MS 442 - Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio
MLA Citation
“MS 442 - Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 20 Mar. 2014, Accessed 13 Feb. 2025.
Title | MS 442 - Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio |
Introduction | The records of the Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio date from 1969 to 1984. The history of this health organization is reflected in the collection which consists of proceedings, correspondence, reports and printed materials. The records of the Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio were donated to the Center for Archival Collections on November 25, 1985, with the cooperation of Dr. Adelia Peters and Dr. William Jackson of the Environmental Studies Center at Bowling Green State University. Literary and property rights have been dedicated to the public. The collection was processed and the register drafted by Xiao-yang Jiang, graduate intern in history, in December 1990. |
Agency History | In 1970, the Hospital Planning Association of Greater Toledo, Inc., was officially changed to The Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio which was certified as a non-profit organization. The geographic area covered by this Association included Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Henry, Huron, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, Williams and Wood Counties. As a legally mandated organization, the Association closed its operations in 1984. A voluntary organization since has formed, the Northwest Ohio Health Planning, Inc., 635 N. Erie Street, Toledo, Ohio. This organization has assumed some of the responsibilities of The Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio. Within the Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio three classes of membership existed: Organizational, Trustee, and Participating Member. Organizational membership included any public, voluntary, private or governmental agency with an interest in health in northwest Ohio. Each member organization was entitled to one vote in the membership meetings. Those elected to trustee membership had one vote at the Board meetings. Participating members were those appointed to serve on standing committees. As stated in the Code of Regulations, the general purpose of the Association was to improve the health of all people in northwest Ohio through the development of a comprehensive, coordinated system of health services. These services included health facilities; personal, public, environmental, mental health and retardation services; and vocational and physical rehabilitation. The Association was responsible for acquiring the necessary resources to provide such services for the purpose of preventing illness and improving the health of residents of the health service area. Also included in this general purpose were the goals of increasing the accessibility, acceptability, continuity, and quality of the health service provided; restraining increases in the cost of providing health services; and preventing unnecessary duplication of health resources. The following were stated as specific objectives of the Association: 1) assemble and analyze data concerning the status of the area residents' health; 2) develop, maintain, coordinate, evaluate, and from time to time, revise a Health System Plan; 3) establish and annually review and amend an Association Implementation Plan; 4) develop and publish specific plans and projects for achieving the objectives established in the AIP. |
Scope and Content | The records of the Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio document the history of the health organization from 1969 to 1984. Mainly consisting of by-laws, work programs, correspondence, reports and newsletters, the activities of the organization and its impact on the health service of the northwest Ohio can be successfully documented. While the by-laws explain how the organization is structured, the work programs describe what the Association accomplished. Fairly complete information can be found on both of these record series in the collection. The correspondence which forms the bulk of the collection has four components. The incoming and outgoing correspondence from 1969 to 1980 describes the Association's affiliation with the Federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare and Ohio Department of Health. These two agencies provided guidelines which directed the Association's goals and plans. The correspondence located in the agency files, county files, and subject files, on the other hand, reflect the Association's financial, public health and environmental responsibilities to its service area of the northwest Ohio. Most of these files also contain funding applications. The other major part of the collection consists of reports compiled by the six standing committees, plus two special task forces appointed by the Association's Board of Trustees. These documents include each committee's planning and implementation reports as well as project review reports. Of these committees, the Facilities and Service Committee, the Regional Environmental and Public Health Committee, the Public Health Committee, and Areawide Mental Health and Mental Retardation Committee are the most active and continuous as illustrated by the documentation. Completing the collection are the newsletters from various health organizations which further aid in understanding the role and activities of the Health Planning Association of northwest Ohio. |
Series Description | PROCEEDINGS GOVERNANCE 1969 to 1979. Arranged chronologically Includes by-laws, lists of board members, and procedure descriptions. WORK PROGRAMS 1974 to 1984. Arranged chronologically Consists of Health System Agency plans, including revisions and reports. CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE 1969 TO 1980. Arranged chronologically Includes both incoming and outgoing correspondence documenting the Association's relationship with various governmental agencies. AGENCY FILES 1974 to 1981. Arranged chronologically Includes documents from and to such agencies as hospitals, nursing homes, clinic centers, and health departments. COUNTY FILES 1969 to 1981. Arranged alphabetically. Includes correspondence and files documenting the relationship of the Association with various counties, cities and villages in northwest Ohio. SUBJECT FILES 1973 to 1981. Arranged alphabetically. Contains documentation on such subjects as alcoholism, food services, hazardous waste, public health and water. REPORTS ALCOHOLISM TASK FORCE 1978. Final report of the Task Force to the Board of Trustees. AREAWIDE MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL RETARDATION COMMITTEE 1978 to 1980. Arranged alphabetically. Includes reports, minutes and project applications. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1975 to 1980 (scattered) Arranged chronologically Includes financial statements, federal assistance proposal, fundraising drive lists. FACILITIES AND SERVICES COMMITTEE 1976 to 1980 Arranged chronologically Contains its study on the services, manpower and physical needs of hospitals and health facilities and services in northwest Ohio and reports on other responsibilities as stated in the by-laws. NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1977. Arranged chronologically Includes slate of candidates. PLAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1977 to 1980. Arranged chronologically Includes its consideration of the Federal and State guidelines and its assessment of the status of health and health systems in northwest Ohio. PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE 1976. Arranged chronologically Report and Plan Section for Public Health. REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE 1976 to 1978. Arranged chronologically Includes reports, minutes, project proposals. PRINTED MATERIALS NEWSLETTERS Arranged by title and within chronologically Includes newsletters from various health agencies including the newsletter produced by the Health Planning Association of Northwest Ohio. |
Inventory | Box 1 Folders
Box 2 Folders
Box 3 Folders
Box 4 Folders