MS 974 - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education
MLA Citation
“MS 974 - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 3 July 2024, Accessed 19 Jan. 2025.
Title | MS 974 - Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education |
Introduction | The Council for the Advancement of Standards collection was donated in August 2002, with the assistance of Dr. Linda Clement. The collection includes meeting minutes, membership records, financial records, meeting files, correspondence, and publications, dating from 1979 to 2009. The collection is open to researchers and duplication is permitted for research and conservation purposes. Founded in 1979, The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) is the pre-eminent force for promoting standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs. CAS continues to create and deliver a dynamic and credible Book of Professional Standards and Guidelines and Self-Assessment Guides that are designed to lead to a host of quality-controlled programs and services. The ultimate purpose of CAS is to foster and enhance student learning, development, and achievement, and to promote good citizenship. CAS standards respond to real-time student needs, the requirements of sound pedagogy, and the effective management of more than 30 functional areas, consistent with institutional missions. Individuals and institutions from nearly 40 CAS member organizations comprise a constituency of over 100,000 professionals. Representing a significant majority of higher education practitioners in student programs and services throughout the country and beyond, no other body exists that so comprehensively speaks for this important field of endeavor. CAS will continue to have significant impact, especially as institutional effectiveness, student learning, outcomes assessment, accountability, and quality assurance become increasingly important to higher education. |
Series Description | The collection is organized into 9 record groups. Correspondence, 1979-2000, represents the professional letters, emails, invoices, and other forms of communication both within CAA and to other individuals and organizations. Minutes, 1979- 2001, 2006, includes meeting minutes of regional and national meetings, executive minutes, and other meeting agendas and details. Administrative, 1980-2008, entails various reports, notes, letters, task forces, evaluations. Budget and Treasury, 1980-2000, details financial reports, receipts, income and expenditure of the CAS. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, 1960-2001, 2006, includes programs, invitations, correspondence, and other related material. Media and Publications, 1973-2007, represents newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, papers, and books. Standards, 1982-2009, includes the “Standards” works published by the CAS, as well as evaluation forms, votes on standards, and other work related to the “Standards” books. Audio-Visual, 2001-2010, represents CDs/DVDs, cassettes, and photographs released by the CAS. Founding Paperwork and 3D materials, 1970s/1980s, 1999, 2004, details some of the creation of the CAS. It includes newspaper and journal releases, ethical standards, and early drafts of standards. It also includes a paperweight and a shirt. |
Inventory | Record Group: Correspondence Box 1 1. Correspondence, 1979 2. Correspondence, 1980 3. Correspondence, 1981 4. Correspondence, 1981 5. Correspondence, 1982 6. Correspondence , 1983 7. Correspondence, 1983 Box 2 1. Correspondence, Jan-March 1984 2. Correspondence, April-June 1984 3. Correspondence, July-Dec. 1984 4. Correspondence, Jan-June 1985 5. Correspondence, July-Dec. 1985 6. Correspondence, 1986 7. Correspondence, 1987 8. Correspondence , 1988 9. Correspondence, 1989 Box 3 1. Correspondence, 1990 2. Correspondence, 1991 3. Correspondence, 1992 4. Correspondence, 1993 5. Correspondence , 1994 6. Correspondence , Aug-Dec 1995 7. Correspondence, 1996 8. Correspondence, 1997 9. Correspondence, 1998 10. Correspondence, 1999 11. Correspondence, 2000 12. Correspondence, N.D. 13. Correspondence, N.D. Record Group: Minutes Box 1 1. Draft minutes of Interassociation conference on Student Development & Services accreditation issue meeting, 25, 26 Oct. 1979 2. Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 11 Jan-23 Sept 1980 3. Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 13 March, 4-5 June, 1 Aug 1981 4. Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 5 March-20 Dec 1982 5. Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 25-27 May, June 1983 6. Meeting Minutes & Agendas, Dec 1983 7. Minutes, 10-11 Sept, 7-9 Dec 1984 8. Minutes, 24-25 Jan, 17-19 March, 5-7 June 1984 9. Minutes, 15-17 Jan, 17-19 March, 17-18 Nov 1986 10. Minutes, 13-15 March, 19-20 Nov 1987 11. Meeting Minutes and Notes, N.D. (Circa 1980s) Box 2 1. Minutes & Agendas, 16-17 May, 17-20 Nov 1988 2. Minutes & Agendas, 28 April-14 Nov. 1989 3. Minutes & Agendas, 18-19 Feb, 7-8 May, 29-30 July, 15-16 Nov 1990 4. Minutes & Agendas, 24 Feb-15 Nov 1991 5. Minutes & Agendas, 1-3 March, 7-8 May, 16-17 Nov 1992 6. Minutes & Agendas, 28 Feb-9 Nov 1993 7. Minutes & Agendas, 6 Feb-19 Nov 1994 8. Minutes & Agendas, 5 Feb-28 Nov 1995 9. Minutes & Agendas, 21 Feb-26 Nov 1996 10. Minutes & Agendas, 15 Feb-2 Dec 1997 11. Minutes & Agendas, 20 Feb-14 Nov 1998 12. Minutes & Agendas, 30 April-2 Nov 1999 13. Minutes & Agendas, 8 Feb-31 Oct 2000 14. Executive Committee Discussion Topics, 1-3 Feb 2001 15. Minutes & Agendas, 24 Aug-11 Nov 2006 Record Group: Administrative Box 1 1. Administrative, N.D. 2. Administrative, N.D. 3. Administrative, N.D. 4. Administrative, N.D. 5. Administrative, N.D. 6. Administrative, N.D. Box 2 1. Excerpt from the Standards of the College Delegate – Southern Association, 14 Dec 1977 2. Commission on Higher Ed. Executive Director’s Report, 1978-1979 3. Cooperation between the Maryland SBHE & CHE of the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools, 7 May 1979 4. Draft of Campus & Student Development Admin., June 1979 5. Committee membership joint assoc. Committee on student developement and services accreditation issues, June 1979 6. Remarks & proposals on accreditation, 9 June, 9 July 1979 7. Reports, evaluations & task forces, 1980-1983 8. Report to NASPA board of directors on the progress of the CAS, 1984 9. Reports, evaluations & task forces, 1989 Box 3 1. Officer & Director Lists Spring 1980-Dec. 1989 2. Rosters, 1980-1985 3. Voting, 1983 4. Spreadsheets, 1982-1984 5. Administrative, 18 Jan, Sept-Nov 1980 6. Administrative, April-Aug 1981 7. Administrative, Feb-Oct 1982 8. Administrative, Feb-Dec 1983 9. Administrative, Jan-June, Dec 1984 10. Administrative, Feb-Sept 1985 11. Administrative, 15 May, 18 July 1986 12. Administrative, 1987 13. Administrative, 27 July, Sept 1988 14. Administrative, Feb-Nov 1989 Box 4 1. Members, officers, & directors, 1990s 2. Reports, task forces, committees, 1990-1991 3. Administrative, 20 Feb 1990, March, June, Oct 1991 4. Administrative, 25 Sept 1992-9 Sept 1993 5. Administrative, 6 Oct, Nov 1994 6. Administrative, 1995 7. Administrative, 1996 8. Administrative, 1997 9. Administrative, 1998 10. Administrative, July, 20-21 Oct 1999 Box 5 1. Administrative, 2000 2. Proposal for Action, 30 April 2001 3. Leadership of the CAS, 29 July 2002 4. Administrative, Jan, 16-18 Oct 2005 5. Officers, directors, committee, 99-2000, 2006, 2007-2008 Record Group: Conferences, Seminars, Workshops Box 1 1. ACU Conference, 24 April 1960 2. Consortium on accreditation, 16 Aug-26 Oct 1979 3. Result of interassociation conference on student development and services, 8 Nov 1979 4. COPA membership and process for developing standards, 7 May 1980 5. Abstract of NASPA conference presentation, 20 March 1980 6. NUCEA annual conference report, May 1981 7. AACJC 1982 convention program & note, 15 Oct 1981 8. Memos about AAHE 1982 conference, 3 Dec 1981, N.D. 9. AAHE national conference on higher education, 3-5 March 1982 10. Status report to NASPA, Toronto conference, April 1983 11. Puerto Vallarta post-conference tour, 1985 12. NAFSA self-study workshops, 1983-1984 13. CAS presentation by Bud Thomas, 1986 14. Proposed conference program, 21 Oct 1988 15. Presentation to SACSA operationalizing CAS standards, 8 Nov. 1989 16. NASPA pre-conference workshop proposal memo, 27 Nov. 1989 17. Presentation. “Benchmarking: A future imperative?", March 1997, 1 July 1997 18. Wingspread conference proposal. “Beyond the classroom: Improving college services and programs”, 9 April 1999 19. Investments and Involvements workshop, 27 Sept 2000 20. Student affairs workshop, 11 Jan 2001 21. National symposium on standards, self-assessment, and student learning outcomes, 12-14 Nov. 2006 22. Session equipment sheet, N.D. 23. CSP Seminar, N.D. 24. Conference Notes, N.D. 25. Rationale for a consortium on accreditation, N.D. 26. ACPA Workshop notes,N.D. 27. Presentation on examination of accreditation, N.D. Record Group: Media and Publications Box 1 1. ACUHO News Vol. 12. No. 1, Sept-Oct 1973 2. Reccomendations for national action affecting higher education, Jan 1974 3. Professional standards for administrators in higher education, 1975 4. Journal of the American college health association Volume 25, March 1977 5. ”The ideal housing organization: Its structure and a rational for its choice.” By Dorian Sprandel, March 1977 6. Keeping your school or college catalog in compliance with Federal laws and regulation, June 1978 7. Principles and practices of college career planning, placement, and recruitment, Dec. 1978 8. ACU-I Bulletin, June 1979 9. Self regulation initiatives: Guidelines for colleges and universities. No. 2, Oct 1979 10. Standards for prep. In counselor education, 1979 11. Accreditation handbook for ambulatory health care, 1979 12. USAA merger with NSC, 30 Nov 1979 13. Draft if NASPA article for CAS, 1980 14. ACE Higher education affairs Vol. 29 No. 1, 11 Jan 1980 15. Truth in testing: Third in a series of articles on testing, Feb-March 1980 16. Annual report of the executive director of the commission on higher education, 1 July 1980 17. CAS Press release, 13 Oct 1980 18. Maryland state coordinating board: A burden or a blessing by Donna Shoemaker, 1 Dec 1980 19. ACPA statement of ethical and professional standards, 1981 20. Press release: Higher education professional standards council formed, 11 Feb 1981 21. Higher Education and national affairs. Vol. 30. No. 6, 20 Feb 1981 22. Colleges urged to adopt standards on foreign students, 8 June 1981 23. Survey of chief student personnel officers. Journal of the American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admission Officers, Winter 1981 24. Request for comments: Case statement of ethics, 24 Feb 1982 25. Student activities supplement, Aug 1982 26. Academic advising audit. By David S. Crockett, 1983 27. Suicide by absence of standards. By Frank J. Maez, Spring 1983 28. NAFSA Newsletter. Vol. 34 No. 7 June 1983 29. Higher education daily 20 July 1983 30. Articles on college accrediting, 1 Jan, 27 June, 7 July, 14 Aug, 15,17 Sept 1989, Aug 1983 31. Abstracts on various administration papers, Fall 1983 32. ACUI Bulletins Vol. 52 Nos. 2 & 6, April, Dec 1984 33. Administrative newsletter Vol. 3 No. 12, 30 June 1984 34. Professional standards: Whither Thou Goest? By Theodore K. Miller, Sept 1984 35. Helen Meyer dissertation proposal: A national effort to build standards for the student service/Dev. functions, 19 Oct 1984 36. Self-Regulation initiatives, Aug 1979-Dec 1984 Box 2 1. Union Wire. Vol. 17 No. 5, Jan 1985 2. Statement of principles of good practice for members of NACA, Feb 1985 3. NASPA forum. Vol. 5 No. 5, Feb 1985 4. National on-campus reports. No. 12 & Vol. 13. No 3, Vol. 12, 25 June 1984, 11 Feb 1985 5. ACES Membership letter, 11 Nov 1985 6. 12th annual NASPA/ACE prelim program, 6 July 1986 7. Prospectus: Using the ACUHO-I standards as an aid to program evaluation and enhancement, April 1988 8. A study of student affairs higher education prep. Programs, Oct 1989 9. Greek organizations on college campus: Guidelines for institutional action Note to Bud Thomas, 14 Sept, 28 Nov 1989 10. CAS Chronicles. Vol 2. No. 1, 1 Nov 1990 11. Invoices about NACAC., 7, 19 Dec 1989 Statement of principles of good practice, Feb, Oct 1990 POGP Document, 9 May 1991 12. Report on CPPS meeting and “Accrediting & credentializing in college student affairs: The role of ACPA and NASPA”, 20 Feb 1992 13. CAS relationships to accrediting agencies, 6 May 1992 14. Change. Vol. 28 No. 5, Sept/Oct 1996 15. NACAC Bulletins and attaches notes., Aug, 13 Sept 1988 Vol. 25 No.7 , Vol. 35 No. 4, April, 8 May 1997 16. ACPA developments, Nov 1997 17. CIVSA pamphlet & National officers and regions, 1997-1998 18. Enhancing the productivity of the learning process, 16 March 1998 19. Quality assurance initiative, May 1998 20. Dimensions of intervention for student development & invoice, 4 June 1998 21. Student affairs and student/environmental, development and invoice, 4 June 1998 22. Higher Ed & national affairs. Vol. 48 No. 14, 26 July 1999 23. CAS 20th year celebration, 1 Nov 1999 24. Professional development opportunities, Fall 1999 25. The perceived importance of the CAS standards: Implications for practice, 14 July 2000 26. Barb Jacoby ”Point of view: Accreditors have to see past “learning outcomes.”, 27 Sept 2000 27. Order forms for CAS standards books & self-assessment guides, 1999, 2001/2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 28. NASPA Journal Vol. 44 No. 2, 2007 29. Presentation on accrediting, 18 March., N.D 30. Women’s publications order form, N.D. 31. Articles of incorporation of the CAS, N.D. 32. The university union Idea, N.D. 33. Video tape order form, N.D. 34. NUCEA individual membership, N.D. 35. Setting intended outcomes and administrative objectives, N.D. 36. Self-study process: A guide for post secondary institutions, N.D. 37. Publications information, N.D. 38. The Johnson foundation program guidelines, N.D. 39. ACPA presentation notes, N.D. 40. Emergence of accreditation and program standards in student affairs, N.D. Record Group: Standards Box 1 1. General principles governing all standards, 3 Dec 1982 2. NAFSA Self-study/Self-assessment guide w/international education, 1983 3. Self study/evaluation forms, 1985 4. Self assessment guide, 1986 5. Self assessment guide: Academic advising, 30 Jan, 16 July 1986 6. Self assessment guide: CAS division level standards, 20 Jan, 17 July 1986 7. Self assessment guide: Counseling Services, 23 Feb, 16 July 1986 8. Self assessment guide: religious programs, 5 March, 17 July 1986 9. Self assessment guide: Research and evaluation, 11 Feb, 17 July 1986 10. Self assessment guide: Student activities, 11 Feb, 17 July 1986 11. Self assessment guide: Career planning and placement, 6 March, 2 July 1986 12. Self assessment guide: recreational sports, 31 Jan 1986 13. Self assessment guide: Learning assistance programs, 6 March, 17 July 1986 14. Self assessment guide: Judicial programs and services, 25 Feb, 17 July 1986 15. Self assessment guide: Disabled student services, 16 March, 17 July 1986 16. Self assessment guide: Fraternity and Sorority standards, 5 March, 17 July 1986 17. Self assessment guide: college union standards, 7 March, 16 July 1986 18. Self assessment guide: commuter student programs and services, 8 March, 16 July 1986 19. Self assessment guide: Orientation standards, 20 Jan, 10 Feb, 17 July 1986 20. Self assessment guide: Intro to CAS, 31 Jan, 14 Oct 1986 21. Self assessment guide: general standards, 1987 22. Self assessment guide: Disabled student services, 1988 23. Self assessment guide: fraternity and sorority advising, 1988 24. Self assessment guide: student activities, 1988 25. Self assessment guide: student orientation programs, 1988 26. Self assessment guide: housing and residential life programs, 1988 27. Self assessment guide: research and evaluation, 1988 28. Self assessment guide: judicial programs and services, 1988 29. Self assessment guide: learning assistance programs, 1988 30. Self assessment guide: minority student programs and services, 1988 31. Self assessment guide: recreational sports, 1988 32. Self assessment guide: religious programs, 1988 33. Self assessment guide: general-division level, 1988 34. Self assessment guide: Standards, 1988 35. Self assessment guide: training manual, Jan 1989 36. Self assessment guide: Alcohol and other drug programs, 1990 37. Self assessment guide: college and university student housing, 1992 38. Self assessment guide: women student program, 1992 39. Self assessment guide: student affairs professionals in higher education, 1998 40. Self assessment guide: student orientation, 1998 41. Self assessment guide: learning assistance program, 1998 Box 2 1. Self assessment guide: minority program, 1998 2. Self assessment guide: outcome assessment and program evaluation, 1998 3. Self assessment guide: recreational sports program, 1998 4. Self assessment guide: registrar program, 1998 5. Self assessment guide: religious program, 1998 6. Self assessment guide: Student leadership program, 1998 7. Self assessment guide: disability services, 1998 8. Self assessment guide: financial aid program, 1998 9. Self assessment guide: fraternity and sorority advising, 1998 10. Self assessment guide: housing program, 1990 11. Self assessment guide: international student programs and services, 1998 12. Self assessment guide: judicial programs and services, 1998 13. Self assessment guide: career planning and placement, 1998 14. Self assessment guide: commuter student program, 1998 15. Self assessment guide: admission program, 1998 16. Self assessment guide: alcohol and other drug programs, 1998 17. Self assessment guide: campus activities program, 1998 18. Self assessment guide: academic advising program, 1998 19. Self assessment guide: college union, 1999 20. Self assessment guide: trio and other educational opportunity programs, 1999 21. Self assessment guide: counseling services, 1999 22. Self assessment guide: Service-learning programs, 2005 23. Self assessment guide: education abroad, Feb 2006 24. Self assessment guide: Recreational sports, Aug 2006 25. Self assessment guide: Learning assistance programs, Aug 2006 Box 3 1. Guidelines for a master’s degree program in college union administration , Feb 1966 2. Standards for counselors and other personnel service specialists, 1 Oct 1973 3. Standards and practices for a college health program, 1977 4. Standards of the college delegate assembly, Dec 1977 5. Standards for the preparation of counselors . Feb 1979 Self-regulation initiatives, Oct 1979 6. Criteria for accreditation of doctoral training programs and internships in professional psychology, Approx. Jan 1980 7. Standards for student development programs, March 1980 8. Standards for career planning and placement officers, 28 July 1980 9. Standards for student personnel staff generalists, Sept 1980 10. CAS draft, 23 Sept 1980 11. ACPA statement of ethical and professional Standards, 6 Nov 1980 12. Statement of ethical and professional Standards, 6 Nov 1980 13. Standards for student/campus activities, 1981 Standards for fraternity advising, 1981 Standards for lecture and concert series, June, July 1981 14. NAFSA principles for international ed. Exchange. 1981 Statement of principles of good practices, 15 Jan 1981 Mull letter on lecture Standards, 6 July 1981 NAFSA self-regulation program, 11 May 1981 15. Standards for college unions, 1981 Standards for career planning and placement, June, July 1981 Standards for career dev. and placement, July 1981 Standards for educational career planning and placement, July 1981 16. Standards for chief student personnel officers, June, 9 Oct 1981 Standards for academic advising, June, 2 June 1981 Standards for intramural and recreation programs, June 1981 17. Reference designation by cluster and function, 4 Aug 1981 18. Standards for prep of masters level student personnel workers, Aug, 14 Dec 1981 Standards for judicial affairs officers, 9 Oct 1981 Box 4 1. Accreditation manual for ambulatory health care, 1982 2. Standards for intramural and recreational programs, 1982 Standards for counseling services, 5 April 1982 Standards for students serving as recreational programs, 3 June 1982 3. Standards for student activities and lecture and concert series7 May 1982 Standards for lecture and concert series, 12 July 1982 Standards for Orientation, 7,8 July 1982 Standards for research and evaluation, July, Aug 1982 4. William Thomas, comments and notes on unified Standards, 12 May 1982 5. Standards for learning centers, Oct 1982 Standards for commuter student programs and services, Dec. 1982 Standards for college unions, Dec. 1982 6. General principles governing all standards for student services/Development programs, 30 Nov, 3 Dec 1982 7. Standards for career planning and placement, 27 Sept, 21 Dec 1982 Standards for collegiate recreational sports, 26 April 1982 Standards for religious programs, May, July 1982 Standards for disabled student services, Feb, 2 Dec 1982 8. Standards for student affairs generalist, April 1982 Standards for paraprofessional staffing, Dec 1982 Standards for chief student life officer, 1 Dec 1982 Lewis letter on CSL officer, 22 Dec 1982 9. Standards for campus judicial services, Jan 1983 Standards for student Judicial services, 25 April, 10 Aug 1983 Standards for judicial services, 14 Dec 1983 10. Standards for prep. Of masters level student affairs professionals and Standards for learning centers, 11 Jan 1983 Standards for prep. Of masters level student personnel workers, 29 Nov 1983 11. Standards for academic advising , 15 Feb 1983 Standards for the chief student life officer, 3 March 1983 Standards for campus child care centers, 5 July 1983 Standards for collegiate Recreational sports, 8 Dec 1983 12. Standards for fraternity/sorority advising, Feb, Dec 1983 Amendment for disabled student services, June 1983 Standards for disabled student services, Dec 1983 13. Documents under consideration, April 1983 Statement of good practice, 1 June 1983 Status of standards, 1-3 June 1983 14. Proposed amendments to all standards documents, June 1983 General ethics and standards, 27 June 1983 15. NAFSA Self regulation, 26 Sept 1983 NAFSA principles for international Ed. Exchange, 1983 16. Standards for college unions, 24 March, June 1983 Amendment to standards for college unions, June 1983 17. Standards for student services/development programs, 1-3 June, 7 July 1983 Standards for counseling services, 17 Feb, 5 April, Dec 1983 18. Proposed amendment to standards for paraprofessional staffing, June 1983 Standards for paraprofessional staffing, Aug 1983 Standards for paraprofessional staffing in student development programs5 Dec 1983 19. Proposed amendment to standards for learning centers, June 1983 Standards for learning centers, June 1983 Proposed amendment to standards for career planning, June 1983 Standards for career planning, June, 1 Aug 1983 20. Proposed amendment to standards for commuter student services, June 1983 Standards for commuter student services, June 1983 Standards for research and evaluation in student services/development programs, 3 March, Dec 1983 Standards for orientation, 9 Dec 1983 Box 5 1. Standards for admissions programs, Dec 1984 2. Standards and practices for a college health program, 1984 3. Standards for prep. Of masters student personnel workers, 6 Jan 1984 Standards for paraprofessional programs, Aug 1984 Proposal for general standards, 12 Oct 1984 4. Standards for student activities, 18 July, Sept 1984 Standards for counseling services, 14 May, July 1984 Standards for college unions, 17 July, 15 Aug, Sept 1984 5. Standards for disabled student student services, 1 April, 19 June, Sept 1984 Standards for academic advising, 15 May, Sept 1984 6. Status of standards, 30 April 1984 7. Standards for career planning and placement, 18 Jan, 17, 24 July, Sept 1984 Standards for judicial programs and services, 18 June, Sept 1984 8. Orientation standards, 18 Jan, June, 17 July 1984 Standards for commuter student programs and services, June, Sept 1984 9. Standards for intramurals and recreational activities, 1984 Standards for collegiate recreational sports, March, May 1984 Standards for recreational sports, 14 May, Sept 1984 10. Standards for college and university student housing, 19 July, 4 Oct 1984 Standards for learning centers, June, Sept 1984 Standards housing and res. life programs, Dec 1984 11. Standards for use of paraprofessionals in student dev. programs, 1984, 24 Sept 1984 Standards for research and eval. in student dev. programs, 13 May 1984 Prep. Standards at the masters level for student services/Dev, 19 June, July, 10 Sept 1984 Standards for student services/dev programs, 25 June, Sept, 10 Sept 1984 12. Standards for religious programs, Feb, June-July 1984 Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, Oct 1984 Box 6 1. Accreditation handbook for ambulatory health care, 1985/1986 Edition 2. Standards for learning centers, May 1985 3. Standards for orientation, Jan, Aug 1985 Standards for research and evaluation, Aug 1985 Standards for academic advising, Aug 1985 4. Standards for career planning and placement, Jan, June, Aug 1985 Standards for religious programs, June, Aug, Sept 1985 5. Standards for counseling services, Jan, Aug, Sept 1985 Standards for minority student programs and services, 28 March, June, Aug 1985 6. Standards for student activities, Jan, May, June, Aug 1985 7. Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, Jan, Aug, Oct 1985 Standards for recreational sports, 29 April, May, Aug 1985 8. Standards for paraprofessionals in student development programs, 26 Jan 1985 Standards for student services/Development programs, Jan, June, July, Aug, Sept 1985 9. Standards for college unions, June, Aug, Sept 1985 Standards for housing and res. Life programs, April, June, Aug 1985 10. Standards for disabled student services, June, Aug, Sept 1985 11. Prep. Standards at the maters level for student affairs professionals, 5 June 1985 Standards at the masters level for student/Dev. Professions in post-secondary ed., 5 June, Aug 1985 12. Standards for judicial programs and services, June, Aug 1985 Standards for learning assistance programs, 11, 8 July, Aug 1985 13. CAS Standards and guidelines, Aug 1985 Box 7 1. Standards, 1985 2. Comparison of current practices with CAS standards for career planning and placement, 1985 3. Standards for student services/development programs, Sept 1985 4. Standards for college unions, 1986 Standards for student orientation programs, 1986 Standards for recreational sports, 1986 5. Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, 1986 Standards for learning assistance programs, 1986 Standards for student activities, 1986 6. Standards for minority student programs, 1986 Standards for judicial programs and services, 1986 Standards for housing and Res. Life 1986 7. Standards for student activities, Feb. 1986 8. Standards for disabled student services, 1986 Standards for career planning and placement, 1986 Standards for counseling services, 1986 General Standards, 1986, April 1986 9. Standards for professional staff prep, 1986 Guidelines for fraternities, 15 Oct 1986 10. Standards for admission programs and services, 1986, 14,26 Nov 1986 11. Standards for student services/Development programs, 1986 12. Intro to CAS self assessment guide, 1987 Division level self assessment guide, 1987 Self-study follow-up plan, 1987 Comparison of current practice, 14 May 1987 13. Standards for admission programs and services, 1987 Standards for Syracuse University bookstore, 20 Aug 1987 Putting the CAS Standards to work, 19 Nov 1987 14. Standards for counseling services , 1988 Standards for judicial programs and services, 1988 15. Standards for student orientation programs, 1988 Standards for housing and Res. Life programs, 1988 Standards for learning assistance programs, 1988 16. Standards for disabled student services, 1988 Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, 1988 Standards for student activities, 1988 17. Standards for research and evaluation, 1988 Standards for minority student programs and services, 1988 Standards for recreational sports, 1988 18. Standards for admission programs and services appendix, 1988 Standards for college unions appendix, 1988 Standards for religious programs appendix, 1988 19. Standards for career planning and placement appendix, 1988 Standards for counseling services appendix, 1988 Standards for commuter student programs and services appendix, 1988 20. Standards on student health insurance, Jan 1988 Standards for women’s centers, March 1988 Guidelines and revisions plan, 1 Sept 1988 Standards for women’s student programs and services, 10 Nov 1988 Standards for doctoral level standards study groups, 16 Nov 1988 Box 8 1. Standards for women student programs and services, 22 May 1989 2. Protocol for review and revision of existing CAS standards, 7 Aug 1989 3. Operationalizing CAS Standards: An approach, 8 Nov. 1989 4. Standards for women student programs and services, 1990 5. Standards for housing and residential life, 29 Jan 1990 6. Standards for alcohol and other drug programs, draft, 6 March, 1990 Standards for alcohol and other drug programs, 1990 7. Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, draft, 9 July, 1990 Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, 1990 8. Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, draft, 20 Feb, 1991 Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, 29 May, 1991, 1991 9. Standards for fraternity and sorority advising, 6 June 1991 10. Standards for campus activities, 26 May, 11 Aug 1992 Standards for student leadership programs, 30 May, 1992 11. Standards for housing and Res. Life, 11 Aug 1992 Prep. Standards and guidelines at the MA level for student affairs professionals, 16 Nov. 1992 Standards for student services/development, 30 Nov. 1992 12. Standards for housing and res. Life, 25 Feb 1993(?) Standards for campus activities, 25 Feb 1993 Standards for international office programs and services, 30 April, 11 Aug 1993 13. Standards for student leadership programs, Nov 1993 14. General Standards, Draft, 4 Feb, 17 Feb, 11 July, 17 Aug 1994 15. Standards for international student office programs and services, 9 March 1994 CAS Preamble, 18 Nov 1994 16. Standards for international student programs, 20 April 1995 Standards for learning assistance programs, 3 July 1995 17. Standards for student orientation, 21 Nov 1995 18. Standards for disability support services, 3 March, 7 March, 15 Dec 1995 19. Standards for student orientation, 25 April 1996 Standards for recreational sports, 17 May 1996 Standards for learning assistance programs, 18 July 1996 20. Standards for disability support services, 17 Aug 1996 Standards for student leadership programs, 18 Aug, 15 Nov 1996 Standards for financial aid, 10 Sept, 28 Oct 1996 21. Standards marketing plan, 15 Nov 1996 Standards for judicial programs and services, 15 Nov 1996 General standards, 15 Nov 1996 Box 9 1. General and specialty standards for collegiate recreational sports, 1996 2. Book of professional standards for higher education, 1997 3. Standards for recreational sports, 10 March 1997 Standards for learning assistance programs, 13 Oct, 22 Oct 1997 Standards for MA level student affairs admin. Prep. programs, 1997 4. Putting the CAS Standards to work, 1998 5. The book of professional Standards for higher education, 1999 6. Standards for career services, 28 Jan 2000 Standards for LGBT programs and services, 8 Feb 2000 Standards for distance learners, 7 Feb 2000 7. General Standards, 30 Aug, 26 Sept 2000 Revised Accreditation Criteria, 9 Oct 2000 8. Book of professional Standards for higher education, 2001 9. Book of professional Standards for higher education, 2003 Box 10 1. Policy and procedures: Guide for board of directors, Oct 2003 2. Policies and procedures: Guide for board of directors, Oct 2005 3. Frameworks for assessing learning and development outcomes, 2006 4. CAS professional standards for higher education, 2006 5. Policies and procedures: Guide for board of directors, Aug 2009 6. CAS professional standards for higher education, 2009 7. Standards for lecture and concert series, N.D. 8. Standards for Dev. Of professional housing offices, N.D. Standards for student learning assessment, N.D. Standards for student learning and development, N.D. Standards for student affairs, N.D. Standards for admission programs and services, N.D. 9. Use of standards in agency or institutional self study, N.D. Task force members, N.D. Leadership and management, N.D. Standards for student/campus activities personnel, N.D. 10. Accreditation and certification, N.D. Emergence of accreditation and standards, N.D. Standards progress sheet, N.D. Standards for special population, N.D. 11. Financial standards and guidelines for financial aid, N.D. Registrar programs and services, N.D. Areas of standard Development, N.D. 12. Self evaluation form: Career planning and guides, N.D. 13. Standards review format, N.D. Record Group: Audio-Visual Box 1 1. Photos, Scattered Dates 2. CAS CD, 2001 3. CAS CD, Jan 2002 4. CAS CD, Jan 2002 5. Self-Assessment guide CD, 2003 6. CAS CD, June 2004 7. Accreditation accountability conference, 21-24 April 2004 8. Self-Assessment guide CD, 2004 9. Self-Assessment guide CD, 2006 10. Self-Assessment guide CD , 2007 11. NASPA materials, 2 June 2008 12. Self-Assessment guide CD, 2009 13. Self-Assessment guide CD, 2010 14. Let’s Talk Assessment (Parts 1-3), 2003 15. Carl Anderson cassette tape 1, N.D. 16. Carl Anderson cassette tape 2, N.D. 17. Jim Banning cassette tape 1, N.D. 18. Jim Banning cassette tape 2, N.D. 19. Bob Rogers cassette tape 1, N.D. 20. Bob Rogers cassette tape 2, N.D. 21. George Kuh cassette tape 1, N.D. 22. George Kuh cassette tape 2, N.D. 23. Gary Pauela cassette tape 1, N.D. 24. Gary Pauela cassette tape 2, N.D. 25. CAS Standards, N.D. 26. Personal and professional lives , N.D. 27. Lou Stamatakos: Critical Thinking, N.D. 28. NASPA Perspective statement , N.D. 29. Cassette tape. Unknown contents, N.D. 30. Cassette tape. Unknown contents, N.D. 31. U. Mass. Amherst permaculture initiative excellence award submission, N.D. 32. Ray Franco thank you video, N.D. Record Group: Founding Paperwork and 3D Material 1. Founding of CAS, Scattered Dates 2. CAS Paperweight, 1999 3. CAS 25 years shirt, 2004 |