MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (1875)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (1875) |
Rev. Henry D. Best to Frederick H. Short [131], 25 Jan 1875 [Box 2, Folder 7]Deshler, Henry Co., O., Jany 25, 1875 Dear Sir, I wrote you sometime sinc in regard to Lots No. 21 & 22 for a sight for Catholic Church for one hundred Dollars to which you gave consent refering the matter to Messrs. Becket & Homidu which Gentleman likewise gave consent I have now the first payment of 33 33/100 Dollars and you will please send me Deed & necessary papers for Lots No. 21 and 22 To Rev. Henry D. Best for a church & no other purpose. Perry C. Baldwin to [Frederick H. Short] [136], 3 Feb 1875 [Box 2, Folder 12]Maumee City, O. My dear Sir, You m[a]y remember me as one of the parties to whom certain lots in Deshler have been deeded in trust for the Presbyterian church. I have started a subscription to build on those lots a suitable house of worship - Believing that the building of churches in a place like godliness itself is profitable with all things it strikes me as self evident that it becomes the interest of every man who has real estate interest or who expects to live in a place to encourage the building of churches in it. If it is in your power to give us any sutstantial encouragement in our undertaking will you reply by return mail and very much oblige. your obedient Servant P.S. Will you please state whether you have been asked to assist in building a ch. at Deshler - and have you individually or as a company pledged to any party $1200. Thomas Sullivan to Frederick H. Short [145], 9 Mar 1875 [Box 2, Folder 21]Deshler, Ohio Dear Sir, I purchased In Lots No. 126 of you through your agent here Mr. Sherman and have my lumber all ready to build a house on the property but it is encumbered by saw logs belonging to S.D. Stearns and he will not remove them off the property. I am a Poor man and can not afford to go to law with him to compell him to do what is right and as it is warranted to me free from all encumberances. I would respectfully ask you to write to Mr. Stearns to move his logs immediately for I am satisfied that a letter from the Co. through you would be worth more than all the lawing I am able to do. I have notified him twice to remove them but he does not pay any attention to my notice. Respt. Submitted William Beckett to Frederick H. Short [146], 12 Mar 1875 [Box 2, Folder 22]Hamilton, O., March 12th 1875 My Dear Sir, Your letter with Mr. Holmes enclosed came duly to hand. I would take $600 for out Lot No. 17. I think it a good rate. We must get persons interest on the west side and the only way to do it is to sell at reasonable rates. I dont feel alarmed about the east side gone a head of us. We will be all right in time. Will be down in a day or two and talk the matter over with you. Yours most Trly Columbus Grove, Ohio, Nov 24th Dear Sir, your letter of the 22 Just is Received centents noticed. I am not acquainted with the Value of Lots in Deshler. I was only ther once Lots on the main st vacant & not improved sell from 100 00/100 to 300 00/100 dollars. For Hotel purpices in such a place as Deshler lots any whare Else Eexcept verry near the crossings of the two R.R. would not be worth any thing to me for Hotel purpices nor would it Justify puting up a good House if the Lot Cost nothing. I supose in my Judgment that Lot 63 would be worth from 400 00/100 to 500 00/100 I dont think it would be worth that for any other purpice Except Hotel purpices. There is a hotel on the S.W. corners of the R.R. crossing but a verry insuficient House and badly Kept or furnished as I think which would only be an advantage to a good Hotel by way of Keeping hard plugs and drunken men & please let me hear from you at your Earlyest Conveneince. Respectfully your |