MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From William Porter)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From William Porter) |
William Porter to Frederick H. Short [127], 12 Mar 1874 [Box 2, Folder 3]Deshler, March 12, 1874 Sir, in answer to your few Lines I Wold Jest Say i Hardly know What to do for i Realy Wants those in Lots So as to improve them but it Seems to cost me somuch and Nothing to do to make anny money out of and cost me so much to Pick to Run the Water of and hant anny help for it Does seems that on this Street the lots is all taken up by Specuklaters and no chance to git at them and you folks has Went back on me Give Nothing to Do Nor No chance What soever Now tell me What is the mater come out and tell the story for i know i have Not Rounged you folks out of one cent in my life if So god Nows i didnot Nowit but looked aferter your Interst at all times Done all that i cold in your behalf Witch the Setlers know and say so but it has been lies through others leing scamps but if i only could Banish it from my mind how much beter i cold feel But to look over the hard Work and thefaithfullness attended to But Vanity and Vexation of mind my Health is Bad for the last few Weeks Weell Well you did Not answer my Request only by asking me What I Wold give Now I Dont Now What to offer for i Want to do that is Just try you on Give you two Hundred and Seventy five dollars Paible in one and two and three years given you a Mortgage on the four lots and that Will Secure you for my improvements is suficens for that my house is done but Panting and the man Will Be here Next Week good Barn and other out Billdings answer soon so as i can make my calcuations. Wm. Porter I in lots Nos. 74, 75, 76. I mad a mistake the other time for it is the lots Joining me on the West. William Porter to Frederick H. Short [101], 9 Apr 1874 [Box 1, Folder 103]Deshler, April 9, 1874 Sir, those Lots No. 74, 75, 76 Mr. Wm. Beckett told me It Was all Write So i am fencing them up temperately and Plowing them up to Plant Early Potatoes and if Nothing Hapens me With good luck i Will Be able to Send you $50 about the 20 of May and Shall Pay you Just as fast as i Can Please Say yes or No So as i Can arrange my Maters if you Will let me Cut you 100 Cords of Wood along this fall of you timbers Deliverd on main track at $2 per Cord i Will Pay you $100 more then this fall. yours With Rispect
Deshler, April 21, 1874 My Wife has Been Unsatisfied about the Deed of the in lot No 73 She Clames they Donated the lot to her So Distroy this deed and Make one to her Marthia ann Porter and i Will Pay you for your Trouble I Want to know about those other three lots if I Ever git about again So as to attend to Busness I Will send you the money Jest as fast as i can I Hant Done Nothing for the last three monts Not Been able to git out of the House for the last four Weeks and My Busness left undon But gaining at Present in Hopes of Being able to do my Duty yet you Folks Swung in my face or throwed the insinuation out that my frends had forsaken me But I Bless god it Prves to be a mistake Mr. White Hav'nt Runing the People at this Place. yours Truly Mr. Short What Did i offer you for the undivided Half in Section 24 But i Have been taken up at your offer by a nother man if the Payments Will Send one fourth Down the Balance in 1 & 2 & 3 years With Six per cent Intrest the first four Hundred is Redy for you none. Please answer for he Wants to know this Week Wm. Porter
Deshler, May 9, 1874 Sir, In answer To your Request I Have made up my Mind To Take hold of the mater and Do the very Best i can for you But Dont Want Cut as i Was With out a cause for I Did all for your inters that i New but I Dont Blame you so much as others I Should have Writen Sooner But Was Not able I have Been Bedfast for Six Weeks With the Typhoid & Demana I am Cert able to Sit up and Walk a little around the yard I Hant Been able to Work for five Months the Dockters clame it Was Brout on By Presure of mind and trouble I think i Shall be able to Walk Round town By Monday and comence my Work litely assessing. I Have Sold that undivided land of C.H. & D. R.R. for $20 Dollars per achan 1/3 Down the Balance in one and two years With six per cent Intres. Now how Soon can you make the Deed the firs Payment is Redy and he Want Posesion. Please answer and i have lost his Name But I Will Send you his Name forth With yours With Respect
Deshler, May 11, 1874 Sir, Send me the Price of in Lot Nomber ten (10) you can See Whare it lays I was offerd $80.00 this morning and the Man Wants to improve the lot and live on it Rite off if you conclude to take it and i Will Send you the firs Payment to you and thare is Something Else I Want to Speake of concerning you timber land & that is this thare Seems to be considerable Privelige taken I dont Now Wherther much or anny green timber is cuting or Not With out it is for foundation timber Such as Small timber But large oak that is Blowing over Now Such timber is of Some Value taken them for fense Posts i under Stand Some is Selling those Posts and i find Some is cutting Saw logs Such as Sycamore and the Darkeys has cut considerable of Beach and Hickery and Sold the Wood Round Town and those Both Who knows Whare they are cut on your timb Reserve timber on Whare Now things havt Been looked after and thare Should be Some one to look ater the mater - Specly Whare thare is a New town Bulding and Such falling timbers Sold to good atvantage to the land Holders and Not Damedging the land and Keeping them out of the green think of the mater Your |