MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, April - May 1875)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, April - May 1875) |
Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [169] 24 Apr 1875 [Box 2, Folder 45]Deshler, April the 24, 1875 Dear Sir, enclosed you will find money & mortgage on C.J. Hunts Lots and in a fiew days I will send you mortgage of Keeler & co. Pleas send Deed for Lot No. 140 & 141 Soald to Jacob Searfoss for too hundred & twenty five Dollars $225 one third down the Balence in one & too years. also send Deed for Lot No. 132 & 133 Soald to Daniel Hile for too hundred and twenty Five Dollars $225 one third Down and the Balence one & two years. and als Deed for Adam Lyons which I will send the discription which Mr. Becket rate. Mr. Becket signed too Dollars for the co. to be givin to the Deshler Sociaty which is for the Benafit of the town and that I should keep that amount out of the Payment that C.J. Hunt maid on his Lot So you will See that it lackes that amount Being $66.67. yours with Respect Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [171], 6 May 1875 [Box 2, Folder 47]Deshler, May the 6, 1875 Dear Sir, Mr. S.D. Stearns wants Lot No. 127 & 128 Sold for 125 each one third Down the balence one and too years that is if you are willing to let him have them. When Mr. Beckit was up here I Spoke to him about it and he thought Best to let him have them But I think not he wants to use them for a millyard But I would Rather See them improved Some other way But you can Suit your Selfs about Sending the deeds. if you let him have them Pleas State what No. Lot you want the hous to Be Put up on which is to Be on No. 128 you can Send Deed for Lot No. 140 & 141 as he is Willing to Put the hous on No. 142 now What Will Be don in this case Mr. S.D. Stearnes has Built one of the house on Lot No. 182 Which Was Soald to William Roers and he has Built his hous on Lot No. 180 Mr. Sternes Sayes it is his fault or Carlesnes and Mr. Bowen is willing to take Lot No. 180 in the Place of 182 Mr. Sternes Sayes he Will Pay all expencies in makeing out the Deeds rather than to move the hous. Pleas inform me he is the owner of Lots No. 66 & 69 and their Poast ofice adress as thare are Parties here that Want to get them & improve them Pleas answer Soon. yours Truly Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [178], 15 May 1875 [Box 2, Folder 53]Deshler, May the 19, 1875 Dear Sir, Soald Lot No. 142 to J.H. Hull for one hundred and twenty five Dollars. Mr. S.D. Sternes and myself thought it would Be better to Put the houses all on elm St. as maple St. was improveing very fast and you can see for your self that elm St. hasent meney lots Soald on it and by puting all of your houses on elm St. it will induse others to Buy out that way. Now if you are willing Mr. S.D. Sterns Sayes he rather Put a Building on No. 163 & 178 insted of 128 & 142 if this Will Suit you Pleas send Deed for 142 as soon as Posible as the man wants to Build. Mr. Lions is redy to make his payment as soon as the Deed comes and also for Lot No. 140 & 141 Mr. Lowy will make his payment next weak. yours truly |