MS 1064 0- Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Stearns, September 1874 - March 1876)
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Title | MS 1064 0- Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Stearns, September 1874 - March 1876) |
Silas D. Stearns to Frederick H. Short [82], 14 Sep 1874 [Box 1, Folder 84]Deshler, O., Sept 14, 1874 Dear Sir, yours of a day or two ago came duly to hand and in answer would say, I will attend to your collection. You can send the notes to me at any time and I will see to them. My own affairs I shall be compelled under the curcinnstances get you to carry till some time in the spring, say May or 1st of June. I have put into the mill or one the ground not less than $1400 and have it all paid up but one payment of $329 - which will be done in 60 days. We have so much standing out that will not be able to get in till during the coming winter - when it will come back in saw logs. What ever I may be able to do for you I will not charge anything for providing you do not charge me anything extra to carry me over till spring. I think I can sell more lots for than any other man in this county. Almost every one comes to me to see about lots or Lands as I have been here some time and in business and of the association will come up here and look over their territory their lots and will make up a plat of such as they desire to sell and leave with me I think I can give satisfaction on reasonable terms. Since you rather turned these matters over to Mr. Porter I have not tried to sell any lots and the consequence is there has not been any lots sold. The R.R. Cos. failing to erect their depot buildings and making such a perfect botch of digging or enlarging the reservory[reservoir] as people expected has been a damper on this place has discouraged many from coming here. I shall be down to see you on Thursday or Friday of this week, will you be at home. Yours Silas D. Stearns, Deshler, OH, to Frederick H. Short [75], 26 Oct 1874 [Box 1, Folder 77]Deshler, O., Oct 26 - 74 Dear Sir, I want permission to clear out a wagon track and use it from Deshler south along the D & M RR inside of the fence to the south east corner of Sec 27 Bartlow Township on either side of track, as I dont know which would be the best as yet. There is $20 paid in on Mr. Melots Note, the rest promised soon. The Ed Baldwin note I become paymaster and I told Mr. Beckett that I would turn it on clearing. Yours Deshler, June the 17, 1875 Dear Sir, enclosed you Will find notes & mortgage for Lot No. 19 South half and $50.00 Dollars in money the Balence I used in paying hands to Survey. Pleas Send Deed for Lot No. 26 Soald to Fearmax Bosse for one hundred and Fifty Dollars one third Down the Balence in one and too years. Pleas Send Deed Soon as he is redy to make his payment I have some Deeds in my Posescian But the Parties are Building houses on the Lots and Some What Disapointed in in giting their money But I Will hurry them up as Soon as posible and Send the mortgage to you. and I would say futher thare thare wer a party of men here to Day Wanting to fetch a Saw mill here and wanted to now[know] what you of a chance you would give them West or South of town they wanted too acars. Pleas inform me as soon as Posible. I remain yours Truly Silas D. Stearns to Frederick H. Short, 7 July 1875 [Box 2, Folder 75]Deshler, O., July 7, 1875 Dear Sir, I enclose J.C. Armstrongs Note. I held it till today, for the fellow to pay but he has not come to time. Mr. Alarign[Aldridge] note I have made a term and will get it in about two weeks I think sure. Yours P.S. It is very west here, and I would not advise a sale of lots till more favorable weather. We have put in a petition for the Ditch. Yours Deshler, O., Oct 27, 1875 Dear Sir, Some partis were here a few days ago looking for a location for a Stave and Hoop factory and have decided to locate here, was the north end of D.M. Side tract, east Side providing they can Ship on either road without any extra expense. What assurance can you give, that matters will be so arranged that cars can be loaded on either side tract for either road without any extra expense. Such an institution as they propose putting up, we dont wish to miss, and if you can give the necessary assurances A will secure them, and perhaps aide much in securing the location of other factories. Let me hear from you by return mail. Yours P.S. no more notes have been paid and will not be till after Pay day. Have Clayson estimate by wood. Silas D. Stearns to Frederick H. Short, 14 Mar 1876 [Box 2, Folder 115]Deshler, O., March 14, 1876 Dear Sir, Those houses were built on Lots 163, 167, 170, 175, 177, 182 the mistake was made with the 182 which should have been on 183. The others were all rearranged befor being put up. I went and measured of the Ground for House on 182, and dont dout know How the mistake was made. The stakes were all gone, and might very easy have made a mistake. Holmes owned I think 181-182 but has sold to my Brother J.H. Stearns. If he would change 180 for 182 A would make all right and it all ought to be fixed up at once. Yours |