MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From John Hamler)
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Title | MS 1064 - Deshler Land Company Transcripts (From John Hamler) |
John Hamler to Frederick H. Short to Stephen S. L'Hommedieu, 3 Dec 1873 [65]John Hamler to Frederick H. Short, Dec 3, 1874 [Box 1, Folder 67] Box 69, Deshler, Henry Co., Ohio, Dec 3, 1874 Dear Sir, i Was to Defiance to day and saw Mr. Holgate he said they would take the E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec 1 T.3.N. of R.6.E. at $20 per Acre if they Could get it By paying one forth down the Balance in three payments at 6 pr Cent this offer i have from 2 men. What shall i do in the matter. Also yours very truly Please Answer Frederick H. Short to Stephen S. L'Hommedieu (Memo on Same Letter)This Mr. Holgate offered $1,000 and now offers $1,600. I think we should insist upon 1/3 down bal 1 to 2 years or $500 down and balance 1 to 2 years. Deshler thought we ought to get $25 pr acre. I have so written to Mr. Hamler. If we sell our lands now we dont want to give so much time on them. I have no doubt Mr. Holgate will come to our terms as he has been after this piece for some time at any rate I think we had better to stick to the terms I name. It must lie very near the B. O. & Chicago RR Yours in Hand To S.S. L'Hommedeu P.S. I have to go to Indp. have not time no today more.
John Hamler to Frederick H. Short [116], 26 Jan 1874 [Box 1, Folder 119]Belmore, Putnam Co., O Dear Sir, i have drove of[f] A number men Who was Cutting Hoop poles and other timber and i was told that i had not Anything to do with those lands i Saw Mr. Deshler about A week Ago he Said i Should write you or Mr. Beckett But i did not know Mr. Beckett Adress i have the Baltimore mens land to Look after When i Saw Mr. Beckett last he Said he would get a list of all the lands and send them to me So i Could Look after them i got Mr. Hogg of Napoleon to get up the papers for the Hammer Creek ditch and he sent them to Mr. Murray for him to attend to the Cost of Lacaing this same ditch i got Mr. Hudson to pay that part under A Protest So if we Beat them in the End that the Treasurer will hafto Refund Back this Portion there is A Lot of men Cutting and Halling Elm & Red oak Bolts the land near Deshler has their Bin Any Right given for So to do. Also yours truly
Box 69 Deshler, Henry Co., Ohio, March the 31, 1875 F.H. Short Esq. Dear Sir, i was over to desher to day Looking after Road improvements Sales to See if they went all Right it Sold for 14 to 15 Cents per Cubit yard and i think that is as Low as the work Can Be done i Sold the E 1/2 N.W. 1/4 and the W 1/2 N.E. 1/4 Section 19 in T.4.N. of R.8.E. Richfield Tp for $3200 it Luys a Bout 8 Miles from Deshler i sold to William Fickel of this Co. and if Mr. Beckett do not Come don till after the 7th of April i will Be in your City on the 8th of April as i Must Be in Deshler on the 7th of next Month on A count of attend the ditch that will Be Layed or Located on that day and may Sell A nother tract of land By that time. Mr. Holgate has bin asking me Every day a Bout him deed for the 80 Acres i sold him last winter. Also yours truly
Deshler July the 19, 1875 Dear Sir, Pleas Send Deed for Lot No. 9 Soald for one hundred and fifty Dollars $150 one third down one third in one year & one third in too to Be maid out in Mrs. Elisabeth Newman name and I Would Say here that We are about making a town Well on the corner of main and Keyser Avenue and those that live on thes West side of the D. & M. R.R. Will have to Build it by subscription and We Would like to have you help us in Building this Well as it Will help you as a Company as Well as those Living here and We expect it Will take about one hundred and fifty Dollars to Build it. When you rite Pleas let us n[know] What you can do for us as We Want to git it finished By the time of the Sail Sale. I remain yours with Respect
Box 69 Deshler, Henry Co., Ohio, October the 14th 1875 F.H. Short Esq. Dear Sir, Enclosed please find mortgage from W.C. Holgate & J.S. Greenler i Also Send the plat of the New Edition to town of Deshler it Cost $30 and one dollar i Paid for Recording the Mortgage please Send me An old tax Reciept So i Can get A true list of all your Lands and town lots and i will get A List of the taxes for the present year So i Can Strike out of the list those tracks of land that i have Sold and i am going to Procure A Book So i can List all of the land & town Lots and when i Sell A track of Land i can Book it Also. yours truley
Deshler, O., Jan 6th 1876 Dear Sir, I have an opportunity of traiding this Hotell property to Mr. Geo. Fitzpatrick & Bro. of this place for other town property here if you will consent to the exchange they agree to pay the mortgage the payment which was Due last fall they will pay on that two hundred dollars the first of March and the Ballance of that fast as they can & the last payment they will pay when due. We are in a bad shape liable to be broke up Unless we can make this change can we do it. Wrote to Mr. Becket a few days ago but have not heard from him yet would like to hear from you immediately & you will oblige us very much. Yours Truly
Deshler, Ohio, March 23rd 1876 Dear Sir, Enclosed please find $14.45 being money received from A.W. Lee for stave bolts cut on companys land and please send me two notes which you hold against Joseph Willis on Lot No. 20 sold to him at the first sale he sold it to another party who wants to paye up all the balance amounting to $66.66 he says, and in regard to the last note shall we charge Interest the third payment is due the first of April then he will make the fourth payment. also send all the notes and papers you hold against H.D. Best the Catholic Preist who bought four acres commencing at No. 334 to 341 and 291 to 304. We received A postal card from him telling us to have them ready by the first of April he wants to paye up all the balance on them. When will thoese deeds be here. Your Truly |