MS 8 - Lima Young Men's Christian Association
MLA Citation
“MS 8 - Lima Young Men's Christian Association.” Finding Aids. BGSU University Libraries, 15 July 2015, Accessed 13 Feb. 2025.
Title | MS 8 - Lima Young Men's Christian Association |
Introduction | The records of the Lima, Ohio Young Men's Christian Association date from 1887 to 1969. The history of this social and religious institution is reflected in the collection which consists of eight linear feet of Board of Directors' Minutes, annual reports, correspondence, speeches of Robert J. Plate, membership lists, financial reports, and photographs. The records of the YMCA were donated to the Center for Archival Collections early in 1974 through the cooperation of the Executive Director Gene Cornwall and Paul Yon, Associate Director of the CAC. Literary and property rights have been dedicated to the public and duplication is permitted for the purposes of preservation and scholarly research. A number of the records have been placed on microfilm for patron use and for historic preservation. The register was prepared by Lydia Ross, Resource Specialist at the CAC. |
Agency History | The purpose of the Lima Young Men's Christian Association, according to the constitution, shall be "to help young persons develop Christian character and to aid them in building a Christian society by the maintenance of such activities and services as contribute to their physical, social, mental, and spiritual growth, and by such other means as may contribute to the accomplishment of this purpose." The Lima YMCA presently located at the corners of West and Spring Streets originated in the 1870s. The first attempt at organization was made by Lima business and Christian men. J. R. Hughes served as president, and funds amounting to $500 were raised in support of the institution. However, this first association lasted only two or three years. On November 7, 1887, through the leadership of Fred Bell, a new organization began with about 125 members. Meetings were held in the Collins Block until 1894, when a twenty-four room YMCA building was opened on Market Street. Robert J. Plate was elected president of the organization and Frank Eberhart served as secretary. As the association grew, a larger building was needed. The Market Street property was sold for $50,000 and the present site at West and Spring Streets was chosen. Construction of the new building was interrupted by World War I. The raising of revenue coupled with lack of building materials delayed its completion. The building was finished on September 1, 1920 and represented a $200,000 investment. The new structure consisted of seven stories at the front, with four stories at the rear and living accommodations for one hundred young men. Robert J. Plate served as president for over forty years until his death in June 1965. Samuel M. Jones also served as president of the association from June 6, 1890 to mid-November 1892. He later became the "Golden Rule" mayor of Toledo. |
Scope and Content | The records of the Young Men's Christian Association of Lima, Ohio document the history of a social and religious association and its members from 1887 to 1969. These records contain a wealth of information for several avenues of research. Predominantly consisting of Board of Directors' minutes, speeches, and scrapbooks, one could successfully document the growth of a social and religious institution and the impact it had on the community. Individually, a study of the board of directors' minutes, complete from 1887 to 1969, provide a researcher with information on the formation of the YMCA and how it chose to educate its members and the surrounding community. Sweat shop and factory workers often gathered at their noon hour for Bible study classes taught by local ministers and YMCA personnel. The monthly reports, 1905 to 1917 document the attendance at these meetings and the growing interest this type of program had during this time period. From a sociological perspective, the speeches of Robert J. Plate, 1918-1950 offer a record of running commentaries on the political, social, and religious aspects on both the local and national levels. His ability at raising funds for the YMCA can be demonstrated through his moving speeches. The women's auxiliary records, 1908-1922 and photographs of its members, provide a look into a facet of women's history and the role women played at this time in a predominantly male organization. The architectural historian will find in the board of directors' minutes, building records, fund raising campaigns and photographs of YMCA buildings, an overall history of the Lima YMCA building and its function in the community. The correspondence is predominantly with architects and builders. R. J. Plate's ability at raising funds for the building is documented in the correspondence by his letters of solicitation for funds. The entertainment advertising, 1899 to 1900, co-ed correspondence and activities, 1940 to 1941 and the scrapbooks covering over forty-seven years of YMCA history, would be useful in the study of popular culture. The flyers, brochures, tickets, and pamphlets provide a visual image to augment this research of an organization which has had a continued community appeal to this day. The cash and time books help portray the financial picture of the YMCA and the types of funds it used in its business transaction as well as the number of employees and their salaries. The photograph collection contains portraits of the prominent leaders of the YMCA, the building interior and exterior, various athletic groups, fourteen photographs of other YMCA buildings and a few labor photographs. These are an asset to the collection and certainly give the researcher a feel for the history of the Young Men's Christian Association and its members. All the records may be of some value to the genealogist. Simple verification of names and dates would be useful. |
Series Description | PROCEEDINGS ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES April 27, 1900-May 6, 1903 Arranged chronologically Includes financial statements, narrative outline of the year's activities, constitution of the YMCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MINUTES October 28, 1887-May 28, 1969 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of names of members present, motions, agreements, signatures of secretary, financial reports, resolutions for deceased members, record of receipts and expenditures, and the constitution (April 17, 1912) BUILDING COMMITTEE MINUTES June 12, 1892-May 3, 1895 Arranged chronologically Includes a listing of names on the general and young men's funds committees, names of members present, motions, agreements CENTRAL HI-Y MINUTES October 24, 1922-April 23, 1924 Contains a record of the meetings held by the Lima Central High School Hi-Y Club, topic of discussion or speeches given at each meeting, secretary's signature. FOREMEN'S CLUB October 23, 1924-January 16, 1934 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of names and addresses of members, minutes, financial statements, committee members. MEMBERSHIP RECORD 1881-1886, 1889-1902 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of date of admission, address, business address, occupation, what church is a member of, church attending, age and type of membership. STATISTICAL REGISTER 1894-1897 Arranged chronologically Includes a record of various meetings, topics of discussion, speakers and number attending WOMEN'S AUXILIARY RECORD March 24, 1908-November 22, 1922 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of the organization's constitution, list of members, motions, agreements, amendments, bills, dues paid and numerous committees organized. CORRESPONDENCE CO-ED CLUB CORRESPONDENCE AND ACTIVITIES 1940-1941 Arranged chronologically Includes correspondence with prospective entertainment groups, list of members attending activities, and flyers advertising events and activities. CORRESPONDENCE Incoming, 1909-1954; Outgoing, 1899-1952 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of incoming and outgoing correspondence between builders, architects, those solicited for fund-raising help and R. J. Plate, president for over forty years. SUBJECT FILES/CASE FILES BUILDING ESTIMATES 1894 Arranged chronologically Includes an itemized listing of building expenses CAMPAIGN PUBLICATIONS AND LITERATURE 1909-1951 Arranged chronologically Includes fund-raising campaign schedules, names of individuals helping to raise funds for the 1934 campaign, itemized list of contributions from individuals and businesses. COMPETITION RECORD n.d. Unarranged. Contains a record of various athletic events, participants and scores. DEDICATIONS, CONVENTIONS February 16, 1919-February 1953 Arranged chronologically Contains a narrative description of those primarily responsible for the YMCA building, names of members on the board of directors and building committee, addresses made by President Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, programs from various meetings, hightlights of the sixty-five years of the Lima YMCA GLEANINGS FROM YMCA MINUTE BOOKS 1887-1937 Arranged chronologically Consists of a historical outline of the Lima YMCA MISCELLANEOUS 1914-1959 Arranged chronologically Includes brochures, newsletters and a 1958 annual report MISCELLANEOUS (NEW BUILDING) 1913-1916 Arranged chronologically Includes information on architects who have built YMCA buildings, responsibilities of the finance committee, contract with architect for Lima YMCA, listing of architects' clients and structures built. STUDY OF PRESENT CONDITIONS AND FUTURE TRENDS 1934 Includes a narrative outline of the functions of the YMCA, lists contributions to the Lima YMCA and to various other YMCA organizations in the midwest. REPORTS ANNUAL REPORTS 1890-1891 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of officers, board of directors, chairmen of committees, ladies auxiliary officers, treasurer's annual report, treasurer of ladies auxiliary report, list of sustaining members, an outline of the physical, social, mental and spiritual activities. ANNUAL SECRETARY'S REPORT 1901-1905, 1907-1908, 1910-1915, 1922-1924, 1929, 1931 Arranged chronologically Includes financial reports, outlines of activities and individuals served. MONTHLY REPORT 1905-1917 Arranged chronologically Includes a report of the YMCA's activities with emphasis on its Christian mission to reach young men in factories with shop meetings. MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT February, March, April, 1905, n.d. Arranged chronologically Contains a record of attendance at YMCA functions, reports given by Religious, Educational, Social and Infomation and Relief Departments WEEKLY RECEIPT REPORT October, December 1905, January 1906 Arranged chronologically Includes a listing of money received each week for memberships, towels, lockers and keys, subscriptions, Sunday collections, tuition, and old books. LITERARY PRODUCTIONS SPEECHES AND PARTS OF SPEECHES BY ROBERT J. PLATE 1918-1950 Arranged chronologically FINANCIAL CASH BOOKS 1892-1911 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of contributions, young men's fund, general fund, final fund, contracts, interest, salaries, postage and printing, membership payments. EXPANSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1958-1966 Arranged chronologically Contains a record of investments, loans, expenditures, cash received on pledges, building costs, list of delinquent contributions to YMCA building fund. TIME BOOK July 15, 1922-June 30, 1930 Arranged chronologically Contains a listing of employees and salaries TRANSMITTAL OF FUNDS AND SUMMARY SHEETS 1961-1966 Arranged chronologically Contains a listing of pledges received each month, from what individuals or business. Includes summary sheets of pledges paid and totals for each date. YM FUND SUBSCRIBERS 1905-1905 Arranged chronologically Includes date, name of subscriber, amount donated, and name of person securing subscription SCRAPBOOKS AND SCRAPBOOK MATERIAL NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS 1888-1889, 1917-1963 Arranged chronologically SCRAPBOOKS 1882-1905, 1920-1944 Arranged chronologically Includes pamphlets, flyers, tickets, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and one volume on Lima's men and women who served in the armed forces in World War II (October 1941-November 1942) MAPS, CHARTS, DIAGRAMS, GRAPHS, LISTS, ETC. BUILDING FUND PLEDGES (WORKERS) 1916 Arranged chronologically Includes a listing of names of various individuals employed by businesses in Lima and the amount pledged to the building fund. PRINTED MATERIAL ENTERTAINMENT ADVERTISING 1899-1900 Arranged chronologically Contains three broadsides announcing various YMCA entertainment LIMA'S YOUNG MEN 1888-1900 Arranged chronologically Lima's Young Men consists of a newsletter published by the YMCA with a circulation of 1,000. The newsletter includes YMCA state and local news, meetings, activities of various groups, a listing of officers and board of directors. MISCELLANEOUS TICKETS AND PAMPHLETS 1891-1893, 1896-1901, 1939-1942 Arranged chronologically Includes tickets and pamphlets to YMCA meetings and lectures POINTERS FOR YOUNG MEN 1890 Arranged chronologically Includes a listing of all information regarding a YMCA membership, cost, facilities, and programs YMCA OF OHIO--STATE WORK 1888 One issue of State Work: Young Men's Christian Association of Ohio. Consists of news of various YMCA organizations around the state, finances, and a column on the organization of the Lima YMCA PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS Includes photographs of the Lima YMCA interior and exterior, athletic teams, Y-girls, national YMCA buildings, Billy Sunday Tabernacle, labor photographs and Lima Locomotive and Machine Company. PHOTOGRAPHS--PORTRAITS Includes photographs of the major contributors to the YMCA and other members. |
Inventory | Box 1 Folder
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Wrapped Volumes
Oversized photos in oversized manuscript drawer #56
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