The Brenda McCallum Collection consists of approximately 37 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Brenda McCallum beginning in 1989. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by contacting the BPCL Reference email. The…
The James Sweid Nesteby Collection consists of approximately 4 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Dr. Nesteby beginning in 1986, with the remainder donated by his family after his death in 1993. This collection may be accessed by…
The Dr. Michael T. Marsden Collection consists of approximately 2.5 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Dr. Michael Marsden beginning in 1991. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by contacting the BPCL reference…
The Alan Levy Collection consists of approximately 32.5 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Alan Levy beginning in 1967. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by contacting the BPCL reference email. The collection has…
The Peter C. Rollins Collection consists of approximately 18 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Peter C. Rollins between 1984 and 2014. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by contacting the BPCL reference email.…
The Richard Lane Collection consists of approximately 0.25 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by his widow in 1988. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by contacting the BPCL reference email. The collection has no…
The Thomas Dunn & Richard Erlich Collection consists of approximately 4.2 linear feet of manuscript materials. The collection was donated to the Browne Popular Culture Library by Thomas Dunn & Richard Erlich between 1984 and 2001. This collection is unprocessed, but may be accessed by…
The collection consists of 0.8 linear feet of material relating to the "Coastermania" course taught at Bowling Green State University during the summer of 1978. The materials are open for research except for one folder that contains some sensitive material. Researchers must comply with all…
The Bowling Green State University Popular Press was begun by Ray and Pat Browne in 1967 as a means to publish theJournal of Popular Culture. By 1969 the press began to publish books. It was the official mouth-piece of what was then a fledgling movement to promote the academic study of every day…
The Ray B. Browne Collection is comprised of over 43 cubic feet of correspondence, files, literary manuscripts and printed materials dating from 1950 to 2011. Some earlier and more recent dates are scattered within the correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials. Dr. Browne's research…
The materials contained in the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) collection were obtained from Ray and Pat Browne, Michael Marsden, Peter C. Rollins, and several other members of the associations since 1983, after PCA Secretary/Treasurer Ray Browne suggested the…
"The Future of Popular Culture Studies in the 2st Century" was the title of a conference honoring the retirement of Professor Ray B. Browne at Bowling Green State University's Department of Popular Culture on June 4-6, 1992. The collection includes one cubic foot of proceedings, correspondence,…
The Consortium of Popular Culture Collections in the Midwest (CPCCM) was established in 1990 with its archives being housed at the Browne Popular Culture Library. Founding members included Bowling Green State University, Michigan State University and Ohio State University. Kent State University…