MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, June - October 1875)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, June - October 1875) |
Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [193], 17 June 1875 [Box 2, Folder 68]Deshler, June the 17, 1875 Dear Sir, enclosed you Will find notes & mortgage for Lot No. 19 South half and $50.00 Dollars in money the Balence I used in paying hands to Survey. Pleas Send Deed for Lot No. 26 Soald to Fearmax Bosse for one hundred and Fifty Dollars one third Down the Balence in one and too years. Pleas Send Deed Soon as he is redy to make his payment I have some Deeds in my Posescian But the Parties are Building houses on the Lots and Some What Disapointed in in giting their money But I Will hurry them up as Soon as posible and Send the mortgage to you. and I would say futher thare thare wer a party of men here to Day Wanting to fetch a Saw mill here and wanted to now[know] what you of a chance you would give them West or South of town they wanted too acars. Pleas inform me as soon as Posible. I remain yours Truly
Deshler, the July 3, 1875 Dear Sir, I recieved yours of the 23 Stating that you did not understand about the Deed I sent for it is Sold to Fearmax Bosse Lot No. 26 for one hundred and Fifty Dollars one third down the Balence in one and too years. Send it soon. the reason I did not give you a statement of the Surveying was Because we have not finished up yet it will take about one weak yet it has Bin so wet here it will be one or too weaks Before we can finish and then I can give you a full Statement of the Woark to day I sent you a telagraph to send the notes and Mortgage on Lot No. 80 & 83. Mr. M. Murphy would be here on Saterday & Pay them off and Could not Stop But a Short time. yours
Deshler Oct the 24, 1875 Dear Sir, Haveing Returned Home I Will now answer your Letters Which Should have Bin answered Before I wish can say here that Mr. Hull is anxious for his Lot and Has Bin Waiting for S.D. Sternes to rais the money as he is owing him and also Mrs. Newman enclosed you Will you Will Find the Deeds called For. I remain yours Truly Mr. Jacob Cefoss the man that Bought Lot No. 140 & 141 Said that he would like to have you take up that swich which layes on his lots and I it us not Dun wright away he would have to move it as he has got the lumber thare to Build A hous and Barn I would think it Best to take it up acrost maple St and then it Will be on S.D. Sternes ground and will Be no more truble about it. F.S. Sherman |