year Report 2001 24. Counseling Center Mid Year Report 2001 25. Campus Involvement Mid Year Report 2001 26. UNIV 100 – Mid Year Report 2001 27. Student Life- Mid Year Report 2001 28. Career Services Mid Year Report 2001 29. Student Union- Mid Year Report 2001 30. Res. Life Mid Year Report 2001 31. Dining Services- Mid Year Report 2001 32. Mid American Greek Council 2001 33. NASPA 2001 34. NASPA Education Network 2000 35. NASPA International Info 2000 36. NASPA Luncheon 2000 37. NASPA Meeting 2001 38. NASPA 1999 39. MAC VPSA Meeting 2000 40. NCAA Meeting 2000 41. NASPA Conference 2000 42. NASPA Conference 2001 43. NASPA Reception 2000 44. NASPA Reception 2001 45. NASPA Conference 2000 46. NASPA Reasonable Expectations 47. New Employee orientation 2000 48. New Faculty orientation 2000 49. Newspaper Articles 2000-2001 50. NIC/AFA Meeting 2000 51. NIC/AFA Conference 1999 52. NIC Conference 1999 53. Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges 1999 54. OASPA 2000 Box 79: 1. Annual Report 2000-2001 2. Computer Equipment Requests 2000-2001 3. Revisions to Undergrad Catalog 2000-2001 4. Staff Training 2000-2001 5. Code of Conduct Changes 2000-2001 6. Progress on Institutional Priorities 2000-2001 7. Goals & Priorities 2000-2001 8. Goals & Priorities 2000-2001 9. Summer Vacations 2000-2001 10. Reorganization 2000-2001 11. Affirmative Action 2000-2001 12. Merit Info 2000-2001 13. Roper, Larry – Staff Development 2001 14. Student Issues 2000-2001 15. Breeann Murphy 2001 16. Luke Zachrich 2001 17. Patsko 2000 18. Caroline Moeller 2001 19. Lisa Vanderbilt 2001 20. Wensinger Family 2001 21. Student Issues 2001 22. NCA Student Complaint Policy n.d. 23. Staff Development n.d. 24. Registration & Records n.d. 25. Research Park Advisory Board n.d. 26. Space Audit n.d. 27. University Safety Committee 2000-2001 28. Program Review 1998-1999 29. President’s Leadership Academy 2000 30. President’s Office 31. Miami University Visit 2000 32. President’s Student Groups 2000-2001 33. Larry Roper Visit 2001 34. Back To School Coffee 2000 35. New Staff Orientation 36. End of the Year Potluck 2001 37. HIED Picnic 2000 38. January Conference 2000 39. Awards 2001 40. Summer Hours 2000 41. Friday Coverage 2000 42. Summer Office Coverage 2001 43. Student Affairs Advisory Board 2000-2001 44. CSP Interviews/ Candidate Info 2002 45. Reports 2001 46. Strategic Plan 2001-2002 47. Miscellaneous 2000 48. Student Handbook and Literature 2000/2001 Box 80: 1. Board of Trustees 3/20/97 2. Board of Trustees 4/25/97 3. Board of Trustees 5/30/97 4. Board of Trustees 2/23/98 5. Board of Trustees 12/11/98 6. BOT Union Presentation 12/11/98 7. Board of Trustees Oct. 2000 8. Campus Involvement 2000-2001 9. Campus Involvement – Danny Glover Event 2001 10. Campus Involvement – MTV Campus Invasion Bush 2000 11. Career Services 2000-2001 12. Cheerleaders 1999-2002 13. College Access Programs 2000-2002 14. College Access Program Review 4/4/01-4/4/01 15. Counseling Center Accreditation/Program Review 2000 16. Counseling Center Self-Study 1999 17. Dining Services 2000-2001 18. Disability Services 2000 19. Educational Talent Search Program 1998-2003 20. First Year Experience 2000 21. Greek Affairs 2000-2001 22. Ice Arena 2000-2001 23. Ice Arena Risk Management Study 2001-2002 24. Intercollegiate Athletics 2000-2001 25. ICA Licensing Proposal 2000 26. BGSU Trademark 2001 27. Athletic Schedules 2000-2001 28. NCAA Hazing Report 1999 29. Women’s Basketball 2001 30. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee 2000-2001 31. Multicultural Affairs 2000-2001 32. Multicultural Affairs Self-Study 2001 33. Broadway Showstoppers 2001 34. Diamante Awards 2000 35. Latino Issue Conference 2001 Box 81: 1. Intercollegiate Athletics – Title IX 1981-1999 2. Off Campus Student Center 2000 3. Recreational Sports 2000-2001 4. Recreational Sports Program Review 1999 5. Residence Life 2000-2001 6. Residence Life Fire Safety 2000 7. Residence Life Annual Report 1998-1999 8. Residence Life Annual Report 1999-2000 9. Residence Life Leadership Survey 2000 10. Residence Life Survey 2001 11. Student Affairs Retreat January 2000 12. Student Affairs Retreat May 2000 13. Student Health Services 2000-2001 14. Student Life 2000-2001 15. Welcome Task Force 2000-2001 16. O-Reg 2000 17. O-REG 2001 18. Student Life Report 2000-2001 19. Student Emerging/Crisis Plan 2001 20. Parents Help Line 2000-2001 21. Freshman Convocation 2000 22. Student Publications 2000-2001 23. Success Challenge Workshop 2000 24. TRIO Seminar 2001 25. TRIO 2001-2002 26. United Way 2000 27. Undergraduate Student Government 2000-2001 28. Union Core Committee 2000-2001 29. Union Minutes 2000-2001 30. UAO 1999-2002 31. Upward Bound 2000-2001 32. Upward Bound Grant 1999-2004 Box 82: 1. Carmen Appleby 2001 2. David Curry 2001 3. Adam Vance 2001 4. Student Deaths 2002 5. Miranda Morris 2000 6. Jason Brimmer 2001 7. Terri Hess 2001 8. Abby Hettel 2001 9. Lena Kramer 2001 10. Patricia Miller 2001 11. Andrew Rowe 2000 12. Sushma Somyajula 2001 13. Lynn Maddox 2000 14. David Erbcher and David Kurilko 1998 15. Peter Barrett 1997 16. Chris Miller 1997 17. Nick Iorio 1997 18. Aaron Lawniczak 1997 19. Rick Marchol 1997 20. Daniel Sichak 1996 21. Julie Kane 1996 22. Stephen Seeley 1996 23. Darrell Harris 1996 24. John Hoag 1995 25. Jessica Mawson 2001 26. Kurtis Kinzel 2002 27. Stacy Haney 1995 28. Jennifer Masters 1995 29. Student Deaths Manual 1995 30. Students First-Imagination 1998 31. Student Services Task Force 1995 32. University Space Task Force 1995 33. USG 1998-1999 34. Athletics Schedules 2001-2002 35. Athletics Financial Plan 1999-2001 36. Lacrosse 2002 37. South Carolina 2001 38. Equity In Athletics Disclosure Act 2000-2001 39. Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet 2001 40. Coaches Meeting 2001 41. Athletics- Weekly Warp Up 2001-2002 42. Athletics 2001-2003 43. Athletics- Personnel 2001 44. Dr. Sallye McKee 2001 45. Counseling Center 2001-2002 46. Fields and Facilities 2001-2002 47. First Year Experience 2001-2002 48. Greek Affairs 2001-2002 49. Ice Arena 2001-2002 50. Multicultural & Academic Incentives 2001-2002 51. Grant Proposal 2002 52. REC Sports 2001 53. REC Sports 2001-2002 54. Res Life Judicial Program 2001 55. Conference Programs 2001 56. RA Training 2001 57. Greek Independent Board 2001 58. Fair View Manor 2001 59. Res Life 2001-2003 60. Student Leaders 2001-2002 61. Dance Marathon 2002 62. Student Health Services 2001-2002 63. Customer Service Survey 2000 64. Student Affairs Directors 2001 65. S.A. Exec Board 2001-2002 66. S.A.C. 2001-2002 67. S.A.C. Retreat 2002 68. S.A. Training Team 2001-2002 69. S.A. Holiday Dinner 2001 70. S.A. Cookout 2001 71. Back To School Coffee 2001 72. Staff Development 2001-2002 73. Division Training 2000 Box 83: 1. Divisional Training Committee 2000-2002 2. 2002 Priorities 2002 3. Risk Assessment 2001 4. G.A. Orientation Fall 2001 2001 5. Annual Awards Ceremony 5-1,2001 6. S.A. Admin Stave Evaluation Committee 2001 7. Annual Report 2001 8. Annual Report 2002 9. S.A. BOT Highlights 2001 10. Student Affairs Dept. Policies 2001-2002 11. Student Affairs Organization 2001-2002 12. Strategic Plan 2001-2002 13. SA Master Calendar 2001-2002 14. Academic Honesty Code 2001-2002 15. Student Issues 2001-2002 16. Applauding Excellence 2000 17. Bench Mark Project 2001-2002 18. Military Call Up 2001 19. American Heart Walk 2002 20. Student Opinion Survey 2001 21. The Social Impact of Policy In History 2001 22. University Personnel 2001-2002 23. Spring University Events 2002 24. Bridging Generations, Building Greatness 2000-2001 25. Staff Questionnaire 2001 26. Enrolment 2002 27. Awards Banquet 2001 28. Call Centers 2001 29. Governor Taft Visit 2002 30. Publications 2002 31. Support Unit Program – Final Report 1999-2000 32. Public Policy Research 1997-2001 33. Myra Merritt 2002 34. Attack On America 9/11/2002 35. BGSU Approved Budgets 2001-2002 Box 84: 1. A.C.P.A. 2002 2. LGBT Task Force 2004-2005 3. AIP 2002-2003 4. AIP’s 2002-2003 5. BiG Welcome 2003 6. Family Programs 2003-2004 7. Student Discipline Statistics 2003 8. 5 Year Stats 2004 9. Union Bookstore Operating Agreement 2003 10. Elevator Installation 2003 11. Capital Plans 1996-2006 12. Board of Trustees Presentation 2003 13. Board of Trustees Meeting 5/10/2002 14. BOT Leadership Presentation 2002 15. BOT Presentation 5/10/2002 16. SA Exec 2003-2004 17. SAC 2003-2004 18. Expanded Leadership Retreat 2004 19. SAC Exec 2002 20. Annual Divisional and Departmental Imperatives 2003-2004 21. SAC Retreat 1/07/2003 22. SAC Meeting 1/22/2002 23. SAC Retreat 5/2002 24. SAC Retreat 5/2003 Box 85: 1. Annual Reports 2001-2002 2. Office of Res Life Self Study 2002 Box 86: 1. The BGSU Programmers Council 2000 2. Campus Issues 1994-1998 3. Campus Safety 2002 4. Brian Small 2002 5. Campus Crime 2001 6. Campus Security Act 2001 7. Campus Security Act Committee 2001 8. V.P.S.A. Student Life Analysis 1997 9. College Student Experiences 1995 10. University Dining Services 2003 11. New Facility Program 2000-2001 12. Student Affairs Advisory Board 2002-2003 13. SAAB Annual report 2004-2005 14. SAAB Annual Report 2003-2004 15. Policy Meeting 2002 16. Annual Policy and Procedures Update 2001 17. VIP Insider 2003-2004 18. Student Dinners 2003-2004 19. Roundtable Discussion with Classified Staff 1/09/2003 20. SAC Retreat 2003 21. SA Retreat 2004 22. Administrative Staff Retreat 2004 23. Retreat- Student Affairs 2004 24. The “5 UPS” 1999-2000 25. SA Retreat 2000 26. Retreat Action Team 1999 27. Student Dinners 2003-2004 28. Student Participation in University Government 1992 29. In case of Felony Convictions 1995 30. Students on Weekends 1996 31. Saddlimire Renovation Request 1998 32. Saddlemire 1998 33. Student Services Building Advisory Committee 34. Saddlemire Renovations 1995 35. Education Abroad 1998 Box 87: 1. Success Challenge Funding 2004 2. Success Challenge 2002-2003 3. Success Challenge 2002 4. Success Challenge Allocation Evaluations 2001-2002 5. Success Challenge 2001-2002 6. Success Challenge 2002 7. Capital Request 2006 8. Master Plan 1999 9. Kiosk 1999 10. USG 2003-2004 11. USG 1999 1999 12. USG 2002-2003 13. Technology Project 2000 14. Technology Infrastructure 2000 15. SAC Minutes 2000-2001 16. SAC Agendas 2000-2001 17. SAC Exec Minutes 2000-2001 18. SAC Exec Agenda 2000-2001 19. SAC Exec Misc 2000-2001 20. SAC Misc. 2000-2001 21. SAC Retreat 2000-2001 22. SAC Retreat 2000-2001 23. MAC Conference Logo 1999 24. MAC VP’s Meeting 2004 25. MAC VPs 2001 26. MAC VPs 2001 27. MAC VPSA Meeting 2002 28. Stragitic Plan 1996-1997 29. Student Affairs Focus Group 2000 30. Motor City Bowl Attendees 2003 31. Motor City Bowl 2003 32. Motor City Bowl 2003 33. Motor City Bowl 2003 34. BMI-Past 1996 35. NCAA 2003-2004 36. NCAA- Gender Equality 2000 37. New Faculty Conference 2003 38. New Faculty Wine and Cheese 2001 39. OASPA 2002 40. OSPA 2002 41. OSPA Board 2003-2004 42. OASPA/OCPA Conference 2004 43. OASPA Meeting 2003 44. OASPA Board Meeting 2004 45. OASPA Conference 2004 Box 88: 1. OASPA Conference 2003 2. OASPA 2002-203 3. OASPA/OCPA 2003 4. OASPA 2003 5. Paulsen Lecture 1997-1999 6. Jo Anne Trow 1995 7. Paulsen Lecture 2000 8. Judy Shepard (Paulsen) 2001 9. Dr. Donna Talbot (Paulsen) 2002 10. Dr. Lee Williams (Paulson) 2003 11. University Discipline Committee Appts. 2001 12. Homecoming Executive Committee 2001 13. Admin Committee Appts 2001 14. Crisis Meetings 2001-2002 15. The BG Connection 2001 16. Board of Trustees Student Affairs 2001 17. Code of Student Conduct 2001-2002 18. Orientation and Registration 2001-2002 19. Student Achievement and Advancement 2001 20. CASO 2001-2002 21. University Committee on Alcohol Issues 2001-2002 22. ICA List 2001-2002 23. Board of Student Publications 2001 24. Student Organization Funding 2002-2003 25. Where to Go For Help 2001 26. Spirit Organizational Budget 2001-2002 27. The Rock Guidelines 2001-2002 28. New Student Leaders Retreat 2001 29. Cheerleaders 2001-2002 30. Orientation 2001 31. GradStep 2001 32. LeaderShape 2001 33. Convocation 2002 34. Judicial Case Stats 2001-2002 35. Telephone Charges Investigation 2001-2002 36. Women’s Rugby Team 2001 37. Union Project 1999 38. Union Kick Off Invitations 1999 39. Union Core Committee 1999-2000 40. Union Core Committee 1999-2000 41. Campus Security Act Committee 2000-2001 42. Student Budget Committee 2000-2001 43. Homecoming Exec. Committee 2000-2001 44. University Discipline Committee 2000-2001 45. Learning Communities Committee 2000 46. Student Union Advisory Committee Minutes 2000 47. Spirit and Traditions 2000-2001 48. Recycling Committee 2000-2001 49. Committee Appointments 2000-2001 50. Homecoming Student Committee 2001 51. Ex Officio E-mail List 2001 52. Committee on Visions and Values 2000-2001 53. University Committee on Alcohol Issues 2000-2001 54. CASO 2000-2001 Box 89: 1. Athletics 2002-2003 2. Volleyball Guide 2003 3. Expense Reports- Athletics 2003-2004 4. Violations- Athletics 2003-2004 5. Renovations and Improvements- Athletics 2003 6. Athletics 2003-2004 7. Coach Evaluations and Improvements 2002-2004 8. (empty) 9. (empty) 10. Game Schedules 2003-2004 11. Media Coverage- Athletics 2003 12. Vance Joseph 2004 13. Mac Athletics Directors Meeting 2004 14. Suite Meeting 2004 15. Football Guides 2002/2003 16. Men’s Basketball Guide 2003-2004 17. Hockey Guides 2002-2004 18. Women’s Basketball Guides 2002-2004 19. Men and Women’s Soccer Guides 2002 20. Equity in Athletics 2002 21. Falcon Club/ICA Fundraiser 2003 22. Career Center 2003 23. Career Fair 2002 24. Co-Ops 2002-2003 25. Multicultural Career Center 2003 26. Upward Bound 2003-2004 27. College Access 2003 28. College Access 2003 29. First Year Experience 2002 30. Delta Sigma Theta 2004 31. Sigma Phi Epsilon 2004 32. Omicron Delta Kappa 2004 33. Greek Affairs 2003-2004 34. Alpha Sigma Phi 2003 35. Greek Life 2002-2003 36. Romanello, Michael Phi Kappa Tau 2002-2003 37. Counseling Center 2004 38. Counseling Center Accreditation 2004 39. Counseling Center Intern Program 2003 40. Disability Services 2002 41. Golf Course Liquor License 2003 42. Ice Arena Audit 2003 Box 90: 1. Who’s Who Among Students 2003 2. Weekly Warp Ups 2002-2003 3. Weekly Wrap Ups 1999-2005 4. Student Union Weekly Wrap Ups 2000-2003 5. Safety Task Force 1996 6. Flame Alpha Lambda Delta 1995 7. New Faculty 2002-2003 8. BG Connection 2003 9. BG Connector 2003 10. BG Connection 2003 11. BG Experience 2002 12. Financial Aid Update 2003 13. Advising Task Force 2004 14. Master Plan 2002 15. Graduate Life 2002-2003 16. Environmental Sustainability Report 2002 17. Strategic Enrollment Management Committee 2002 18. Buckeye Boy’s State 2003 19. Boy’s State 2002 20. Student Handbooks 2003-2006 21. Building Community Summary 1995-1996 22. Building Community Task Force 1996 23. Student Affairs Retreat 2003 24. Back To School Coffee 2002 25. GA Training 2002-2003 26. SA Goals and Priorities 2002-2003 27. SA Awards Ceremony 2003 28. Strategic Issues 2002-2003 29. SA Policy Meeting 2002 30. SA New Employee Orientation 2002 31. VIP Reunion 2002 32. SAC 2002-2003 33. SAC Exec 2003 34. Student Union 2002 35. Student Union 2003-2004 36. SA 5 Year Plan 2000 2009 ADDITION (Need to verify location of these additional boxes as of 2/17/2010) Box 1 1. Pre-Registration -1996 2. Orientation and Registration -1997 3. Welcome Week-1998 4. Orientation and Registration -1999 5. Newsletter –summer 1999 6. Orientation and Registration-2000 7. The BIG Welcome-Fall 2001 8. Parents and Family Handbook-2001 9. Orientation and Registration-2001 10. The BIG Welcome-2002 11. Parent and Family Handbook-2002 12. Orientation and Registration-2002 13. The BIG Welcome-2003 14. Parent and Family Handbook-2003 15. Orientation and Registration-2003 16. The BIG Welcome-2004 17. Orientation and Registration-2004 18. The BIG Welcome-2005 19. Parent and Family Handbook-2005 20. Orientation and Registration-2005 21. Welcome 2 BGSU-2006 22. Orientation and Registration-2006 23. Welcome 2 BGSU-2007 24. Parent and Family Handbook-2007 25. Orientations and Registration-2007 26. Welcome 2 BGSU-2008 27. Parent and Family Handbook-2008 28. Orientation and Registration-2008 29. Welcome 2 BGSU-2009 30. Parent and Family Hanbook-2009 31. Orientation and Registration-2009 32. First Year Success Series- fall 2004-summer 2009 33. Orange Polo Updates- summer 08 & summer 09 34. Get Involved. Box 2 1. First Year Experience Program- UNIV 100 2. Orientation Videos • The BG Perspective and Academic Advising • Focus on Campus Life • The BG Perspective: What’s Your Skill? • Coffee Connections (2x) |