MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, 1874 - April 1875)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (Sherman, 1874 - April 1875) |
Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [85], 18 July 1874 [Box 1, Folder 87]Deshler, July the 18 - 74 Dear Sir, I now take the opertunity to inform you that the Deads[Deeds] you maid out for me lot No. 84 & 85 was datied 1873 which ought to have Bin Datied 1874 & I cant git them recordied untill you right to the recorderier office at Nepolian [Napoleon] as the Dead[Deed] is thare right to them and have them rectiffy the mistake if you Will I Would be verry much obliged. yours truly Mr. Short Since Mr. Porter died thare has Bin Severrel here to See me about these lots and Would have Bought if thare had Bin eney one here to Sell thim thar Was a man here to day and wanted me to right to you and see if he could By one of your lots either 65, 66, 67 or 68 he Prefered 68 if he could git it Pleas right to me and let me now Whether they are for sail or not and the Price of each and I will try and sell them for you this Sid ought to Be improveing more than it does But Stirnes[Stearns] is induseing every one to By on that Sid and telling everry one that this side is a perfict swamp hole and in that way he is selling a good meaney lots poot your price down pretty well on each lot and git some one to sell them fer you thare will Be no trubble in Selling. and if you want me to act as agant for you I Will to the Best I can as I am keeping a Proviscian & feed Storere here and anxious to see it improve & have Plenty of time to tend to it. Pleas right and let me now as soon as received. yours Truly Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [151], 15 Mar 1875 [Box 2, Folder 27]Deshler, Mar the 15, 1875 Dear Sir, to day I will send you the note and money on lot No. 137 and Lot No. 136 the Purchiser has not come for his Deed But expect him this week and then I will send you the mortgage. Amos W. Rowland Deed I will send Back to you th as it has not Bin called for. Sold Lot No. 129 for $125 Dollars to Sephos Grible pleas Send Deed. I would Say here Parties Buying these lots would like to Build and fence them in and S.D. Sternes has them covered with saw logs and claimes the rite of them for that purpose now Mr. Sulivan has a Deed for Lot No. 126 and wants to improve it and he sayes he wont moove the logs untill he gits ready and he is afraid that he will have to go to law with it and wanted me to rite to you an see what you can do for him now I think if you would rite to him or myself about it it would would do more good than to go to law with it and I would say here that Lot No. 129 is covered with logs. Pleas informe me if Lots No. 28 & 29 & 30 are sold & No. 6 & 2 & 3. thare was a man here to day and is Worth a great deal of money and wants to Buy Lot No. 12 and I asked him $650 dollars for it he sais he will agree to lay it out in lots and poot houses on one half of it this comeing summer providing you will let him have that Lot for $625 Dollars and give him ground for a Brick yard he runs too sets of hands one set in the Brick yard and one set at carpentering and I think it would be a good thing for you to sell him that lot. Pleas rite as soon as convient and let me now[know]. yours with respect Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [162], 8 Apr 1875 [Box 2, Folder 38]Deshler, April the 8, 1875 Dear Sir, Pleas send Deed for Lot No. 16 for Five Hundred Dollars one third down the Balence in one & two years to Be maid out in Davied Hawkey name this is the Price that Mr. Beckett told me to sell it for as he intends to poot up a Brick yard, and Build severil Brick houses on the Lots. also send me deed for lot No. 136 soald fo one hundred Dollars one third down to Be maid out in J. Bixby name you sent me a Deed for this lot once But I had a fire in my store and it got Birnt the man is he waiting for his Deed. also send Deed for Lot No. 20 sold to Josaph Willice this is the lot that waisa had Mr. Beckett told me to return the Deed and sell it so make it out in J. Willice name sold for $100 Dollars one third down. also Soald lot No. 14 which containes one acar and eighty four one hundreds and layes on the South side of the B. & O. railroad soald for too hundred and Fifty Dollars one hundred & seventy five Dollars down and the Balence in too equal payments that is too years to Be maid out in Elisabel Lyons name Pleas send these Deeds as soon as received as some of the party are waiting. yours with Respect Frederick S. Sherman to Frederick H. Short [168], 20 Apr 1875 [Box 2, Folder 44]Deshler, April the 20, 1875 Dear Sir, Mr. John Lowy of Custer requested to me to Rite to you and See if thare was eney chance of gitting a Lot off from lot No. 64 or if he could get Lot no. 65 or 66 Would suit him as he wanted to Build A Large dry goods Store and drug Store and I think it would Be money in your Pockets to Sell him one of those Lots that is if it is in your Power to get one of them as we are in need of such Stoars here. We have some Buisnies on this side But we want more the more the merier. Pleas rite as soon as you receive these few line and let me no[know] what can Be don for him. yours Truly |