UA 0006 - Bowling Green State University, Office of the Executive Vice President records, 1999-2005
MLA Citation
“UA 0006 - Bowling Green State University, Office of the Executive Vice President records, 1999-2005.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 6 May 2019, Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | UA 0006 - Bowling Green State University, Office of the Executive Vice President records, 1999-2005 |
Introduction | Duplication of materials in this collection is permitted for the purposes of preservation and research. Materials found in this collection may be duplicated in other University Archives collections and holdings. Access to confidential information is restricted. |
Scope and Content | Thirteen cubic feet of subject files received from the office of the Executive Vice President. These records are unprocessed. |
Inventory | Box 1: 1. AACU 2000-2001 2. Academic Computing Council 2000-2001 3. Accreditation 2000-2001 4. ACUTA 2000-2001 5. Admissions 2000-2001 6. Affirmative Action 2000-2001 7. Affirmative Action Plan 2000-2001 8. Africa 2000-2001 9. ALA 2000-2001 10. Apple 2000-2001 11. Arts and Sciences 2000-2001 12. AT & T 2000-2001 13. Audits 2000-2001 14. BAZ Group Inc. Contract 2000-2001 15. Bowling Green City Schools 2000-2001 16. BG Supernet 2000-2001 17. Blackboard 2000-2001 18. Board of Governors Meeting 2000-2001 19. Boyce, Deb 2000-2001 20. Budget 2000-2001 21. Burke, James 2000-2001 22. Campus Tours 2000-2001 23. Capital Planning 2000-2001 24. CIO Search 2000-2001 25. Classified Staff 2000-2001 26. Classrooms 2000-2001 27. Class Room Technology Workgroup (CTWG) 2000-2001 28. College of Business Administration 2000-2001 29. Commencement 2000-2001 30. Compensation Committee 2000-2001 31. Compensation 2000-2001 32. Compensation 2000-2001 33. Compensation 2000-2001 34. Community Time 2000-2001 35. Computer Security 2000-2001 36. Computer Support for Retirees 2000-2001 37. Computer Training 2000-2001 38. Conflict Management 2000-2001 39. Continuing Education and Summer Programs 2000-2001 40. Convocation Center 2000-2001 41. Copyright 2000-2001 42. CTLT 2000-2001 43. Customer Service 2000-2001 44. Deans’ Council 2000-2001 45. Deans, Directors and Chairs 2000-2001 46. Degree Program 2000-2001 47. Development 2000-2001 48. Disability 2000-2001 Box 2: 1. Distance Learning 2000-2001 2. Distance Learning 2000-2001 3. Diversity 2000-2001 4. Misc. File 2000-2001 5. Dobb Absences from Campus 2000-2001 6. Dobb Reference Letters 2000-2001 7. Dobb file 2000-2001 8. Education and Human Development 2000-2001 9. Electronic Portfolios 2000-2001 10. Electronic Recordings 2000-2001 11. E-mail 2000-2001 12. Emergency Response 2000-2001 13. Employee Orientation 2000-2001 14. Energy Conservation 2000-2001 15. Environmental Health 2000-2001 16. Environmental Savings 2000-2001 17. EVP Cabinet Apr-June 2000 18. EVP Cabinet July 2000-June2001 19.EVP Divisional News 2000-2001 20. EVP Foundation Account 2000-2001 21. Expanded Cabinet 2000-2001 22. Faculty 2000-2001 23. Faculty Senate 2000-2001 24. Family Campaign Cabinet 2000-2001 25. Firelands 2000-2001 26. First Monday 2000-2001 27. General Counsel 2000-2001 28. Government Relations 2000-2001 29. Graduate College 2000-2001 30. Horizon Youth Theater 2000-2001 31. Human Resources 2000-2001 32. HR meetings with Rebecca Ferguson 2000-2001 33. Gish Theatre [added 12/2018, rec’d from president’s office separately] Box 3: 1. Information Literacy 2000-2001 2. Information Technology Committee 2000-2001 3. Information Technology Services 2000-2001 4. ITS Leadership Team 2000-2001 5. Infrastructure Project 2000-2001 6. Infrastructure Project 2000-2001 7. Infrastructure Project 2000-2001 8. Infrastructure Video 2000-2001 9. Instructional Media Services 2000-2001 10. Internet Training Consultant 2000-2001 11. Kiwanis 2000-2001 12. Laptops (Cart Project) 2000-2001 13. Legions 2000-2001 14. Legislature 2000-2001 15. Library Administration and Management Assn 2000-2001 16. Libraries and Learning Resources 2000-2001 17. Libraries and Learning Resources Faculty 2000-2001 18. Marketing and Communications 2000-2001 19. Monitor 2000-2001 20. Morgart, Sharon 2000-2001 21. Musical Arts 2000-2001 22. Napster 2000-2001 23. NASULGC 2000-2001 24. NCA 2000-2001 25. NWOET 2000-2001 26. New Wired You 2000-2001 27. New Wired You 2000-2001 28. Ohio Access Advisory Committee 2000-2001 29. Ohio Board of Regents 2000-2001 30. OBOR IT Survey 2000-2001 Box 4: 1. Ohio College Association Exec Committee Meeting 11/9/2000 2. OCA Spring Meeting 2001 3. Ohio Learning Intranet 2000-2001 4. Ohio Learning Network 2000-2001 5. OAR Net 2000-2001 6. Ohio Supercomputer Center 2000-2001 7. One Card 2000-2001 8. Philosophy Documentation Center 2000-2001 9. Popular Culture Museum 2000-2001 10. President 2000-2001 11. President’s Cabinet Index 1995-2000 12. Program Review 2000-2001 13. Provost 2000-2001 14. Reciprocity 2000-2001 15. Smartforce 2000-2001 16. SPAR 2000-2001 17. Strategic Planning 2000-2001 18. Student Technology Center 2000-2001 19. Student Union 2000-2001 20. Success Challenge 2000-2001 21. Summer Request 2000-2001 22. Teacher Education 2000-2001 23. Technology 2000-2001 24. Technology Dean Search 2000-2001 25. Technology Fair 2000-2001 26. Technology Grants 2000-2001 27. Technology Strategic Plan 2000-2001 28. Telephones 2000-2001 29. Training 2000-2001 30. UCITA Teleconference 2000-2001 31. Vice President for Finance and Administration 2000-2001 32. Vice President for Student Affairs 2000-2001 33. Virtual Museum 2000-2001 34. WBGU-TV 2000-2001 35. WCNET 2000-2001 36. Web 2000-2001 37. Web CT 2000-2001 38. Web Based Services 2000-2001 39. Winifred Stone Fund 2000-2001 40. Women’s Center 2000-2001 41. Year One Technology Assistance 2000-2001 42. President’s Award 2000-2001 Box 5: 1. Bill Balzer 2001-2002 2. Suzanne Crawford 1999-2001 3. Rebecca Ferguson 1999-2001 4. Information Technology Committee 1999-2000 5. Bruce Petryshak 2001-2002 6. President’s Cabinet 2001-2002 7. Y2K Readiness 1999-2000 Box 6: 1. Accreditation 2001-2002 2. ACUTA 2001-2002 3. ALA 2001-2002 4. Americans with Disabilities Act 2001-2002 5. Bsiley, James L. 2001-2001 6. BGSU Retirees Association 2001-2002 7. Blackboard 2001-2002 8. Bookstore 2001-2002 9. BTSU 2001-2002 10. Classified Staff 2001-2002 11. College of Arts & Sciences 2001-2002 12. College of Business Administration 2001-2002 13. Commencement 2001-2002 14. Commencement Bids 2001-2002 15. Computer Security 2001-2002 16. Conferences 2001-2002 17. Continuing Education 2001-2002 18. Copyright 2001-2002 19. CTLT 2001-2002 20. Development 2001-2002 21. Distance Education 2001-2002 22. Diversity 2001-2002 23. Dobb Files 2001-2002 24. Dobb Absences from Campus 2001-2002 25. Dobb Reading File Jan-June 2000 26. Dobb Reading File July-Sept 2000 27. Dobb Reading File Oct-Dec 2000 28. Dobb Reading File Jan-Mar 2001 29. Dobb Reading File Apr-June 2001 30. EVP Budget Officer 2001-2002 31. EVP Correspondence 2001-2002 32. EVP Correspondence 2001-2002 33. EVP Cabinet 2001-2002 34. EVP Cabinet 2001-2002 35. FIPSE 2001-2002 36. Faculty Senate 2001-2002 37. Faculty Senate Budget Committee – UBC 2001-2002 38. Family Campaign 2001-2002 Box 7: 1. Compensation Committee before 2003 2. EVP Cabinet Meetings before 2003 3. EVP Cabinet Retreat June 2002 4. EVP Divisional Meeting Nov 2001 5. Ohio Support Staff Institute 2001 6. President’s Cabinet 2001 7. Ethnic Studies Visiting Scholar 2001-2002 8. Faulty Orientation 2000 9. LAMA Trip to Chicago 2002 10. Leave Memo 2002-2003 11. Leave Reporting 2002-2003 12. President’s Cabinet 2003 13. Recreation Center 2004 14. Reports 2003-2004 15. Retention 2002-2003 16. Success Challenge 2000-2002 Box 8: 1. Academic Computing Committee 2000 2. Balzer, Bill 2001-2003 3. Bell, Don 2000 4. Ferguson, Rebecca 2002-2003 5. Petryshak, Bruce 2002 6. Resmer, Mark 2000 7. Resmer, Mark – Infrastructure Agreement Report 2000 8. Dobb Reading File July-Sept 2001 9. Dobb Reading File Oct-Dec 2001 10. Dobb Reading File Jan-March 2002 11. Dobb Reading File Apr-June 2002 12. Dobb Reading File Oct-Dec 2002 13. Dobb Reading File Jan-March 2003 14. Dobb Reading File Apr-Dec 2003 15. Dobb Reading File Feb 2004 16. Dobb Reading File March 2004 17. Dobb Reading File Apr 2004 18. Dobb Reading File May 2004 19. Dobb Reading File June 2004 20. Dobb Reading File July 2004 21. Dobb Reading File Aug 2004 22. Dobb Reading File Sept-Oct 2004 23. Copyright 1999-2000 24. Copyright 1999-2000 25. EVP 2002-2003 26. New Wired You 2000 27. Miller, Bill 2000 28. ITS Desktop and Systems Support Reception 2000 29. GradStep 2000 30. Classroom Tour 2000 31. Phi Kappa Phi 2001 32. Ohio Learning Network Meeting – Columbus 2001 33. South Carolina Football Game Trip 2001 34. Ohio Access Advisory Committee 2000 Box 9: 1. Budgets and Fees Approved by Trustees 2002-2003 2. CPR Classes 2003 3. Distance Education 2002-2003 4. Distance Learning Accreditation 2004 5. Ohio Learning Governing Board Meeting 1999 6. President’s Visiting Scholar in Ethnic Studies 2001 7. Students 2002-2003 8. Silent Movie 2002-2003 9. Supernet 2004 10. Success Challenge 2002-2003 11. Teacher Success 2003-2004 12. Technology 2003-2004 13. Textbooks 2004 14. Time Warner 2004 15. Travel Reimbursement Policy 2002-2003 16. Trimboli, Thomas 2004 17. TV 2004 18. WBGU-TV 2002-2003 19. Wellness Committee 2002 20. Retirees Web Page 2002 21. University Budget Committee 1999-2001 22. Web Based Services 2002-2003 23. Wolfe, Ralph 2001-2002 Box 10: 1. Accomplished Graduate Awards 2002-2003 2. Advisory Group Luncheon 2003 3. AAUW 2004 4. BG Showcase n.d. 5. Blackboard Conference 2003 6. Blackboard 2002-2003 7. Bradner Grant 2003 8. Continuing Education 2002-2003 9. CHEE Report 2004 10. City Bucks (One Card) 2004 11. Contracts 2003-2004 12. Dobb File 2002-2003 13. Dobb Reading File Nov-Dec 2004 14. Dobb Reading File Jan 2005 15. Dobb Reading File Feb 2005 16. Dobb Reading File March 2005 17. Dobb Reading File Apr 2005 18. Dobb Reading File May 2005 19. EVP Budget 2002-2003 20. EVP Goals 2003-2004 21. EVP Strategic Plan 2001-2002 22. Faculty Senate 2005 23. Faculty Fellows 2002 24. Family Campaign 2003 25. Financial Aid 2003-2004 26. General Counsel 2004-2005 27. Handbook Review 2004 Box 11: 1. NACUBO 2004 2. Non-Compensation Conciliation Process 2003 3. NASULGC 2004 4. NWOET 2001-2005 5. OCA 2003-2004 6. OhioLINK 2004-2005 7. OLSSI 2004-2005 8. Office of Equity & Diversity 2003-2005 9. PeopleSoft ERP 2003 10. PeopleSoft Contract 2004 11. President 2002-2003 12. President’s Day Program 2004 13. President’s Advisory Council 2004-2005 14. Private Giving 2004 15. Program Review CIO 2004 16. Program Review HR 2004 17. Program Review Continuing Education 2004 18. Salaries 2002-2004 19. SARS 2003 20. UNIV 100 2004 21. WBGU-TV 2004-2005 Box 12: Commencement May 1999 Commencement Aug 1999 Commencement Dec 2000 Commencement May 2001 Box 13: Commencement Aug 2001 Commencement Dec 2001 Commencement May 2002 Commencement Aug 2002 Commencement Dec 2002 |