MMS 1157 - Linus Patrick Correspondence
MLA Citation
Title | MMS 1157 - Linus Patrick Correspondence |
Correspondence to Patrick Family
November 13, 1852Cassopolis, Cass. County Mr. John B. Patrick Dear sir, The deed came safe, it has been executed by your wife and she has Got the money, she is still here and is well, she expects to start to your place in about 4 or 5 days Yours Truly Undated Note to FamilySetting springs July 3, 1864Camp 121st O.V.I. Ga Mr. Patrick I take the privilege of sending you these few lines to inform you that your Son Linus Trunk was taken to Chattanooga and will be sent right through from thaire [h]is Sword and belt is allso with it i put everythiing that belonged to hime in the trunk [h]is Over Coate was straped on the out side of it you will find some notes and Smalle accounts in [h]is dayhbooke wich I supose the boys will all pay so if you wish you can return them and i will do all i can to get it made right i mis him much - him and i was true frinds and knew each other well at all times well i must close for this time rember me to all frinds Yours Oswald Moore Esquire June 30, 1898[Regarding the Spanish-American War] Chickamauga Park, Dear Father, I received yours and Howards letter Wednesday evening and was glad to hear from you. We have had no rain here to amount to any thing for 2 weeks. It is very hot down here. The new recruits are being equipped very rapidly. They do not like this country they would rather be back at home. You had ought to hear them kick on the grub. I think that we are getting plenty to eat. The less you eat in this hot country the better you feel. The new recruits have got there new guns. The new fellows have bin writing home and telling them that we are almost starving. I don't think that I will go hungry as long as there is any thing in sight to eat. I think that we will be out of this park before long. We are going some place farther South. You tell Howard that he may be thankfull that he did not come down here for they are prety sick of there job. Water is the only scarce article there is here. Some of it is not fit to drink. There is any amount of black berries down here. We have berries about every day. Logan Smith is lots better then he was last week and he looks better. I wish that we were back to help celebrate the forth with You we will have a grand time here the forth if we do not have to move we are looking every time for to get orders to move. How are you getting along with the farm. I don't supose that it is as big as Evans. If you see Bill tell him that I will send the first scalp I get a holt of. The old boys are all feeling well. Powlimon [?] I guess that that he would get to be Corpral or some other noncomission officer but he is a low private in the rear ranks. Several of our officers have resighned. I bet there will be more before the war is over. I mess with the same fellows that I did when I was at Columbus. Some of the boy would like to be at home for the Fair. We have got all of our underwear[?]. Some of the boy have found plenty of time to hunt for relic. We do not have drills on Sunday. Kenton people are coming in here almost every day. I have seen several boys from Bellefountaine that I knew. We are one of the fifteen regiments that are to leave here. You tell Howard and Lenn [?] that I will ans there letters at some future time as I am so buzzy. I will have to close hoping to heare from you soon. Yours Ever Linus Anthony Patrick served with Company K, 121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was killed in battle at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia. Family Correspondence to LinusUndatedDearest friend Linus I have written you a letter about the affair of Mattie & mine - Since I have Wrote it I have concluded that a good way to bring about a reconciliation is in this way. Write Mattie a letter, a good letter but do not mention my name in It. Direct to miss Mattie Rumer Care Mr Barkdull Sidney Shelby Co Ohio - The idea of that Is this - If Mr. Barkdull takes it out and opens it or takes it to Mattie & has her read it to them if my name is not in the letter Barkdull will think it is all right. On receiving an answer from Mattie you can send the letter that I wrote to you (the one in this letter) As I have given vent to my feelings in it & the fact of my pouring out my grief to a friends like you will set her to thinking. When you send the enclosed letter to her you will please assist me by telling her that I am true as steel to her - You can pile it in about right - Don't send her this one though - Tell her you got a letter from me and you send it her just to show her how I stand - Do all you can for me Patrick for you know I love her better than life and if you will intercede for me I will owe you a debt of gratitude that I can never repay but I will ever oblige you where it is in my power - Will you do this? Will you help one out of this trouble? Please take a copy of the enclosed letter & send it to me as I have not time to do it - Don't fail to take a copy of it for I want it - Am in a big hurry - write to Mattie first without mentioning my name - Then when you get an answer from her send the letter that is in here that I have written to you & tell her That as I seemed to feel so bad about her & my affair that you could not help but send it to her to show her how I felt - But don't hint to her that I got you to send it on or it will spoil all Also when you send it try to help me by writing a letter defending me (for I believe you will defend me) - Also keep a copy of it & send me - Also a copy of the of the letter you you send her when you send mine Don't be like Ritta Carson & think it won't look like true friends if for it will look just the opposite Your friend in "Hot Water" Please send this back to me & I will keep it with your other letters post script top of Page I: I do not want a copy of this half sheet but I want a copy of the sheet and [illegible] that is enclosed as I havent time to [illegible] nearly train time I know [illegible] will take some writing to do it but I [illegible] do as much for you some [illegible] - Please copy "verbatim" May 2, 1862Kenton. May 2, 1862 Dear Sir I received your letter of the 2Oth stating that you was well and I would say in return that I am still able to hide from 14 to 20 Biscuit daily and other things in proportion and I hope that you are able to perform the same wonderful feat you stated that you was In very destitute circumstances and would like to have those things [illegible]. I will here State the reason for not sending them to you it is simply because I have not got them owing to a failure of my bank I am not able to pay but ten cts on The Dollar but being honest and not wanting you to lose any thing by me I will make you a proposition that is I will pay you In [ wood] if you will cut it your self. I am very thankful to you for that Pamphlet that you sent to me it will serve me at long time for as I wipes a thing that I stand in need of very much at the present time owing to your failure to send me those gold and silver ones that I ordered you to send me [break] the W.Bs are prospering finely now. L B Stevenson moved yesterday down on Beavers Place the Seiving Business is good now [illegible] is married and has got a young one he knocked up a girl out here and she sued him and they put him in jail and kept him there until he concluded to marry her there are three Rules if you will observe I will insure you to get along well in the world Rule 1st eat when you are hungry (that is if you have anything to eat) " 2nd sleep when you are sleepy. " 3rd Exercise the muscular fibres as little as possible when you can get along without it I have followed these rules for a long time and I have never known them to fail so hoping you will profit by them I will close J.A Cutting write soon or come out November 4, 1862Rushsylvania, 0. Nov. 4, 1862 Kind and dear Sir, Yours of the 18th ult just recd I am very thankful to you for such a satisfactory letter and the full details of the Perryville battle. I wrote you a line about the time of the battle, which you, perhaps, have got since writing your last. We got the sad news of Capt. Odor's death on Wednesday Eve the 15th, by Robert Patton's letter to his father. It was thought best to wait till the next day before telling his wife, expecting the mail would bring some line to her, or some person here giving fuller particulars. Your letter to your father came was read, and taken her, Mrs. Oder. John Rumer had told her, that forenoon, to prepare her mind for the News, that Ben was wounded. It was sad news to her, indeed; and to us all. So lately having left home in the prime of life, with high expectations of gaining the good will of his men and the esteem of his officers by kindness in the discharge of his official duties, and thus cut down so early in the campaign and in the action. Truly "in the midst of life we are in death." we would rather have hoped that Ben had been spared to have led his men through the campaign; but the lord has taken him away, and we should be resigned. You doubtless feel the loss very much and I can sympathize with you. It is to be hoped that you may get the best of the Rushsylvania boys for the next commissioned officer, will he[crossed out] you elect your Capt.? Or is he appointed? Ben's sword and trunk came this day by express; his haversack came several days since. In addition to the death of Mrs. Quivey and Mrs. Reisinger, which I wrote you, I have to mention Zimmerman's child. It died about a week ago. Lon Doran was home about a day, a week ago. It is rather monotonous at Camp Chase, I think, to suit him. Andr. Patterson has not had good health in Camp. It is doubtful if he can stand it. William Miller came home last Sabbath. I understand he and some others were detail'd to bring in some hay, and while thus engaged, were captured by some of Morgan's men, paroled and sent home. The papers are generaly down on General Buell, and especially for his management during the battle of Perryville. What is said of him, so far as you know, by his army? You can tell Robert Patton that I saw his father & mother this day - they are all well. The friends of all those in your Co. so far as I am acquainted are well. Mr. Finch brought home his son that enlisted in the 45th reg., a corpse, about ten days ago. He died of fever, in the hospital in Covington. We have had delightful weather so far this fall, very dry, the ground has been so dry that wheat would scarcely sprout in it. Last Saturday, a week ago, we had our first snow; snowed all day, froze pretty hard the next two nights then quite warm since till last Sabbath, when it raind, the last two nights cool, but the days quite pleasant. When the cold, stormy, wintry weather sets in you will wish you were back in an Ohio school-house teaching the young urchins ideas how to shoot; instead of teaching rebels not to shoot. Mary Jane was home last Saturday. Her school is small yet, but she thinks it a very pleasant school. There will be but few male teachers employed as teachers in this vicinity this winter, compared with other seasons. A large class having gone to the war. Ellen Rumer has the Ansley school Nancy Ann Grey has the school near Michael George's; Hanna Anderson the school near Sam'l McColloch's; Miss Gilmore, Nelson Johnson's & c, & c. Our place has been so quiet and monotonous since so many have left for the army that I cannot find enough items to fill a letter, we really have a dearth in the news line; but better that then bad news. You can tell Robert Patton and John Barnett also that, Cornelius Jamison & Widow Carter are to be married in a few days, so that if either of those boys have any objections, they can send them in, or forever after to hold their peace. Our family all join me in sending our best wishes to you, and to all our acquaintances with you. That you may all be preserved safely by a kind Providence, in your health, your lives, your morals and that you may all be soon restored to the comforts of friends and home, in peace and safty, is the sincere prayer of your true friend, J. Mcculloch P.S. When I had read your letter I handed to your father and wrote this hasty scribble. I will have to hunt up the letter to get your address. Your father encloses you 7 P.O. stamps, & requests me to say, that as hears by your letter to me that you are well and as I am writing, to state that they are all in their usual health and send their love to you and the friends. Write as frequently as you can, I know your facilities for writing is not good, but all your letters are so satisfactory that we are all anxious to read yours. J. MC. April 23, 1863Urbana April 23/63 Dear brother My object in writing to you this morning is to ascertain your views about selling the old Homestead belonging to our Father Estate. I am offered Eight Hundred Dollars for it all I think that it is worth, if we don't sell it this spring we will have to put a new roof on it as it leaks verry bad which will cost some fifty dollars or more. More the Estate is some in debt yet but not a great deal probably over one Hundred Dollars. There is Five Heirs to divide with in all. Please let me hear from you by return mail as I have to give the man an answer soon. We are all well as usual. I have no news to write except what you already know perhaps love to your family |