UA 0032 - Bowling Green State University, Office of Equity and Diversity [Affirmative Action and Disability Resources], 1961-2010
MLA Citation
“UA 0032 - Bowling Green State University, Office of Equity and Diversity [Affirmative Action and Disability Resources], 1961-2010.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 29 May 2019, Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | UA 0032 - Bowling Green State University, Office of Equity and Diversity [Affirmative Action and Disability Resources], 1961-2010 |
Introduction | Correspondence and subject files related to equity and diversity topics. Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. Materials found in this collection may be duplicated in other University Archives collections and holdings. Access to confidential information is restricted. |
Scope and Content | Collection size: 19.33 cubic feet (19 record cartons and 1 letter size archive box]. Collection was gathered in several accessions. |
Inventory | Note: May 2019: This collection is only partially processed and this preliminary inventory does not appear to be entirely accurate. The location of the first five boxes listed below is unknown. “First Addition” appears to refer to first five boxes actually on the shelf, “Second Addition” appears to refer to 9/86 addition. The 1998 addition does not appear to be on the shelves either. Some materials in the collection have been rehoused into archival folders, but not the entire collection. Box 1: 1. Affirmative Action Committee-minutes Oct 1971-May 1974 2. Affirmative Action Committee-reports/files Feb-Sept 1972 3. Affirmative Action Committee-reports/files Oct-Dec 1972 4. Affirmative Action Committee-reports/files Jan -May 1973 5. Affirmative Action Committee-reports/files Jan-Oct 1977 6. Affirmative Action Progress reports June 1977-June 1978 7. Affirmative Action Progress reports July 1978-Sept 1981 8. Affirmative Action Operations area Feb 1976-Apr 1980 9. Affirmative Action proposed plan-comments Nov-Dec 1976,1977 10. Architectural Barriers Committee Nov 1970-Aug 1975, nd. 11. Architectural Barriers Committee Sept 1975-May 1976, nd. 12. Architectural Barriers Committee Oct 1976-July 1978, nd. 13. Architectural Barriers Committee Nov 1978-Nov 1980 14. College of Arts and Sciences Jan 1974-Oct 1977 15. College of Arts and Sciences Nov 1977-Oct 1978 16. Awareness Day May 1975-1977 17. Bakke Case May 1977-June 1978 18. Bakke Case Aug 1978-Feb 1981 Box 2: 1. Beta Mu Kappa June 1978 2. Biology May 1972-May 1978 3. Breakdown of staff and faculty (gender/race) Sept 1974-June 1978 4. Broadcasting March 1975-Sept 1977 5. Business Administration March 1971-Aug 1978 6. Business Education May 1972-March 1974, Sept. 1976 7. Child Care Study 1972, 1978 8. Child Care Study Jan-Oct 1979 9. Classified Employees-statistics Nov 1974-Nov 1976 10. Classified Employees-statistics Jan 1977-Sept 1978 11. Correspondence-ScottBey and others Dec 1978-May 1979 12. Correspondence-ScottBey and others 1979 13. Correspondence-ScottBey and others 1980 14. Correspondence-ScottBey and others 1981 15. Correspondence-ScottBey Aug 1974-Dec 1975 16. Correspondence-ScottBey 1976 17. Correspondence-ScottBey Jan-Apr 1977 18. Correspondence-ScottBey May-Dec 1977 19. Correspondence-ScottBey 1978 Box 3: 1. Discrimination Apr-Dec 1979 2. Discrimination-age Feb-Oct 1979 3. EEO Category for Executive/Administrative Feb 1977 Managerial Positions at BGSU 4. EEO Policy Statements, Affirmative Action Program 1971, 1975 5. Employment information reports Jan 1965-Nov 1981 6. Equal Opportunity Compliance Committee Nov 1978-Nov 1986, Sept 1987 7. Counseling and Career Center May 1972-Oct 1979 8. Handicapped July 1976-Oct 1979, nd. 9. Handicapped-Section 503 July 1977-March 1979 10. Handicapped-Section 503 Apr 1979 11. Handicapped-504 Self Evaluation March 1978-Jan 1979 12. Handicapped-Guide to Section 504 Jan 1978 13. International Student Activities Aug 1972, Aug 1974, July 1975 14. Latino Concerns July 1972-May 1980 15. Latino Concerns July 1980-March 1981 16. Ohio Board of Regents May-Nov 1973 Box 4: 1. Professional Women and Minorities at BGSU 1973 2. Project Search Oct 1972-Sept 1978 3. Salaries 1971/72-1974/75 4. Salaries Jan 1976-May 1979 5. Salaries-recommended for 1978/79 May 1978 6. Salary Study Nov 1973-July 1977 7. Resource Planning-correspondence June 1972-Oct 1979 8. Resource Planning-staff meeting Jan 1974-Nov 1976 9. Salary Study-Dissertation of Jack Rose Aug 1977 10. Salary Study Aug 1977-March 1978 11. Salary Study March 1979-July 1979, nd. 12. Salary Study-responses June 1979-Aug 1979 13. Sexual Harassment Sept 1975-March 1981, nd. 14. Student Development Program/Minority Affairs June 1971-Nov 1978 15. Student Teaching March 1974-Sept 1976 16. Title VI Sept 1980-July 1981 17. Title VII June-July 1979 18. University Division June 1977-Apr 1979 19. Undergraduate appointees to the ACGFA Spring 1980 20. Workshops and Seminars 1978-1979 21. Workshops and Seminars 1980 22. Workshops and Seminars 1981-1983 Box 5: 1. Affirmative Action Plan-background data 1969-1975 2. Affirmative Action Plan-background data 1976-1981 3. Correspondence-ScottBey Jan 1982-June 1983 4. Correspondence 1972, July 1975-Apr 1982 5. EEO Legislation 1968-1979 6. Lists-selected students 1967-1974, 1978-1979, 1981-1982 7. Minority student organizations March 1979-May 1979 8. Miami University-correspondence Oct 1980-Jan 1981, May 1983 9. Non-profit management and technical assistance 1983 conference 10. Articles and clippings 1965, 1973-1978 11. Articles and clippings 1979-1981, nd. First Addition: Box 1: 1. Affirmative Action-policy/correspondence 1973-1978 2. Affirmative Action-policy/correspondence 1978 3. Affirmative Action-policy/correspondence 1974 4. Age 1979 5. Athletics 1979 6. Committee-EOC (several folders) 1978-1983 7. Compliance 1977-1980 8. Correspondence 1972, 1973, 1980-1981 9. Hearing Board 1975-1977 10. HEGIS 1974-1976 First Addition: Box 2: 1. HEW notebooks (responses to interrogatories) 1977 2. HEW (several folders) 1972-1980 3. Hiring Manual n.d. 4. Hiring procedures 1975-1978 5. Human Rights Commission (several folders) 1979-1980, 1981-1982 First Addition: Box 3: 1. Statistical information 1961-1974 2. Minorities/women (several folders) 1975-1983 3. Miscellaneous information 1978-1983 4. National Science Foundation 1973-1982 First Addition: Box 4: 1. Policy and Procedures-Human Rights Commission 1980-1981 2. Rehab Service 1973-1980 3. Resource Center for Disabled (several folders) 1974-1979 4. Retirement 1978-1979 5. Seminars 1978-1981 6. Speeches n.d. First Addition: Box 5: 1. Women’s Caucus 1972-1978 2. Work Force Analysis 1977 3. Workshops 1978-1980 4. Questionnaire-economic impact BGSU/BG n.d. 5. Handicapped correspondence 1984-1986 Second Addition (9/86) Box 1: 1. Equal Opportunity Compliance 1980-1984 2. Correspondence 1979-1982 3. Correspondence 1972-1978 4. Correspondence 1973-1980 5. Computer Services 1978-1982 6. Correspondence 1974-1983 7. Miscellaneous 1974-1982 (sc.) 8. President’s Office-correspondence 1982-1983 9. NCA Report n.d. 10. Equal Opportunity Office 1967-1983 11. Correspondence (several folders) 1972-1983 12. Appointment Activity Records 1981-1983 Second Addition (9/86) Box 2: 1. Police Review Board Report 1977 2. Campus Safety and Security Annual Report 1978-1979 3. Analysis of Civil Service Personnel in the 1973 Operations and Business areas of the university 4. American Arbitration Association: 1979 Arbitration between Ohio Association of Public Schools vs. BGSU 5. Results of Job Analysis Procedures for BGSU n.d. Police Officers 6. Campus Safety and Security-correspondence 1972-1983 7. Miscellaneous reports 1972-1983 8. Correspondence (several folders) 1972-1982 9. Equity Study-College of Education n.d. 10. JPLRCC-correspondence 1976-1978 11. FPCC-reports and correspondence 1979-1980 12. Handicapped Services 1983-1984 13. Sex Discrimination-miscellaneous 1972-1975 14. Sex Discrimination-Title 29 and 41 1972-1974 15. Sex Discrimination-Articles n.d. 16. Sex Discrimination-Ohio House Bill 610 1973-1974 17. Ohio Department of Administrative Services 1979-1982 1995 Addition; Box 1: 1. Human Relations Commission agendas 1987-1989 2. Human Relations Commission minutes 1979, 1983-1985 3. Compliance reports 1970, 1972 4. Administrative employee roster 1987 5. Undergraduate enrollment by race-CIC institutions Fall 1981 6. Faculty Profiles by rank, sex, and tenure 1982-1989 7. Operating expense plan summary 1983-1987 8. New Minority Hires 1990-1991 9. Annual reports 1983-1989 10. Hiring statistics 1984-1985 11. Minority statistics by occupation, job group 1987 12. Non-minority lists 1988 13. Classified Staff Personnel forms 1986 14. Terminations and new hires July 1986 15. Annual utilization analysis 1984-1985, 1987 16. Statistics on salaries, hires, faculty composition, 1983-1985 enrollment 18. Raw evaluation forms 1987 19. FT employee’s residences and labor market area 1985, 1989 20. Administrative staff-pay equity study 1988 21. Progress report data and employee activity information 1982-1984 22. Corrected EEO-6 forms and reports 1982 23. Affirmative Action job deletions and updates 1986 24. EEO-6 job groups and titles n.d. 25. EEO-6 report 1989-1990 Faculty/Department merit and salary increases New hires 1984-1985 Census statistics females 16 and over by race, occupation and Dec 1982 Work experience 1995 Addition: Box 2: 1. Memos to bidders-equal opportunity 1988 2. Classified staff statistics 1983-1984 3. Classified staff activity information 1987 4. Handicapped services self-evaluation forms 1984 5. Gender/race statistics faculty and staff n.d. 6. Federal contract compliance report 1987 7. Self-evaluation form 1978 8. Progress report 1986 9. Utilization analysis 1984-1985, 1987 10. Workforce analysis civil service employees 1986-1987 11. Minority and female contract employees 1982 12. Ohio Pay Equity Advisory committee minutes 1984 13. Workforce analysis-permanent part-time and full- 1985 time classified Staff 1987, civil service employment 14. Full-time minority classified staff employment 1987-1989 15. AA Statistics by quarter and fiscal year 1987-1990 16. Department of Labor Report 1987 17. AA Progress Report and Plan 1987-1990 18. AA Speech Chair/Directors meeting Dec 9, 1987 19. Ohio Civil Rights Commission-Notice of Non-compliance 1989 20. Administrative staff list, by name 1985 21. Salary evaluation (24 positions compared to 1982) 1986 22. OFCC Audit June 1986 23. EEOC-Higher Education Staff information 1977-1981 24. Resignations and new hires 1988-1989 25. Minorities by rank and administrative role Fall 1980-Fall 1981 26. EEO-6 forms and information 1983-1991 27. Workforce analysis-graduate college 1986-1987 28. Workforce analysis-no department 1982-1983 29. Workforce analysis-part-time faculty 1987 30. Workforce analysis-(several folders) 1984-1988 31. Contract staff clarification study 1982 32. Minority information by rank/administrative role 1980-1981 33. Reports to President 1983-1985 34. Staff meetings 1988 35. Equal Opportunity Committee minutes 1992-1993 1998 Addition: Box 1: 1. Advertising Costs 1989-1990 2. Faculty Information 1994-1998 3. Correspondence 1995 4. Human Relations Commission 1990-1993 5. Immigration 1980s 6. Manpower 1994-1995 7. Office supplies 1994-1998 8. Ohio Privacy Office 1990 9. Position Hiring Freeze 1992 10. School of Nursing 1990 11. Summer employment files (student employees) 1990-1994 12. Telecommunications (bills) 1990s 13. Incoming correspondence 1991-1992 1998 Addition: Box 2: 1. Paid invoices/requisitions/chronicle ads 1989-1997 1998 Addition: Box 3: 1. Classified Staff Personnel Information-Action forms 1988-1995 1998 Addition: Box 4: 1. Administrative Staff hiring information 1993 2. Classified Staff hiring information 1994-1995 3. Correspondence-Miguel 1987-1989 4. Director study Dec 1989 5. U.S. Dept. of Education 1989-1990 6. Department of Labor 1986-1987 7. Department of Labor-Compliance Review 1993 1998 Addition: Box 5: 1. EOC Files 1988-1990 2. Affirmative Action Progress Reports 1982-1995 3. EEO/Minority Business Ent. Files 1991-1998 1998 Addition: Box 6: 1. AD Council 1994-1995 2. Certification of Compliance 1996-1997 3. Diversity Resource, Survey Responses, Initiatives 1993-1995 4. EEO-6 Reports 1983-1995 5. Vendor Compliance Survey 6. Employee Activity Reports 1991-1996 7. Goals 1991-1994 8. Minority Staff 1993-1996 9. OBOR-Project Mind 1995 10. Personnel Civil Service-Activity Detail Reports 1994-1997 1998 Addition: Box 7: 1. Personnel Changes 1991-1997 2. Classified Support Staff 1990-1996 3. Minority Classified Staff 1997 4. Promotions-Faculty 1991-1995 5. Renovation Project 6. Retirements 1991-1995 7. Quarterly application statistics 1991-1996 8. Rejection -Appointment record 1990-1995 1998 Addition: Box 8: 1. Terminations and Replacements 1994-1995 2. Utilization 1991-1994 3. Veterans 1991-1997 4. Work Force Analysis 1991-1994 5. Vacancy Recap-administrative and classified 1994-1997 1999 Addition Box 1: 1. Quarterly reports-classified staff employment activity 1990-1996 2. Tenure and promotions-statistical reports 1990-1994 3. Faculty retirements 1989/90-1994/95 4. Administrative and Classified Staff retirements 1991-1993 5. Rejection-(hiring) 1993-1995 6. Minority staff and faculty statistics 1990-1998 7. EEOC minutes and files 1988-1991 8. Ohio Civil Rights commission AA Progress reports 1989-1995 9. Minority Business Compliance files 1990-1998 10. Correspondence with other AA offices n.d. 1999 Addition Box 2: 1. Classified staff hiring information 1994-1995 2. Correspondence Miguel Ornelas 1987-1989 3. Directors Study 1987 US Department of Education US Department of Labor Correspondence Marshall Rose 1991-1992 1999 Addition: Box 3: 1. Certification of compliance for Institutions 1996-1997 2. Diversity Resources Labels and forms 1995-1996 3. Diversity Survey Responses 1995-1996 4. Diversity Initiations 1995 5. Diversity information 1993-1996 6. EEO-6 reports 7. Employee Activity Report 1991-1996 8. Goals 1991-1994 9. Minority Staff 1993-1996 10. Personnel Civil Service Account Detail Report 1994-1997 1999 Addition: Box 4: 1. Utilization Analysis reports 1991-1994 2. Vacancy recap reports (administrative/classified) 1994-1997 3. Veterans affirmative action plan 1991-1995 4. Workforce Analysis reports 1991-1994 5. Faculty profile reports 1991-1993 6. Classified/Administrative Staff profile reports 1991-1993 7. Firelands College-Section 504 of 1973 1978 Rehabilitation Act Self-Study 8. Affirmative Action Plan and Annual Reports 1991, 1993 2012 Addition: Box 1: 1. Affirmative Action Program for Women And Minorities (2 binders) 2007-2008 2. Affirmative Action Program for Women And Minorities (2 binders) 2008-2009 2012 Addition: Box 2: 1. Various BGSU policies and procedures 1997-2004 2. Annual goal reports and memorandums 1997-2010 3. Self-Study report 2002 4. Program Review report 2003 5. Affirmative Action Program for Disabled 2008-2009 Individuals and Covered Veterans 6. “Readings in Diversity” release forms and video tape 2009 |