UA 0058 - Bowling Green State University, Student Life records, 1943-2007 (bulk 1951-2000)
MLA Citation
“UA 0058 - Bowling Green State University, Student Life records, 1943-2007 (bulk 1951-2000).” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 3 June 2019, Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | UA 0058 - Bowling Green State University, Student Life records, 1943-2007 (bulk 1951-2000) |
Introduction | Records documenting various aspects of student life on the Bowling Green State University campus. Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. No restrictions exist on the use of this collection. As described in the Visiting Researcher Application Form, researchers using this collection assume full responsibility for conforming to the laws of libel, privacy, and copyright. |
Scope and Content | This collection covers such topics as orientations, registration, commencements, charities board, student organizations, student union design and planning, college success courses, and other student life events/activities. For additional records regarding student life, see also UA 007 - Vice President of Student Affairs records and UA 059 - Dean of Students records Collection size: 22.5 cubic feet (18 letter size archive boxes, 5 legal size archive boxes, and 14 records cartons) |
Inventory | Box 1: 1. Academic Administrative Roundtable 1978-1979 2. ACCESS: Handicapped Students Information 1977-1981 3. Ad Hoc Committee on Cross-Cultural Concerts 1980-1981 4. Administrative Organizational Chart 1975-1982 5. Alcohol Awareness and Abuse 1968-1982 6. Amani Room 1975 7. American Indians - Bibliography 1969-1970 8. Artist Series 1970-1976 9. Artist Series - Evaluations and Agreements 1975-1979 10. Artist Series - Evaluations and Agreements 1979-1980 11. Artist Series: Procedures, Reports, & Correspondence 1967-1971 Box 2: 1. Arts Meeting/Conference 1977 2. Arts Week (May) 1975 3. Asian Roots Committee 1981-1982 4. Auxiliary Services - Student Affairs Interface 1978 5. Bicentennial 1976 6. Black Concert Series 1980-1982 7. Black Culture Week 1970-1972 8. Black Greek Leadership 1982 9. Black History 1969-1981 10. Black Social Affairs 1972-1976 11. Black Student Union 1972-1983 12. Black Swamp Folk Festival 1976 13. Block-Card Section (for Athletic Events) 1959-1966 14. Board of Black Cultural Activities (BBCA) 1978-1983 15. Budget 1973-1976 16. Campus Calendar: Correspondence 1975-1983 17. Campus Food Sale Regulations 1973, 1978 18. Campus Security 1973-1979 19. College Student Personnel 1975-1980 Box 3: 1. College Unions 1960 - Report of Proceedings - Farrar Cobb 1960 2. COPE: University Committee on Program Evaluation 1975-1979 3. COPE 1976-1977 4. COPE 1977 5. Concert Policies 1974 6. Contracts 1973-1975 7. Copyright Law 1977 8. Correspondence 1966-1971 9. Correspondence 1972 10. Correspondence 1973 11. Correspondence 1974 12. Correspondence 1975 13. Correspondence 1976 14. Correspondence 1978-1982 15. Correspondence – Buscaglia/Sagan 1979-1980 16. Correspondence – DeCrane, Gregg 1972-1977 15. Correspondence – Lenhart, Richard 1966-1974 Box 4: 1. Correspondence – Lenhart, Richard 1975-1983 2. Correspondence – Shuck, Edward 1978-1979 3. Council for Student Activities 1977 4. Cultural Activities 1967-1973 5. Cultural Boost - Correspondence 1971-1972 6. Cultural Boost - George Carlin 1975-1976 7. Cultural Boost - Outlaw's Concert 1976 8. Cultural Boost - Poe Ditch Music: Festival 1975 9. Cultural Events Committee 1978 10. Dad's Day n.d. 11. Daily Security Reports 1969 18. Daily Security Reports 1970 Box 5: 1. Daily Security Reports 1970 2. Daily Security Reports 1970 3. Daily Security Reports 1970 4. Day By Day Calendars 1965/66-1974/75 Box 6: 1. Day By Day Calendars 1975/76-1983/84 2. Depozzo, Danny (Christmas Host Family Correspondence) 1975 3. Election Dispute 1971-1973 4. Entertainment 1973-1979 5. Entertainment 1980-1982 6. Ethnic Cultural Programs 1980-1982 7. Falcon Logo n.d. 8. Falcon Mascot 1968-1983 10. Firelands Campus 1974 11. Fitness Week 1979 12. Fraternities and Sororities 1977-1983 Box 7: 1. Freddie and Frieda Falcon 1968-1979 2. Friends of Music: Committee 1975 3. Fund-raising 1975 4. General Fee Allocations 1975-1978 5. General Fee: Budget Requests 1976-1983 6. General Memos 1972-1978 7. Gospel Choir 1978-1979 8. Graduate Student Senate: Memorandums and Budgets 1970-1973 9. Graduate Students 1980 10. Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival 1978 11. Greek Week - Correspondence 1979 12. Green Sheet 1980 13. Homecoming 1972-1982 14. Homecoming: Meetings and Organizations 1969-1971 15. Human Awareness Symposium: Final Report 1974 16. Human Sexuality: Colloquium and Symposium 1971 17. Interfraternity Council: Welcome to Campus Party 1974 18. International Programs 1975-1976 19. International Students 1972-1979 Box 8: 1. International Students 1975 2. International Students - Programs 1977-1978 3. International Week 1975 4. Kobacker Hall 1981 5. Latino Student Union 1972-1979 6. Leadership n.d. 7. Lectures 1970-1983 8. Main Auditorium Stage Information 1981-1982 9. MOJO Summer Theatre Project 1975 10. Music Licensing Agreements 1978-1980 11. National Council for Arts and Education (NCAE) 1975-1977 12. National Entertainment Conference (NEC-NECAA) 1970-1976 13. Native American Programs 1970-1971 14. Natural Resources (Wildlife) 1971 15. Newspaper Clippings 1966-1983 16. “1950’s Week” 1976 17. NCA: North Central Association: Accreditation 1982 18. N. E. Commons 1979 19. N. E. Commons 1981-1982 Box 9: 1. Ohio Arts Council 1975, 1980 n.d. 2. ORACLE: Ohio Regional Association of Concert and Lecture Enterprises 1982-1983 3. Orientation 1973-1977 4. Parent's Day 1976 5. Performing Artist Contracts 1973-1975 6. Policies 1967-1982 7. Policies 1966-1971 8. Policies (Social) 1967-1969 9. Practicum 1982 10. Pre-Registration 1976, 1980 11. President's Award Ceremony 1983 12. Program Schedules 1978-1979 13. Rathskeller Advisory Committee 1970-1971 14. Recommendations. letters of (by Richard Lenhart) 1971-1980 Box 10: 1. Student and staff perceptions of activities programming in 1976 selected residence halls at Bowling Green State University, by James T. Volz 2. Residence Hall Staff 1975-1977 3. Residence Programs 1973-1974 4. St. John's Episcopal Church Parish List n.d. 5. Science Fiction Week 1978-1979 6. Ski Club 1980 7. Social Activities Building Program Statement 1980 8. Space Assignments Controversy 1972-1975 9. Student Activities Building Space Needs 1965-1966 10. Spirit and Traditions Board 1969-1972 11. Statement of Ethics 1980 12. Student Activities Organization 1973-1979 13. Student Affairs 1968-1982 14. Student Affairs - Anderson Arena 1975-1979 15. Student Affairs - Board of Trustees 1976 16. Student Affairs Bulletin 1976 17. Student Affairs - Handicapped 1975 18. Student Affairs Interface 1974-1976 19. The Student Affairs Newsletter 1974-1975 20. Student Affairs Staff Minutes 1971-1976 21. Student Body Organization - Constitution and Bylaws 1972 22. Student Code 1971-1979 Box 11: 1. Student Employment 1976-1979 2. Student Government Association 1977-1978 3. Student Organizations Handbook 1979-1980 4. Student Personnel Program 1974-1976 5. Student Personnel Records Committee n.d. 6. Student Politics and Elections 1969-1972 7. Student Programs 1968-1980 8. Student Recreation Center 1981-1983 9. Student Services Building 1966-1972 10. Student Services Building Dedication 1969 11. Summer Programs 1966-1972 12. Summer Programs 1976-1978 13. Summer Programs 1979 14. Summer Programs 1980-1981 15. Summer Programs 1982 16. Sunday Night Films 1975-1978 17. Superstars Competition 1976 Box 12: 1. Survey of Child Care Facilities in Bowling Green OH 1983 2. Technical Writing Information 1977 3. Third World Theatre and Cultural Affairs 1976-1980 4. Title IX: Prohibiting Sex Discrimination in Education 1975 5. Transportation Services 1974 6. Trips 1979-1983 7. United Christian Fellowship 1976-1980 8. UAO 1959-1983 9. UAO Merger with Student Activities 1979 10. Union 1960-1983 11. Union Advisory Committee 1971-1982 12. Union 25th Anniversary 1983 13. Voter Facilitation 1973 14. Women's Coalition 1973-1974 15. Women's Week 1976 16. Women's Program Board 1974 17. Who’s Who Among Students 1964-1968 18. Class of 1959 1958 19. Class of 1960 1957-1960 20. Class of 1961 1960-1962 21. Class of 1962 1959-1961 22. Class of 1963 1960-1963 Box 13: 1. Class of 1964 1961-1964 2. Class of 1965 1961-1965 3. Class of 1968 1966 4. Class of 1969 1966-1969 5. Class of 1970 1966-1967 6. Class Officers’ Projects Files 1958-1966, sc. 7. Commencement Planning 1961-1963 8. Commencement Planning 1964-1965 9. Commencement Planning 1966-1969 10. Pre-Registration 1957-1961 11. Pre-Registration 1962-1963 12. Pre-Registration 1964-1966 13. Pre-Registration 1967 14. Pre-Registration 1968-1969 Box 14: 1. 14th Anniversary Conference of Orientation Directors Proceedings at Bowling Green State University Nov 1961 2. Orientation 1967-1969 3. Orientation – Senate Skit ca. 1948 4. Opening Day Committee 1965-1966 5. Homecoming 1960-1964 6. Homecoming 1965-1967 7. Homecoming 1968-1969 8. Annual Report of the Office of Student Activities 1963, 1967 9. Route 6 Bypass – Student Letters 1963-1964 10. State Issue 1 – Student Involvement 1963 11. California Polytechnic State College Football Team Airplane Crash 1960-1961 12. Mercy Bowl Trip to Los Angeles Arrangements 1961 13. Mock Political Convention 1968 14. Mock Political Convention balloting 1968 15. Mock Political Convention evaluation 1968 16. Residence Halls 1966-1968 17. Student Activities Practicum n.d. Box 15: 1. Report of the Committee Appointed by the Board of Trustees of BGSU to Study Student Affairs May 15, 1962 2. Student Disturbances: Letters Reports 1961, 1966 3. Report of the Faculty Senate Executive Subcommittee on Student Governance n.d. 4. Student Information System 1966 5. Student Relations Committee 1965-1967 6. Statistics: Enrollment, Space, Parking, Freshman Class 1964-1968 7. Student Union Planning 1951-1954 8. AAUP Statement on Academic Freedom of Students n.d. 9. Academic Long Range Planning Report on University College Organization 1967 10. Black Culture Week 1968-1969 11. Budget Requests 1968-1970 12. Conversion to the Quarter Systems 1963, 1967 13. Freshman Perceptions of BGSU – Institutional Research 1967 14. Student Organizations Leaders 1967-1968 15. The New University n.d. 16. “Solutions for the Seventies,” Address by Governor James A. Rhodes 1975 17. Cap and Gown 1943-1967 18. Mortar Board 1971-1977 19. Welcome Address to MAC IFC-Panhellenic Conference 1966 20. A Revised Proposal to Reorganize the Ohio Confederation of State University Student Governments 1968 21. Men’s Residence Halls Events Registration 1967-1968 22. Men’s Residence Hall Event Registration 1968 23. Alcoholic Beverage Policy 1963, 1965 Box 16: 1. Business Office 1964-1965 2. Campus Safety 1961-1965 3. Counseling Center – Student Test Scores 1965-1966 4. Councils and Committees 1959-1965 5. Data Processing 1963-1964 6. Development 1965-1966 7. Dogs 1964 8. Faculty and Staff 1958-1965 9. Grants in Aid and Scholarships 1955-1956 10. Health Service 1953-1965 11. Honors and Awards 1955 12. Housing Off-Campus 1963 13. Marriage of Students 1956 14. Misc. Policies 1958-1965 15. Open Visitation in Residence Halls 1966-1969 16. Post Office 1958, 1963 17. Publicity and Signs 1964-1965 18. Scheduling Campus Events 1959, 1965 19. Selling/Solicitation 1956-1965 20. Smoking in University Buildings 1959 21. Social Policy Committee 1953-1965 22. Student Employment 1962 23. Student Organizations 1960-1965 24. Vacation/Holidays 1958-1959 25. The Academic (Ir)relevance of ROTC 1970 26. Program Coordinator, Bob Yowell, Correspondence 1970-1972 27. Black Student Union 1969-1970 28. Campus Disorder - Ohio House Bill 1219 1969-1970 29. Cultural Events 1969-1970 30. Dad’s Day Weekend 1969 31. Homecoming 1969-1970 32. Housing 1969-1970 33. A New Experience for the Freshman Year [1969] 34. Organizations 1969-1970 35. Orientation 1969-1970 36. Professor Course Evaluation 1970 37. Registration/Pre-Registration 1969-1970 38. University Governance 1969 39. Richard Lenhart Misc. File 1969-1970 Box 1 1988 Addition 1. Orientation Letters 1974-1978 2. Student Organizations Handbook (BGSU) 1979-1981 3. Leap Workshop 1980 4. Information Night 1979 5. University Seminar 1975 6. University Seminar Student Mentors 1975 7. Pre-Registration 1972 8. Pre-Registration 1973 9. Pre-Registration 1974 10. Pre-Registration 1975 11. Pre-Registration 1976 12. Pre-Registration 1977 13. Pre-Registration 1980 14. Pre-Registration 1981 15. Pre-Registration – Planning Info 1982 16. Pre-Registration – Misc Info 1982 17. Pre-Registration – Testing 1982 18. Pre-Registration – Expenses 1982 19. Pre-Registration – Parents Program 1982 20. Pre-Registration – Variety Show 1982 21. Pre-Registration Materials 1982 22. Pre-Registration - General Correspondence 1982 23. Pre-Registration – Volunteers 1982 24. Pre-Registration - Summer 1984 25. Summer Program 1982 26. Orientation 1979 27. Orientation – Misc 1979 28. Orientation Board Minutes 1982 29. Orientation Board Info 1982 30. Orientation Leader Handbook 1979-1980 31. Orientation Reports 1975 32. Orientation Newsletters and Survey 1979-1980 33. Bowling Green in a nutshell: A Handbook for College 1973-1974 Box 2 1988 Addition: 1. Orientation/Pre-Registration 1975-1977 2. President’s Pre-Registration Presentation 1973 3. Voluntary Student Withdrawal Survey 1977 4. “We Care” Information (Awards) 1982-1983 5. Last Lecture 1973 6. Lecture Series 1975 7. Lecture Series 1976 8. Orientation Day Schedules 1971-1979 9. Transfer Orientation Information 1972-1978 10. Orientation Evaluations 1971-1978 11. Orientation Training (Casino Plans) 1979 12. Programming Ideas and Information n.d. 13. Orientation 1972 14. Orientation correspondence 1980 15. Orientation misc 1980 16. NODA Conference 1981 17. Orientation correspondence 1981 18. Orientation Board minutes 1981 19. Orientation Research 1981 20. Orientation – Gil Eagles 1981 21. Orientation Handbooks 1981 22. Orientation Misc 1981 23. Orientation - Non-Traditional 1981 24. Orientation – Non-Traditional 1982 25. Orientation Correspondence 1982 26. Orientation – Photos 1982 27. Orientation Misc 1982 28. NODA Conference 1982 29. Pre-Registration 1980 30. Pre-Registration Correspondence 1980 31. Pre-Registration Misc 1980 32. Pre-Registration Correspondence 1981 33. Pre-Registration Parents Program 1981 34. Pre-Registration 1981 35. Pre-Registration Math Placement Tests 1981 36. Pre-Registration Volunteers 1981 37. Pre-Registration Misc 1981 38. Summer Program 1981 39. College Student Personnel Papers 1975 40. Institutional Services Inc. (Freshman Record) 41. Career Education 1978 42. Student Reading Series Packet 43. Pre-Registration Photos – Beginnings 44. ACE Questionnaire 45. Pre-Registration/Orientation Publications 1985-1987 46. Orientation Leader Interview 47. Seminar Committee 1977-1978 Box 3 1988 Addition: 1. Charities Board 1952-1953 2. Charities Board 1957-1958 3. Charities Board 1960-1961 4. Charities Board 1961-1962 5. Charities Board 1962-1964 6. Charities Board 1963-1964 7. Charities Board 1964-1965 8. Charities Board 1965-1966 9. Charities Board 1966-1967 10. Charities Board 1967-1968 11. Charities Board 1968-1969 12. Charities Board 1968-1969 13. Charities Board 1969-1970 14. Charities Board 1970-1971 15. Charities Board 1971-1972 16. Charities Board Nov 1972 17. Charities Board 1972-1973 18. Charities Board 1974-1975 19. Fund Raising Policy 1975 20. Charities Board 1976-1977 21. Thank You Letters 1977 22. Charities Board 1977-1978 23. Charities Board Bike Auction 1978 24. Charities Week and Mardi Gras 1978 25. Charities Board 1978-1979 26. Charities Board Bike Auction 1980 27. Local Charities 1981-1982 28. Charity Board Donation Reports 1979-1982 29. Charities Board Bike Auction 1979 30. Charities and Services Reports Fraternities/Sororities 1979-1980 31. Charities Board 1979-1980 32. Charities Board Bike Auction 1980 33. Charities Week and Mardi Gras 1980 34. Charities Board Minutes 1981 35. Thank You Letters 1982 36. Charities Board 1982 37. Charities Board 1982-1983 38. Charities Board 1984-1985 39. Charities Board Thank You Letters 1986-1987 40. Charities Board Reports 1981-1991 41. Charities Board Report 1991-1995 42. Orientation Board 1979-1985 43. Orientation Board 1980-1981 44. Orientation Board 1983-1986 Box 4 1988 Addition: 1. Orientation Board 1987-1988 2. Pre-Registration 1983 3. Pre-Registration 1983 4. Student Organizations Handbook n.d., 1980/81-1984/85 5. Orientation Information 1983 6. Orientation Board 1983 7. Hemophilia Tip-Over 1981-1984 8. NODA 1983-1985 9. NODA 1984-1985 10. Minority Student Orientation 1983 Box 5 1988 Addition: 1. Pre-Registration 1984 3. Orientation 1984 4. Orientation Board 1984 5. Volunteers/Pre-Registration 1985 6. Pre-Registration Assignments 1985 7. 75th Anniversary 1985 8. Orientation Board 1985-1986 9. Pre-Registration 1986 10. New Student Dictionary – Guide to Campus Life 1986 11. Spring Registration - Evaluations 1986 12. Budget Information 1986 13. Pre-Reg Information 1987 14. Orientation 1987 Box 1 1994 Addition: 1. Cultural Events 1984-1986 2. Cultural Events Committee 1985-1986 3. Cultural Events 1986-1987 3. Ohio Arts Council 1984-1985 4. Ohio Arts Council 1985-1986 5. Student Organizations Annual Report 1991-1992 6. Orientation 1987 7. Orientation 1988 8. Orientation 1989 9. Orientation 1990 8. Orientation 1991 9. Pre-Registration Evaluations 1976-1986 10. Pre-Registration Evaluations 1989-1992 11. Pre-Registration 1987 12. Pre-Registration 1989 13. Pre-Registration 1990 14. Pre-Registration 1991 15. Pre-Registration 1992 16. Pre-Registration 1993 17. Pre-Registration 1994 18. SOLD - Student Organizations Leadership Development 1992-1993 19. Education 101: Changing Parent-Student Relationship 1988 20. Education 101 1988-1990 21. CSP 480 Files 1990-1991 22. CSP 480 Files 1991-1992 23. Summer Reading Program 1991 24. University Success 1987 25. University Success 1988 26. University Success 1989 27. University Success 1989 28. University Success 1981-1985 Box 1 1998 Addition: 1. University Seminar 1975-1980a 2. Orientation Leader Training 1992 3. Orientation Leader Training Manual 1992 4. Orientation 1993 5. Pre-Registration 1993 6. Pre-Registration 1993 7. University Success 1985-1988 8. Lenhart Scholarship 1993-1995 Box 1 1999 Addition: 1. Arts Activities Committee 1992-1996 2. Cultural Events Committee 1990-1991 3. Disciplinary Statistics 1976-1995 4. Homecoming 1985-1986, 1989 5. Interface Committee 1990-1995 6. Internship Review Committee 1991-1992 7. Alcohol Policy 1983-1984 8. Hazing Policy 1982-1983 9. Misc. Policies 1970’s-1980’s 10. Publicity Policy 1986 11. Raffles Policy 1975 12. Student Recreation Center 1995-1996 13. Saddlemire Scholarship 1990-1994 14. Sexual Violations Task Force 1991 15. Slide Program - Student Charities Work - Photos/Brochures 1985 16. Social Events Task Force 1993-1994 17. Space/Security Issues for Social Events 1992-1993 18. Sponsored Events Review Committee 1984 19. Student Affairs Project 2000 goals/objectives 1992-1993 20. Student Code 1984-1987 21. Student Legal Services n.d. 22. SOLD 1999-2000 23. SOLD – Beginning Stages/ Background 1987-1993 24. Student Organizations Fair 1984 25. Student Organizations Handbook 26. Student Organizations Leadership Award 1994-1997 27. Student Organizations Leadership Workshop 1985-1992, sc. 28. Student Organizations Treasurer’s Handbook non-ACGFA 1986 Box 2 1999 Addition: 1. Pre-Reg/Orientation 1996-1997 2. Pre-Reg/Orientation 1993-1995 3. Summer Freshman Orientation 1995 4. Alcohol Guidelines 1982-1983 5. Resident Student Association 1993-1994 6. Leadership Development Team 1996 7. Leadership Institute 1996 8. Enrollment Task Force 1995-1996 9. Judicial Affairs Report 1996 10. Union Advisory Committee 1993-1998 11. Union Transition Team 1995-1996 12. Student Union Task Force 1995-1996 13. Saddlemire Student Services Building Advisory Committee 1994-1996 14. Space Assignments Committee 1989-1990 15. Student Affairs Administrative Organization 1995 16. Noise Awareness and Reduction 1980-1990 17. Assessment 1995-1996 18. Goals: Student Affairs, Student Life, Recreational Sports 1995-1997 19. Freshman Year Experience 1996-1998 20. Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues/VISION 1997 21. Interface Committee 1997-1998 22. Transfer/Pre-Reg Program Proposal 1990 23. UNIV 100 1994-1997 24. Fall Orientation 1989-1995 (sc.) 25. UNIV 100 Course Evaluations 1994-1997 Box 1 2000 Addition 1. Freshman Convocation 1988 2. Freshman Convocation 1989 3. Freshman Convocation 1990 4. Freshman Convocation 1991 5. Freshman Convocation 1992 6. Freshman Convocation 1993 7. NCA Accreditation of UAO 1991 8. Off-Campus Student Center 1987-1991 9. Parents Weekend 1988-1991 10. Parents Weekend 1992 11. Parents Weekend 1993 12. Parents Weekend 1994 13. Pre-Registration 1994-1995 14. Trustee Orientation 1993 15. UAO Manual 1986-1987 16. UNIV 200: Peer Facilitator Training for UNIV 100 University Success Class 1994 Box 2 2000 Addition 1. Memos 1995-1996 2. Staff Meeting Materials 1990, 1992-1993 3. Staff Meeting Materials 1995-1996 4. Brochures 1995-1996, n.d. 5. Freshman and Transfer Pre-Registration 1994-1996 6. UNIV Graduate Facilitator Training 1993-1994 7. UNIV 100 1993-1994 8. UNIV 100 1993-1994 9. UNIV Training 1995-1997 10. Orientation Leader Workshop 1993 11. Orientation 1994 12. Orientation Board Training 1995 13. BGSU Historical Information for Residence Halls n.d. Box 3 2000 Addition: 1. Union Advisory Committee Minutes 1984-1987 2. Union Advisory Committee Minutes 1988-1990 3. Union Feasibility Study WTW 1996-1998 4. Final Report of the Student Union Task Force 1996 5. Union RFP 1996 6. Union Renovation/Expansion Design Phase 1997-1998 7. Union Program Summary Pre-Final Draft 1998 8. Union Renovation/Expansion 1998 9. Union Renovation/Expansion - Selection of Architect 1998 Box 4 2000 Addition: 1. Union Renovation/Expansion Program Development 1997-1998 2. Union Proposal WTW n.d. 3. Union Proposal Poggemeyer n.d. 4. Union Drawings n.d. 5. Union Proposal Burgess & Niple, Ltd. n.d. 6. Gerald Saddlemire Scholarship Applications 1997 7. Student Activities and Orientation 1990 8. Student Activities and Orientation Budget 1998-1999 9. Policies 1998 10. Program Directors 1983-1984 11. Ribeau Inauguration 1995-1996 12. Saddlemire Student Services Building 1994-1995 13. Dedication Hazel Smith Off-Campus Student Center 1989 14. Lenhart Memorial Service 1984 15. Kobacker Hall 1985-1995 Box 1 2001 Addition: 1. O-Reg 1997 2. O-Reg 1998 3. General Welcome Week Info Vol. 1 1997 4. Individual Components/Events of Welcome Week Vol. 2 1996-1997 5. Evening Programs 1998 6. Residence Life Tour 1998 7. Welcome Week 1997 Box 2 2001 Addition: 1. Student Programs 1997 2. O-Reg: Correspondence, Catering/Space/Display, 1997 Student/Staff Info Packets, Family & Faculty Tours, Residence Tours, Evening Services, Staff Meetings, Publications/Videos 3. O-Reg: same as above 1998 4. Welcome Week Staff Info 1997 5. Evening Programs 1997 6. Summer Freshman 1997 7. ED101 Display 1998 Box 3 2001 Addition: 1. Pre-Reg Notebook 1994 2. Pre-Reg Publications 1993 3. Pre-Reg Publications 1994 4. Pre-Reg Publications 1995 5. Freshman Pre-Reg Spring 1996 6. Transfer Pre-Reg Spring 1996 7. Pre-Reg Final Fall 1996 8. Welcome Week 1995 9. Welcome Week 1997 10. Welcome Week 1997 11. Welcome Week 1998 12. Publications 1999 13. Welcome Leader Training Guide 14. Family Weekend 2000 15. O-Reg Final Fall Set-Ups 1997 16. Summer Freshman Program 1996 17. Summer Freshman Program 1998 18. Placement Testing, Ad Hoc Committee on 1992 19. Leader Binder 1995 20. Orientation Evaluation 1990 21. Leader Training Evaluation 1995 22. Orientation 1996 23. Orientation 1996 24. Orientation Board 1994-1996 25. Orientation Board 1995-1996 26. Orientation Board 1997-1999 27. Family & Faculty Vol. 1 1998 28. Family & Faculty Vol. 2 1998 29. Staff Info Packet 1998 Box 4 2001 Addition: 1. Senior Exit Interview Program 1975 2. BGSU Past, Present & Future: A Display for Freshman Residence Halls n.d. 3. Amy Whiteford Education 101 n.d 4. Pre-Reg Practicum Education 101 1991-1994 5. Pre-Reg Practicum Education 101 1996 6. Pre-Reg Job Descriptions 1996 7. Pre-Reg Volunteer Team Tour Guides 1994 8. Pre-Reg Assistants Training & Resource Manual 1994-1996 9. Course Requests: Priority Registration Material n.d. 10. Pre-Reg 1989 11. Pre-Reg 1990 12. Pre-Reg 1991-1992 13. Pre-Reg 1992 14. Pre-Reg 1993 15. Pre-Reg 1994 16. Pre-Reg 1994 17. Pre-Reg 1994 18. Pre-Reg: Family & Faculty Facilitation Training 1994, 1998 19. Pre-Reg: Transfers Fall 1996 20. Pre-Reg: Freshman/Transfer Spring 1997 21. Pre-Reg: Report Notes 1993-1995 22. Pre-Reg: Reports 1995-1997 23. Pre-Reg: Evaluations Computer Programs & Instructions 1988 24. Orientation Evaluation 1995 25. Orientation Evaluation 1995 26. Final Fall O-Reg 1998 27. Final Fall Transfer O-Reg 1998 28. O-Reg & BG-Opoly Summer 1997 29. O-Reg Spring 1998 30. O-Reg Assistants Training & Resources Manual 1997-1998 31. Summer Freshman Program 1997 32. The Hows of Transfer Programming 1995 33. Fall Transfer O-Reg 1997 34. Real Life at BGSU 1995 35. Real Life at BGSU 1996 36. Publications 1996 37. Orientation Newsletter 1996 38. Publications 1996 39. Publications 1997 40. Publications 1995 41. New Student Handbook 1987 42. A Handbook for BGSU Parents 1989-1990 43. Publications Awards 1978-1997 Box 5 2001 Addition: 1. Real Life 1997 2. Student Education 101 3. Real Life Video 4. Education 101 - Real Life - Pre-Reg 5. Parent Education 101 June 1993 6. Student Activities & Orientation 1991 7. Student Activities & Orientation - Parent Education 1994 8. BGSU Community Pre-Reg June 1994 9. Pre-Reg Skits April 1990 10. Pre-Reg Skits: Changing Major, Photo ID, Roomates, “Big Town”, Recreation Center, Dropping Out 11. Pre-Reg Interviews 12. Pre-Reg videos 1996 13. Real Life at BGSU 1996/1997 14. Student Activities & Orientation 1995 15. Real Life at BGSU 16. Finished Project 17. Parents’ Perspectives 1997 18. Social Issues Presentation 1997 19. Education 101 1997 20. Real Life at BGSU 1998 21. Education 101 1998 22. Education 101 Training Tape #2 1992 23. Pre-Reg videos 24. Education 101 Orientation version 25. USG Oatmeal Wrestling, Commuter Center, Excellence Award, Latino Issues Conference, Rock-a-Thon Slides, Photos Box 6 2001 Addition: 1. Orientation Board n.d. 2. Orientation Board 1988-1989 3. Orientation Board 1990-1991 4. Orientation Board 1997-1998 5. Orientation Board 1998-1999 6. Orientation Board 1998-1999 BOX 1 2009 Addition: Commencement Weekend 1957 1. Commencement Weekend- Correspondence (1957) 2. Commencement Weekend- Cotillion Reservations (1957) 3. Commencement Weekend- President’s Reception (1957) BOX 2 2009 Addition: Commencement Weekend 1957 1. Commencement Weekend- Senior Cotillion (1957) 2. Commencement Weekend- Senior Weekend (1957) 3. Commencement Weekend- Special Events (1957) BOX 1: Office of Student Affairs 2012 Addition [box location unknown as of June 2019] 1. Program Review Disk 2007 2. Student Emergency/Crisis Plan 2004 3. BGSU Crisis Response Plan 2005 4. Operational Guidelines for the COPES Program 2002-2003 [Coordinator of Personal Emergency Services] 5. North Central Accreditation Summary Report 2001 6. Office of Student Life Presentation 2007 7. Office of Students Life Administration Charts 1998-2004 8. Handbook Info 1999-2000, 03-04 9. Thank You Letters from Jill Carr 2007 Interim Asst. VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students 10. Graduate Internship Application n.d. 11. Transition Plan 1995 12. Comprehensive Plans 2000-2005 13. Office of Student Life Annual Report, Priorities and Goals 1995-1996 14. Office of Student Affairs Annual Report 1995-1996 15. Office of Student Life Annual Report 1999-2004 16. Office of Student Life Annual Report 2004-2006 17. Campus Involvement Annual Report 2001-2004 18. Summer Orientation and Registration Report 2002-2006 19. Orientation and New Student Programs Annual Report Correspondence 1995-1998 20. First Year Experience Annual Reports 1998-2001 21. First-Year Experience Program Self-Study Report 2000 22. Orientation and First Year Programs Annual Report 2001-2006 23. Orientation and First Year Programs Priorities/Strategies 2003-2005 24. Orientation and Registration Program Report and Reviews 2001 25. Orientation and Registration Assessment 2001-2004 26. Orientation and Registration Final Report 1997-2002 27. Judicial Affairs Program Review 2001 28. Office of Student Life Self-Study Report for External Program Review: Appendices 2006 29. Office of Student Life Self-Study Report for External Program Review 2006 30. Division of Student Affairs Annual Imperatives 2003-2005 31. Progress on Student Life Annual Imperatives 2003-2004 32. Feedback/Program Review for all Office of Student Affairs Departments n.d. 33. Student Achievement Assessment Committee: Assessment Grant Application n.d. 34. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: Career Services n.d. 35. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: Campus Involvement n.d. 36. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: First Year Experience n.d. 37. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: Graduate Student Affairs n.d. 38. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: Judicial Affairs n.d. 39. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: Staff Merit n.d. 40. Student Life Evaluation Surveys: University Union Space Assignments n.d. 41. Student Budget Committee Annual Funding Packet 2007-2008 42. Off Campus Involvement Budget 2002-2006 43. Off Campus Housing Publications 2006 44. Campus Involvement Publications and Posters n.d. 45. Student Life Brochures n.d. 46. Orientation and First Year Publications 2006-2007 47. Cheerleading Program Review Session and Correspondence, 2006 Bill Boggs Biography 48. Cheerleading Program Review 2006-2007 49. Spirit Program Review Response 2007 50. Scrapbook: Founders Hall Staff 2001-2002 51. Scrapbook: Wooster Street Reunion 2004 The Resident Advisors of Wooster St. Dorms |