UA 0017 - Bowling Green State University, College of Technology records, 1921-1992 (bulk 1966-1992)
MLA Citation
“UA 0017 - Bowling Green State University, College of Technology records, 1921-1992 (bulk 1966-1992).” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 8 May 2019, Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | UA 0017 - Bowling Green State University, College of Technology records, 1921-1992 (bulk 1966-1992) |
Introduction | Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. Materials found in this collection may be duplicated in other University Archives collections and holdings. Access to confidential information is restricted. |
Scope and Content | Includes lists of graduates (dating back to the 1920s) of the Technology program, correspondence files, subject files, meeting minutes, accreditation and self-study reports, and some course syllabi. Collection size: 5.33 cubic feet; 16 letter size archive boxes |
Inventory | Box 1: 1: Advanced Program Council minutes 1976-1983 2: Advisory Committee-technology 1968-1972 3: Advisory Committee-technology 1973-1974 4: Airport Authority-Wood County 1971-1980 5: Alumni Association 1968-1980 6: Award and Scholarships 1976-1976 7: Building Dedication-invitations 1973-1974 8: Building Dedication-planning notes 1973 9: Conference-Drive In 1971-1976 10: Conference-Drive In 1977 Box 2: 1: Conference-Mississippi Valley 1972-1978 2: Conference-NAIT 1981-1982 3: Cooperative Education-information on work/study 1974-1980 4: Cooperative Education-information on work/study 1981-1982 5: C.O.P.E.-program evaluation 1977-1979 6: Correspondence-Alumni Association 1971-1980 7: Correspondence-Directors/coordinators 1975-1975 8: Correspondence-Chase, Don (Assoc. Dean) 1982-1982 9: Correspondence-Elsass, D. G. (Dean) 1967-1971 10: Correspondence-Elsass, D. G. (Dean) 1972-1973 11: Correspondence-Elsass, D. G. (Dean) 1974-1975 12: Correspondence-Elsass, D. G. (Dean) 1976-1977 Box 3: 1: Correspondence-Faculty 1973 2: Correspondence-Firelands 1968-1983 3: Correspondence-Horton, G. R. (Assistant Dean) 1973-1979 4: Correspondence-IET 1969-1974 5: Correspondence-Industrial Public Relations 1968-1975 6: Correspondence-Jenson, T. J. (Dean) 1967-1971 7: Correspondence-Ohio State Department 1970-1979 8: Correspondence-Provost 1973-1978 9. Correspondence-Rooney & Musser (Architects) 1969-1970 10: Development-Expanding Horizons 1967, 1969 Box 4: 1: Donations-Equipment/Money 1969-1972 2: Donations-Equipment/Money 1973-1980 3: Equipment-leasing/expenditures 1978-1981 4: Faculty Departmental Minutes 1969-1971 5: Faculty Departmental Minutes 1972-1975 6: Faculty Departmental Minutes 1976-1977 7: Firelands-Technology Program 1967-1980 8: Industrial Education Graduates, 1924-1970, BGSU 1971-1975 9: Grants/Research-program evaluation 1973-1979 Box 5: 1: Monographs-graduate faculty 1973-1974 2: Monographs-graduate faculty 1975 3: Monographs-graduate faculty 1976 4: Ph.D. program-outline 1970 5: Research Proposals 1968-1974 6: Physics Curriculum-428 1973-1981 7: “A Study of Opinions and Attitudes Concerning Industrial Arts as Expressed by Students Majoring in Industrial Arts at the Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio,” by Dr. Robert W. Innis Spring 1966 8: “A Follow-Up Survey of Persons Who Have Graduated From the Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio With a Major Study Area in Industrial Education (1924-1971),” by Dr. Robert W. Innis 9: “A Follow-Up Study of Individual Majors, 1958-1965,” by Dr. Robert W. Innis 10: Building 1965-1967 11: Drive-In Conferences 1966-1969 12: Epsilon Pi Tau 1948 13: Faculty Meetings: IET 1966-1969 14: General and Tech. Education Consortium 1968 15: Graduates 1921-1964 16: History of BGSU Industrial Arts Department n.d. 17: A History of the Industrial Arts Club of BGSU 1948 18: Conference Report 3rd Annual Conference on Industrial Technology in America 1967 19: Library 1969-1970 20: Correspondence 1970 Box 6: 1: Ohio Industrial Arts Teacher Educators 1960-1969, n.d. 2: Spaulding, Lloyd Frederick Syllabi 1968-1971 3: DESN 104 Design and Engineering Graphics I 4: DESN 243 Strength of Materials 1984 5: DESN 404 Computer Graphics in Design 1985 6: DESN 436 Planning and Design of Industrial Facilities 7: DESN 455 Engineering Graphics 8: TECH 121 Industrial Mathematics 9: TECH 152 Introduction to Technology: The Man Made World 9a: TECH 252—Elements of Instruction 10: VCT 208 Graphic Communications 11: VCT 282 Photography I 12: VCT 308 Photo offset Printing I 13: VCT 386—Animation Technology and Credits 14: VCT 456 Color Process Photography 15: VCT 465 Photography in Commerce and Industry 16: VCT 467 Visual Communications Tech. Synthesis 17: VCT 482 Photography III 18: VCT 483 Color Photography 19: IE 447—Teaching Manufacturing 20: IE 448—Teaching Construction 21: IE 449 Organization and Administration 22: IE 462 Career and Technology Education in Elementary Schools 23: IE 470 Coordinating Cooperative Education Programs 24: IE 475 Instructional Media for Technical Training 25: IE 462 26: IE 559—Training in Industry and Business 27: IE 562—Analysis Design and Development in Training 28: IE 252 Elements of Instruction 29: IE 288 Field Experience 30: IE 316 Career and Technology Education in Elementary Schools 31: IE 352 Instructionsl Scope and Sequence Box 7: 1: Independent Study Use of McBee Keysort for Student Teacher Placement 2: VCT 308 Laboratory Assignment Sheets 3: VCT 208 4: VCT 382 5: VCT Operational Manual 1982 1983 6: TECH 152 Instructional Manual 7: Career Education Student Handbook 8: DESN 104 Manual (original) 9: C&TE 550 Manual (original) 10: C&TE 550 Manual (original) Box 8: 1: TECH 152 Instructor's Manual 2: IE Minutes and Info. 1982-1986 3: Private Industry Council 4: Teacher Education and Certification 5: Teacher Certification Standards 6: Summer Contracts 1989 7: Executive Council Minutes 1976-1980 8: Executive Council/Minutes 1981 Box 9: 1: Executive Committee Minutes 1982 2: Executive Committee Minutes 1983 3: Executive Committee Minutes 1984 4: Executive Committee Minutes 1985 5: Executive Committee Minutes 1986-1988 6: Graduate Faculty Minutes 1972-1982, sc. 7: Policy Council Correspondence 1973-1985 8: Policy Committee Minutes 1973-1986 9: Correspondence 1981-1982 Box 10: 1: Proposal for Ph.D. in Career and Technology Education 1977 2: Proposal for Ph.D. in Career and Technology Education 1975 3: Proposal for Ph.D. in Career and Technology Education 1975-1977 4: Master’s Program for School of Technology Proposal 1979, n.d. 5: Master of Technology Proposal 1968-1978 6: Reply to Reviewers of Proposal for Master of Technology 1987 7: Proposal for M.Ed. in Career and Technology Education 1971 8: Ph.D. Proposal Correspondence 1969-1976 9: Ph.D. Proposal - Consultant’s Response 1976-1977 Box 11: 1: Ph.D. Proposal - Consultant’s Visit 1976 2: Proposal for a Curriculum in Industrial Technology Leading to the B.S. in Technology 1968 3: Proposed Master of Technology - Correspondence 1978-1981 4: NCA Self Review for Accreditation 1982 5: NCA Self Review Appendix B, C-2 - C-4, C-17 - C-20 1982 6: NCA Self Review Appendix C-1, C-5 1982 7: NCA Self Review Appendix C-6 - C-13 1982 8: NCA Self Review Appendix C-14 - C-16; Vol. IV with 1982 Appendix 1-4 Box 12: 1: Self Study 1980 2: Self Study Report 1975-1980 1981 3: Self Study Report 1975-1980 Appendix Vol. A 1981 4: Self Study Report 1975-1980 Appendix Vol. B 1981 5: IET Quadrennial Department Report & Appendix 1971/72-1974/75 6: NAIT: Questionnaire for Review if Industrial Technology Program Vol. I 1982 7: NAIT Questionnaire for Review if Industrial Technology Program Vol. II 1982 8: NAIT Questionnaire for Review if Industrial Technology Program Vol. B 1982 Box 13: 1: NAIT: Questionnaire for Review if Industrial Technology Program Vol. III 1982 2: NAIT Re-Accreditation Report Vol. 1 1986 3: NAIT Re-Accreditation Report Vol. IV 1986 4: NAIT Re-Accreditation Evaluation Report Vol. 3 Appendix C-1 - C-13 1992 5: NAIT Re-Accreditation…Vol. 4A Appendix D 1992 6: NAIT Re-Accreditation Evaluation Report Vol. 4B Appendix D 1992 Box 14: 1. NAIT Re-Accreditation Evaluation Report Vol. 4C Appendix D 1992 2. NAIT Re-Accreditation…Vol. 5 Appendix E 1992 3: Budget Planning 1982-1983 4: Budget Planning 1984 5: Budget Planning 1984-1985 6: Department Evaluations 1971-1985, sc. 7: Goals and Objectives 1981-1982 Box 15: 1: Position Announcements 1968-1973 2: Promotion, Retention, Tenure & Salary Committee 1970-1978 3: Recruitment 1979-1981 4: Staffing Correspondence 1978-1982 5: Staffing Advisement Committee 1981 6: Summer Session 1979-1981 7: Undergraduates Follow-Up 1976 8: Zimmerlin Questionnaire 1983 9: Electric Vehicle Institute 1994-1999 10: Industrial Education Correspondence 1974-1983, n.d. 11: Industrial Education Correspondence 1980-1982 12: Industrial Education Minutes 1976-1983 13: Manufacturing Unit 1980-1983 14: Manufacturing Unit Minutes 1976-1981, sc. Box 16: 1: Manufacturing Unit Correspondence 1976-1983, sc. 2: Visual Communication Technology Minutes 1977-1982 3: Visual Communication Technology Correspondence 1976-1983 4: Construction, Design & Aerotechnology 1983, n.d. 5: Proposal for M.Ed. in IET and CTE 1971-1977 |