UA 028 - Bowling Green State University, Business Office records, 1922-1965 (bulk 1937-1957)
MLA Citation
“UA 028 - Bowling Green State University, Business Office records, 1922-1965 (bulk 1937-1957).” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 24 May 2019, Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | UA 028 - Bowling Green State University, Business Office records, 1922-1965 (bulk 1937-1957) |
Introduction | Records of the Business Office at Bowling Green State University. Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. Materials found in this collection may be duplicated in other University Archives collections and holdings. Access to confidential information is restricted. |
Scope and Content | Includes records from the period Ervin Kreischer was business manager (1937-1965). Kreischer served BGSU as a critic teacher, business manager, treasurer, and VP of Finance. He was instrumental in securing funding for campus growth, including land and buildings. Kreischer Quadrangle student housing is named in his honor. Collection size: 9.17 cubic feet (7 record cartons, 6 letter size archive boxes, and 1 half-letter size archive box). |
Inventory | Box 1: 1. A 1938-1939 2. A 1945 3. A 1946 4. A 1947 5. A 1948-1951 6. A 1957 7. A Cappella Choir Tour 1949-1950 8. Admissions Report 1957 9. Airfield Paving 1929-1930 10. Airport Specifications 1942, 1944 11. Airport 1937-1942 12. Airport 1943 13. Airport 1944-1945 14. Airport 1946-1956 15. Airport – Aviation Clinic 1951 Box 2: 1. Amphitheater (outdoor) Drawing 1938 2. Artist Series 1957 3. Athletics 1956-1958 4. B 1937-1941 5. B 1944-1945 6. B 1947 7. B 1948 8. B 1949 9. B 1950 10. B 1951 11. B 1957 12. Barn Disposal 1947 13. Basketball Receipts 1926-1935 14. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1939-1940 15. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1941 16. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1942 17. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1943 18. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1944 19. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1945 Box 3: 1. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1946 2. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1947-1950 3. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1951 4. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1953-1954 5. Bee Gee News Advertising/Subscriptions 1954-1955 6. Bleacher Collapse 1947 7. Board of Control 1939-1940 8. Board of Control 1947 9. Board of Control 1948 10. Board of Control 1949-1950 11. Board of Control 1956-1957 12. Board of Trustees 1949-1951 13. BGSU Foundation 1957 14. Budget 1939 15. Budget 1940 Box 4: 1. Budget 1941 2. Budget 1942 3. Budget 1944-1945 4. Budget 1947-1948 5. Business Office Operating Procedures 1965 6. C 1937-1939 7. C 1940 8. C 1941-1943 9. C 1944-1945 10. C 1946 11. C 1947-1948 12. C 1949-1951, 1957 Box 5: Contracts Alterations to South end of Administration Building 1953 Alterations to Inscriptions 1954 Ad Building Stair & Corridor Alterations; Natatorium 1954 Stonework Pointing/Repair Airport 1948 Additions to R Dorms 1951 Additions to R Dorms 1952 Aluminum Building Removal 1952 Auxiliary Parking Area 1953 Business Office Expansion 1952 City of Bowling Green 1948 Commons 1947 Dorm S 1948-1949 Bricker Field Drainage 1948 Cottage 7 1950 Cottage 1 1940 Cottage 2 1941 Dorms R 1947 Dorms W 1947 Dorms W 1948 Addition to Dorms W 1952 Dorms W Driveway 1954 Men’s Dorm #8 n.d. Dorms 8 & 9 1949-1950 Box 6: Contracts Fine Arts Building 1949-1950 Alterations to Foundry, Industrial Arts Building n.d. VPHA Veterans Housing Project 1946 FPHA Transfer 1948 Camp Perry Induction Center move to BGSU 1947 Heating Plant 1946-1948 Heating Plant 1950-1951 Abandonment of Old Heating Plant 1951 Gas Line 1954 Conversion of Old Heating plant 1953 North Dorm Reconstruction 1952 Music Building 1950-1953 Natatorium 1950 Music 1950-1951 Addition to Library 1950-1953 Kohl Hall 1951 Ivy Hall 1948-1952 Addition to President’s Residence 1950 Pump House 1953 Pump House Parking Area 1953 Public Utilities Commission Hearing Train 7 and 8 1957 Purchase and Removal of Certain Buildings Purchase and Removal of Building K – Vets Housing and 1953 Barn at Rear of Lot #2604 Purchase and Removal of Buildings S, Q and U Vets Housing 1954 Purchase and Removal of House at 215 Thurstin 1956 Box 7: Contracts Emergency Housing Building No. 3 – Purchase and Removal 1958 Emergency Housing Unit D – Purchase and Removal 1959 721 Ridge St and 3 Temporary Classroom Buildings 1959 Emergency Housing Building I – Purchase and Removal 1956 705 Ridge St – Removal and Razing 1955 Emergency Housing Building No. 4 – Razing/Removal 1955 Residence and Accessory Buildings – Removal 1952 Old Science Building Construction of Lab 1947 Speech Building 1948, 1952 Speech Building 1948-1949 New Science Building 1949-1951 Student Health Building 1941-1942 Student Social Building 1941 Student Union Building (proposed) 1951 Sale and Removal of Student Social Building 1954 Summer Theater 1950-1953 V. A. Ruling on Aviation Courses 1947-1948 V. A. Ruling on Aviation Courses 1947-1948 Veterans Flight Training 1948 Veterans Housing Repairs 1954 Williams Hall 1950 Women’s Residence 3 and 4 1941 Box 8: Camp Perry 1946 Campus Radio Station Equipment 1950-1951 Cerebral Palsy Center 1949-1952 Conventions 1951 D 1938-1939, 1945-1951 Dormitory/Dining Hall Operating Statements 1956 Downtown Coaches Club Auditor of State 1939 Auditor of State 1940 Auditor of State 1941-1943 Auditor of State 1944 Auditor of State 1945 Box 9: Auditor of State 1946 Auditor of State 1947 Auditor of State 1948-1950 Auditor of State 1956-1957 Department of Education 1941-1946 Department of Finance 1939-1948 Department of Finance 1939 Department of Finance 1940 Department of Finance 1941 Department of Finance 1942 Department of Finance 1943 Department of Finance 1944 Department of Finance 1945 Department of Finance 1946 Department of Finance 1947 Department of Finance 1948 Department of Finance 1948-1950 Department of Finance 1956-1957 Department of Highways 1938-1947 Department of Industrial Relations 1945-1946 Department of Public Welfare 1947 Department of Public Works 1939-1943 Department of Public Works 1946-1948 Department of Public Works 1948-1950 Department of Public Works 1956-1957 Department of State Architect and Engineer 1956-1957 E 1938-1939 E 1944-1945 E 1946 E 1947 E 1948-1949 E 1951 E 1957 Box 10: F 1938-1945 F 1946 F 1947-1949 F 1950-1951 F 1957 Faculty Communications 1939-1940 Faculty Meetings 1957 Financial Statements 1922-1937 G 1939 G 1944-1945 G 1946 G 1947-1950 G 1951 G 1957 G. I. Apartments 1945 General Staff Meetings 1957 Graf Factory 1948 Huron Playhouse 1957 Huron Play house 1960 H 1944-1945 H 1946 H 1947-1948 H 1949-1950 H 1951 H 1957 Hospital 1940-1942 Hospital 1945-1946 I 1938-1939 I 1943-1946 I 1947-1949 I 1951 I 1957 Inter-University Council 1939-1943 Inter-University Council 1946 Inter-University Council 1947-1949 Investments Record 1954-1955 J 1939-1950 J 1951 J 1957 K 1938-1939 K 1940-1941 K 1945-1947 K 1948-1950 K 1951 K 1957 Mr. Kreischer 1946-1949 Mr. Kreischer 1950-1951 Mr. Kreischer 1957 Land 1946 L 1938 L 1945-1946 L 1947-1948 L 1949-1950 L 1951 L 1957 Mc 1945-1948 M 1938-1939 M 1938-1945 M 1945 M 1946 M 1947-1950 M 1948 M 1949-1950 M 1951 Box 11: Memos from Leah 1944-1945 Memos – Mr. Beatty 1947-1949 Memos – Mr. Chapman 1947-1948 Memos – Dean Conklin 1946-1949 Memos – Mrs. Herriff 1948 Memos – Mr. Jones 1947-1948 Memos – Mr. Kreischer 1946-1949 Memos – Mr. Kreischer 1957 Memos 1957 Memos – President McDonald 1951 Memos – President McDonald 1957 Memos – Mr. Ringer 1957 M 1957 Memos – Mr. Raney 1947-1950 Memos – Dean Wilder 1947-1949 Memos – Mr. Ronk & Mr. Stanley 1947 Memos – Mrs. Stanley 1947-1950 Memos 1947 Memos 1948 Memos 1949 Memos 1950 Memos 1948-1952 Memos – Campus Police 1947-1948 Memos – Campus Police 1949 Memos – Campus Police 1950 Memos 1947-1949 Memos 1951-1954 Memos 1960-1961 Miami University 1948-1950 N 1939 N 1945 N 1946 N 1947 N 1948 N 1950 N 1951 N 1957 O 1946 O 1947 O 1948 O 1949-1950 O 1951 O 1957 P 1938-1939 P 1945 P 1946 P 1947 P 1948 P 1949 P 1950 P 1951 P 1957 Q 1945 Q 1946 R 1938-1939 R 1945 R 1946 R 1947 R 1948 R 1949-1950 R 1951 Radio Station 1948-1951 Riding Academy 1945 Box 12: S 1938-1940 S 1945 S 1946 S 1947 S 1948 S 1949-1950 S 1951-1952 S 1957 Student Employment Bureau 1946-1947 Student Shooting 1949 Student Strike 1949 Suicide 1948 T 1938-1939 T 1945 T 1946 T 1947 T 1948 T 1949 T 1950 T 1951 T 1957 Telephone Conversations – Kreischer 1946 Telephone Conversations – Kreischer 1947 Telephone Conversations – Kreischer 1948 Telephone Conversations – Kreischer 1949 Thefts 1949 U 1945-1950 U 1951 U 1957 V 1938-1939 V 1945-1946 V 1947 V 1948-1950 V 1951 Veterans Administration 1948-1951 W 1945 W 1946 W 1947 W 1948-1950 W 1951 W 1957 Weekly Report to President McDonald from E. J. Kreischer 1957 XYZ 1938-1946 Box 13: Annual Report July 1, 1947-June 30, 1948 Annual Report 1948 Annual Report July 1, 1948-June 30, 1949 Annual Report July 1, 1949-June 30, 1950 Annual Report July 1, 1950-June 30 1951 Local Accounts Annual Report 1951 Annual Report July 1, 1951-June 30, 1952 Local Accounts Financial Report 1952 Annual Report July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953 Annual Report 1953 Box 14: Administrative Unit Two-Year Comparative Report July 1, 1959-June 30, 1961 |