MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (1873 - 1874)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (1873 - 1874) |
Amos M. Rowland to Frederick H. Short [63], 26 Dec 1873 [Box 1, Folder 65]Custar, Wood Co., Ohio Sir, today I made my third prospecting visit to Deshler, Henry Co., O., for the purpose of purchasing A site for A hotel & a Restorant the building on the South West corner of RR crossing does not suit me is poorly constructed & held at a verry high figure for the presant time. I was enformed to day that the North half of the North West block adjoining R.R. Crosing was for sale at the same terms that it was bid of at sale last fall if it is I desire to purchase if sold please send me the three next closest point to the RR Crossing. I desire lots to build on conveniant for business RR men & to transact business for the same. Iff I purchase I will put up good buildings please send me at once your terms for those two lots they lay as I am informed as follows (Hand Drawn Map) Yours Truly Custar, Wood Co. Silas D. Stearns Frederick H. Short [103 1/2] , 23 Mar 1874 [Box 1, Folder 106]Deshler, Ohio, March 23 - 74 Dear Sir, The B & O Res Engineer just called on me and wanted ground for two buildings for section men and I propose to give ground for the East Section man and he prefered a lot on the west side for the section man west. The south half of lot No. 30 or Either one of lots 24, 25, 26 or 27 or 13 or any suitable lot along the line of their Road. They want to commence immediately to put up a good two story building finished up in good stile and painted let me know what you will give designating the no of lot just as soon as you can and if you have more plats of Deshler. I wish you would send me a no.[number] Yours P.S. those deeds and acct can all rgst. I am satisfied with your statemt consider it settled and you inc. credit on my acct. George M. Brown to Frederick H. Short [114], 19 Jan 1874 [Box 1, Folder 117]Toledo, O., Jany 19th 1873 Dear Sir, I have sold my Flouring Mill here & am looking for a location for business. I wish to start some wood cutting machinery now & as soon as it would Justify add to one or more burrs for making flour & feed. Wherever I may locate there will be several families follow me to assist in carrying on the business & they will want houses & lots which will help build up the town. I want to try some land with the view of improving the same for a farm. Mr. Wm. Porter informs me that the C. & H. & D. R.R. have an equal undivided interest in 160 acres about 3/4 of a mile east of town. I may buy either the R.R. interest or the other part of it if you do not hold it too high. Please inform me whether it is in the market & the lowest price for the same. I wish you to advise me also whether the company which you represent are inclined to encourage the establishment of manufactury business in your town to such an extent as to render any material and on the establishment of the same. I would not ask for any money aid, but if you could give me a suitable price of land on which to erect the building & some timber I may consider it favorably & locate at your place. Mr. S.D. Stearns & myself thought that a piece of ground just south of the reservoir & east of the D. & M. R.R. about where the brick were made would do very well if there could be a spur or switch built for convenence of loading of cars & thus save hauling. This ground is outside of the plat of the town & would not interfere with any of the laid out streets or lots. Pleas answer soon as possible & much oblige. Yours I may be up to your place again in a few days & would like to hear from you soon, to day or tomorrow. I am going to look at a place about 20 miles from here of the new lines of the Canada South R.R. Addres |