MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From A.W. Lee)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From A.W. Lee) |
Addison W. Lee to Frederick H. Short [30], 22 Apr 1873 [Box 1, Folder 32]Toledo, O., April 22nd 1873 Sir, please find 20.00 dollars for one 1000 mile ticket and send it as soon as you can for my old one is a bout gone. I am building as fast as I can but weather is verry much a gainst me this morning the ground is covered with snow and still snowing. Mr. Short I dont hear from you in regards that Freight one of our Lumberman in Toledo has a rate from Deshler at 14.40. I sertainly think you ought to get one for us at 12.00 or 13.00. I bought 2 car load of stone yesterday at Perrysburgh[Perrysburg] a car load of Brick at Ottawa and my traveling Expenses is all doing for the R.R. please let me hear from you soon. Yours Truly Addison W. Lee to Frederick H. Short [106], 29 Dec 1873 [Box 1, Folder 109]Toledo, O., Dec 29th 1873 Dear Sir, I will now return you my Pass and my thanks for the same. Now Mr. Short Sir I verry well know how you hate to give them and have no dout but your patience is wore out in different ones asking you for the same but I feel as though I have don a grate deal for your R.R. Co. and shall do more the coming year than I have any one year before if I can get in a stock of timber at Deshler this winter which I shall if money will buy it now in order for me to tend to our business as it ought to be it is nessessary for me to go to Deshler two or three times a week to see to boath Factorys and get money to pay for timber evry day as it is drawed in now the D. & M. R.R. gets there share of freight from both Factorys as well as it is for all of your Co. Interest for me to pay money for timber and men the more I pay out the more the R.R. Co. will get as well as to build up the town of Deshler now you see how it is and if you cant give me a pass to Dayton give me one to Lima if not to Lima give me one between Deshler and Toledo and if you cant give me one at all please send me a one thousand mile tickett and I will give you my word I will send the money as soon as it comes but do hope you will send me a pass we have got to raise a large amount of money this winter to buy timber with and pay men. Yours Truly Addison W. Lee to Frederick H. Short [118], 31 Jan 1874 [Box 1, Folder 121]Meadville, Pa., Jan 31st 1874 Mr. F.H. Short Sir, yours of 26th came to hand as I was aready to start for this place on a short visite with my Brotherinlaw this is one of his Bill Heads, as to the Deed you sent is received all right as I expect but is not is quite as Mr. Beckett and I talked the matter over all I want or expect is 60 feet north of that 20 feet alley. Mr. Beckett said you had no right to deed me that alley if so than the deed is all right which I think is the case all I want is what is right I shall send the deed for for to be recorded as it is, as to a pass if you dont Give to others I dont expect to get one but I am told there is a good many on the road Mr. Raynolds has one and I am shure I am doing more for your R.R. Co. and your town than a good many men like him ask the folks in Deshler what Deshler would of been the past 4 months if it I had not been ther ask them where there money has come from and if R.R. Co. has not got a share of it the ending 24th I left 900.00 in Deshler I took up 400.00 first and got Broke and went to Toledo and got 500.00 more and than went home broke but let them bring on there timber I will get the money as fast as it comes not a week since the Panick have I failed to pay for our timber and men all the Pass I would ask is between Toledo and Deshler but if I cant get one all right. Yours Truly A.W. Lee Addison W. Lee to Frederick H. Short [98], 25 Apr 1874 [Box 1, Folder 100]Toledo, Ohio, April 25th 1874 Mr. F.H. Short Sir, yours of 23rd is at hand and contense noted and in reply your statement of our bargain is right and the land is as you State $850.00 now Sir as to timber I have account of Evry cord that was brought in our yard that I knowed of, day and date kind of timber and the mans name most all of the timber I have received has been Elm which I have allowed you 50cts per cord for 2/3 of 128 feet which is 85 1/3 feet that for a cord is the way we buy one timber and that a good price for that grade of timber standing in the woods which I have given you credit for $269.06 which is 538 1/8 cord of 85 1/3 feet that for a cord is the way we buy our timber and that is a good price for that grade of timber standing in the woods which is 538 1/8 cord of 85 1/3 feet for a cord I think there is a few cords in our yard that is not masured yet and I am told there is some in the woods yet that has not been hauld the winter has been so bad folks could not draw out of the woods much of the time. I could of had a good deal more if I had let all the Folks cut that wanted to but I have not let but a verry few go in your woods to cut timber and this I can prove by the men of Deshler for I did not want folks to cut and slash your timber. I have tried to do what I thought was fair and right by your property and if any one in Deshler has told you anything dffrent they tell you falce if you will come to Deshler I will make you satesfide that what I have told you is true. I would like to get the matter setteld and if you will come out to Deshler I will meet you at any time if you will give me a few days notice. I keep my books at my home near Toledo but will bring them to Deshler if you want to see them. Yours Truly |